Indice | Keywords
Keywords | Parole chiave
- Abel-Rémusat
- absolute value
- abstract thought
- abstractionism
- accidental freedom
- Acinema
- acoustic space
- acoustics
- actor-network theory
- actualism
- Adorno
- adverbialism
- aesthetic experience
- aesthetic interactionism
- aesthetic judgement
- aesthetic judgment
- aesthetic material
- aesthetic pleasure
- aesthetic production
- aesthetics
- aesthetics of architecture
- aesthetics of television series
- agency
- agency evidentialism
- Alberti
- algorithms
- Allen Carlson
- alteration
- ambiente naturale
- ambiente sociale
- Analogy
- analogy
- analytic ontology
- analytic philosophy
- ancient Chinese philosophy
- angel of history
- animality
- anosmia
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Anthropocene
- antirealism
- antisemitism
- aorgic
- arbitrariness
- architects
- architectural aesthetics
- architectural concept
- architectural philosophy
- architectural theory
- architecture
- archival image
- argumentation
- Aristotle’s Poetics
- art
- art criticism
- art market
- art theory
- art world
- art-definition
- art-like objects
- artefact
- artefacts
- articulation
- artifact
- artifacts
- artification
- artificial habitats
- artistic work
- arts
- artwork
- artworld
- atmosphere
- attention
- auditory object
- auditory objects
- auditory perceptions of groupings
- auditory qualia
- augmented reality
- Augustine
- aura
- authenticity
- autonomous art
- autopoiesis
- autopoietic systems
- avant-garde
- azoic hypothesis
- Bachelard
- baroque aesthetics
- Battleship Potemkin
- beauty
- being ready is everything
- belief
- Benjamin
- Berio
- betweenness
- biodiversity
- biodiversity definition
- biodiversity ethics
- biodiversity levels
- biodiversity scales
- biodiversity value
- biological inventory
- biological species
- blackness
- boredom
- boundaries
- Buddhism
- Burden
- Callon (Michel)
- calls
- Campana (Dino)
- catastrophic event
- causal agency
- causal chain
- causal ineffectiveness
- Cavell (Stanley)
- central banks
- centric ray
- chance
- character
- characters
- charlemagne
- Charter
- chimera
- China
- chinese aesthetics
- Chinese metaphysics
- chivalry
- chronotope of seriality
- cinema
- classical german philosophy
- classical German philosophy
- Classicism
- classifications
- climate change
- climate justice
- Code
- cognation
- cognitive powers
- cognitive science
- cognitive value of literature
- cognitivism
- coherence
- collapse of values
- collective action
- collective freedom
- collective intentionality
- collective moral responsibility
- collective responsibility
- collective subjects
- combinatorial
- commodification
- commons sense
- communication
- community
- community ecology
- compliance
- composition
- computational ontology
- concept
- conceptual art
- configurational fold
- conformism
- Confucianism
- Conscience
- constitutive rules
- consumerism
- contemporary art
- Contemporary Art
- contents
- continental philosophy
- contractualism
- contradiction
- convergent and divergent evolution of ideas
- cosmos
- covid
- Creation
- Creativity
- credit
- crisis
- critical philosophy
- cultural diversities
- cultural diversity
- cultural exclusion zone
- cultural exclusion zones
- cultural frontier (borderline) zones
- cultural identity
- culture industry
- Dagong writer
- Dante
- Danto
- Danto (Arthur)
- Daodejing
- Daoism
- daoism
- David Brewster
- David Lewis
- deactualization
- Death of Art
- debt
- deception
- deconstructionism
- deep-sea fauna
- deleuze
- democracy
- democratic institutions
- democratic polity
- denial of coevalness
- descriptivism
- design
- design theory
- desire
- Dewey
- diaphanous
- difference
- différend
- differend
- Digital arts
- digital mobilisation
- dimensions of sound
- dipolarity
- disagreement
- discretion
- discrimination
- disgust
- disinterestedness
- disorder
- display
- dispositif
