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AccueilNuméros18.21. Letters to SwiftIII/ Appendices: Three genuine le...Letter from Mrs. Howard to Dr. Swift

1. Letters to Swift
III/ Appendices: Three genuine letters to Swift

Letter from Mrs. Howard to Dr. Swift

Texte intégral

Letter from Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk, to Jonathan Swift, c. 10th November 1726

Page 1

© British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r

Letter from Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk, to Jonathan Swift, c. 10th November 1726

Page 2

© British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r

Letter from Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk, to Jonathan Swift, c. 10th November 1726

Page 3

© British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r

1c. 10 November 1726

2I did not expect, that the sight of my ring wou'd produce the Effects it has. I was in such a hurry to show your Pl— [Plaid] to the Pss [Princess], that I cou'd not stay to put it into the Shape you desired. It pleas'd extremely, and I have orders to fit it up according to the first design but as this is not proper for the Publick, you are desir'd to send over for the same Pss use the hight of the Brobdingnag Dwarf Multipli'd by 2½. The young Pss must be taken care of. Theres must be in three shares. for a short method you may draw a line of twenty foot, and upon that, by two Circles, form an Eqalateral Triangle; then measuring each side you will find the proper quantity and proper Division. if you want a more particular, or better rule, I referr you to the Academy of Lagado. I am of opinion many in this Kingdom will soon appear in your Pl—. to this end, it will be highly Necessary that care be taken of disposing of the Purple, the Yellow and the white Silks. and though the G—ns [Gowns] are for the Pss, the officers are very Vigilant, so take care they are not seiz'd. don't forget to be observant how you dispose of the Colours. I shall take all prarticular precautions to have the money ready; and to return it the way you judge safest. I think it wou'd be worth Your reflecting in what manner the Checquer might be best managed.

3The Pss will take care that you shall have pumps sufficient to serve you till your return to England; but thinks you cannot in Comon Dencency appear in heels; and therefore advices your Keeping Close till they Arrive. here is several Lilliputian Mathematicians; so that the Length of your head, or of your foot is a sufficient Measure; send it by the first oppertunity. don't forget our good friends the five Hundred Weavers. You may omitt the Gold thread. Many disputes has arrise here, whither the Big-Endians and lesser-Endians's, ever differ'd in opinion about the braking of Eggs, when they were either to be butter'd, or Poach'd? or whither this part of Cookery was ever known in Lilliput?

4I cannot conclude without telling you that our Island is in great Joy; one of our Yahoo’s having been diliver'd of a Creature, half Ram, and half Yahoo; and an other has brought forth four perfect Black Rabits. may we not hope? and with some probability expect that in time our female Yahoo's will produce a race of Houyhnhnms. I am Sir Your most humble Ser[van]t Sieve Yahoo

5The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. 4 vols. Edited by David Woolley, Peter Lang. Vol. III, p.50.

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Crédits © British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r
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Crédits © British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r
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Crédits © British Library Board.  MS 22625, ff.11r-12r
Fichier image/jpeg, 197k
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« Letter from Mrs. Howard to Dr. Swift »e-Rea [En ligne], 18.2 | 2021, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2021, consulté le 07 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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