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Submission guidelines for authors

All submissions should be sent to the Editor.

Articles will not exceed 6500 words (+/- 10%), which amounts to a dozen pages written in 12 point Times New Roman. Longer articles will need the approval of the editorial board and will be published only on extraordinary occasions.

The publisher takes care of the page setting. You thus can use the font and size type you want. However clearly differentiate the long quotations from the body of the text (using 12pt for text, 10pt for quotations for instance).

Your article should be presented as follows.


  • Author’s name

  • Institutional affiliation

  • biodata in French (100 words at the most) if possible

  • biodata in English (100 words at the most)

  • Abstract in French if possible (200-250 words at the most)

  • Keywords in French if possible (use commas to separate the words)

  • Abstract in English (200-250 words at the most)

  • Keywords in English (use commas to separate the words)

  • Article

  • Bibliography

No more than two levels (headings/subheadings). Do not number them.

Spelling should be consistently either British or American.

Short quotations will use “…”, and ‘…’ for quotes within quotes.

Quotations are introduced as follows.

As Hudson (1989, 322) underlines, “…” OR

“Quote” (Hudson 1989, 322):

  • Footnotes must be explanatory. They should not mention references.

  • Do not use ibid, ibidem, which is redundant with what precedes.

  • Do not use first names in your text. Ex: ‘As Jeffries underlines,’ and not ‘Lesley Jeffries’ or ‘L. Jeffries’.

  • Please make sure that each reference in the text has an entry in the bibliography.

  • The bibliography should not include references not mentioned in the text.

  • For the mention of centuries, use letters: ‘in the seventeenth century…’

  • Punctuation: full stops after quotes in the text (…question”.), footnotes inserted after quote and before full stop (…question”1.)

  • Repeat every digit in page numbers: 55-56, 206-207.

  • If you use numerous examples/quotations, number them for ease of reference :

(1) ….
(2) ….
(3) ….

  • Gender issues : use ‘s/he’ or ‘he or she’ or ‘she’, ‘his/her’ or ‘his or her’ or ‘her’.

  • In case of multiple authors, use ‘et al.’ (Sacks et al. 1973) ; for two authors, use ‘and’ in the text, e.g. ‘as Jeffries and McIntyre (2010) underline…’, but ‘&’ when used in brackets, e.g. (Jeffries & McIntyre 2010).

Bibliography (examples)

JEFFRIES, Lesley & McINTYRE, Dan. 2010. Stylistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Do not use capital letters for article/chapter titles (except for the first word)

GOATLY, Andrew. 2011. “Conventional metaphors and the latent ideology of racism.” In M. FLUDERNIK (ed.), Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory. Perspectives on Literary Metaphor. New York: Routledge, p. 258-280.

HIDALGO-DOWNING, Laura. 2000. “Negation in discourse: a text world approach to Joseph Heller’s Catch-22.” Language and Literature 9.3: 215-239.

  • Insert the original date of publication between [ ] as follows

WOOLF, Virginia. 2000 [1925]. Mrs Dalloway. London: Penguin Classics.

  • For references to books/articles by the same author, repeat the name.

  • If several works by the same author were published the same year, use 2000a, 2000b, etc.

  • Adopt chronological order for multiple entries. Ex :

HIDALGO-DOWNING, Laura. 2000. …



  • In case there are several editors, please use (eds), with no full stop.

  • For references to websites, indicate the date of last access. Ex: Société de Stylistique Anglaise, (home page), accessed 17 December 2016.

IMPORTANT: the papers addressed to the editor will not be reviewed if they do not conform to this stylesheet

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