- dissemination
- disturbation
- diversity
- diversity measurement
- diversity-stability hypothesis
- document
- documentality
- Documentality
- documents
- doxastic voluntarism
- drive
- Durkheim
- Dynamic Square
- Dystopic Fiction
- earth
- East- West dialogue
- eccentric
- eccezione
- Eco
- ecology
- economic exchange
- economic modelling
- economic performativity
- economy
- econophysics
- ecosystem functioning
- ecosystem services
- Edmund Husserl
- education
- efficiency
- eidos
- Eisenstein
- Ejzenštejn
- electronic music
- embodied symbol
- emergence
- emergent properties
- emersonian perfectionism
- Emilio Garroni
- emotion
- emotions
- empathy
- empirical
- emptiness
- enactive music perception
- enactivism
- Encyclopaedia
- end of art
- engagement
- enopé
- entropy
- environment
- environmental aesthetics
- environmental ethics
- environmental sound
- epic
- Epigenesis
- epistemological condition
- epistemology
- equality
- equity
- Estetica razionale
- ethical experience
- ethics
- ethics and ideology
- ethics in Russia
- ethics of dieting
- ethnically-marked contemporary art
- Europe
- everyday aesthetics
- evidence
- Evolutionary Aesthetics
- Evolutionary novelty
- exaptation
- exemplarity
- experience
- explanatory models
- expressive movement
- extended mind
- externalism
- fact of reason
- fallibility
- False
- female domination (femdom)
- feminism
- feminist futures
- feminist theory
- Ferraris
- fetus
- fiction
- Fiction
- fictional characters
- field of sense
- film studies
- final value
- finalism
- financial crash
- financial crisis
- financialization of art
- food
- food ontology
- form
- Form
- formalism
- formativity
- Foucault (Michel)
- four-dimensionalism
- frame
- Francesco Varela
- freedom
- Freedom
- freehand brushwork
- friendship
- frontier zones
- fullness
- function
- Function
- function imposition
- functions
- future
- future generations
- future of food
- game theory
- gameness
- gauge freedom
- gender
- gender stereotypes
- general norms
- generation
- gentleman
- Geography
- geography
- gesture
- Gewu
- Gilbert (Margaret)
- Giordano Bruno
- Glass House
- global aesthetics
- global environmental justice
- globalization
- goal-directed movement
- Goethe
- Google Glass
- Google street view
- graffiti
- Gregory Skovoroda
- group intention
- group membership
- grouping properties
- guessing
- happiness
- healthcare
- healthcare system
- heaven
- Hegel
- Hegel (Friedrich)
- Heidegger
- Henry Maldinay
- hermeneutics
- heterarchy
- hierarchical paradigm
- hierarchy
- higher-order objects
- Historical Ontology
- history
- History of Ideas
- History of Reading
- Hölderlin (Friedrich)
- Holmes Rolston
- Holy Sepulchre
- Homeric Epics
- Homology
- homology
- house
- human being
- human dignity
- humanity
- Humberto Maturana
- Husserl
- hybrid
- Hybrid Ontologies
- hydrological justice
- hypertext
- Hysteresis
- i-Aesthetics
- iconoclasm
- iconology
- ideal
- ideal human measure
- idealism
- identification
- identity
- idolatry
- illocutionary silencing
- images
- imagination
- Imagination
- imaginative
- immediacy
- immediation
- Immersive Experience
- improvisation in music
- in-between
- inclusion
- incommensurability
- incomprehensibility
- Indexicality
- indexicals
- indiscernibility
- individual behavior
- individual responsibility
- individualisation
- individuality
- industrial literature
- influence
- inherent value
- institution
- institutional facts
- institutions
- intellectual intuition
- intellectual witness
- intentionality
- interaction
- Interactivity
- interface
- intermediality
- internet
- Interpretation
- interpretationism
- intersubjectivity
- intra-action
- intrinsic value
- intuitions
- irony
- irreducibility
- istituzioni
- labor
- labour
- Lacan
- lack of trascendence
- Language
- Laozi
- law and humanities
- law of friendship
- le Brun’s tapestry for Louis XIV
- learning
- Lech Majewski
- lecture
- legal judgment
- legal normativity
- leisure
- Lexical Competence
- lexical competence
- liberation
- life
- life inventories
- lifeworld
- light
- limits of language
- literalism
- literary ideas
- literary work
- literature
- logic
- loss of subject
- Louis H. Sullivan
- Louis Marin
- love
- Ludovico Dolce
- Lyotard
- malheur
- Manifesto
- marginalism
- Marx (Karl)
- Mass Media
- mass-media
- materiality
- Matter
- Meaning eliminativism
- meaning experiences
- mechanisms of cultural exclusion
- media archeology
- media culture
- media ontology
- media studies
- medicine
- medieval platonism
- meinongianism
- memory
- mental images
- mental representation
- mention
- Merleau-Ponty
- Merleau-Ponty (Maurice)
- meta-institutional concepts
- meta-metaphysics
- metaphors of the screen
- metaphysic of sounds
- metaphysics
- metodology
- Middle Age
- Middle Ages
- milieu
- mimesis
- mind and ontology
- minimalism
- mitigation
- modernism
- Modernism
- money
- moral philosophy
- moral reasons
- moral status
- moral teleology
- morality
- Morphology
- morphology
- motivation
- multisensory
- music
- musical event
- musical sound
- naming
- Narcisuss
- narration
- natural history
- natural law
- nature
- Nature
- Naturphilosophie
- navigation
- Nazism
- necessity
- neo-idealism
- neoinstitutionalism
- network
- New Confucianism
- new media
- new realism
- new wave
- newness
- Nietzsche (Friedrich)
- Nietzschean influence
- noise
- non-places
- normatività
- normativity
- normativity.
- nose
- nothing
- object's truth
- object-oriented ontology
- objective vs. subjective
- objectivity
- objects agency
- offer
- olfactory aesthetics
- olfactory art
- Ontogenetic Hypothesis
- ontologia sociale
- ontological pluralism
- ontological-artistic judgement
- ontology
- Ontology
- ontology of art
- ontology of finance
- open work
- Open Work
- order
- Organism
- organismality
- origins
- orphism
- orthodoxy
- orthopaedic mirror
- osmogenesis
- other
- other condition
- otherness
- otium
- ownership
- painting
- paradigm of mirror
- paradox
- paradox ontology
- parental responsibility
- Paris Agreement
- Participatory Art
- participatory culture
- pathos
- pedagogy
- peer groups
- perception
- perceptual constancy
- perceptual knowledge
- performance
- performance art
- perfume
- Perniola (Mario)
- personal identity
- Personal World and Common-surrounding World
- Personalistic and Naturalistic Attitudes
- Peter Eisenman
- phenomenology
- phenomenology of joint action
- philosophy
- Philosophy
- philosophy of art
- Philosophy of Art
- Philosophy of Biology
- philosophy of design
- philosophy of fiction
- philosophy of finance
- philosophy of history
- philosophy of literature
- philosophy of music
- Philosophy of Mythology
- philosophy of sound
- philosophy of technology
- philosophy of television series
- physical labor
- physical objects
- Plato
- plural subject
- plural-subject account
- pluralism
- poetics
- poetry
- poiesis
- policy reform
- political institutions
- political liberalism
- politicization of art
- politics
- pop philosophy
- popular music
- pornography
- portrait
- post-catastrophic time
- post-historical art
- post-traumatic subject
- postcinema
- postconceptual art
- postmodenism
- pothumanity
- power
- practice
- pratiche
- Preformism
- presence
- Presence
- prestige television
- presuppositions
- principle
- procedure
- process
- Process Philosophy
- producing system
- production
- project
- project act
- propositional truth
- protestantism
- prototyping
- Proust
- prudential reasons
- Pseudomorphism
- psychic resonator
- public reason
- rain
- Rationalism
- rationality
- rawls
- reactualization
- reader’s imagination
- Realism
- realism
- reality
- Reality
- recognition requirement
- recognitional fold
- Reflective Judgment
- relativism
- religion
- relocation
- repetition
- representation
- resemblance
- resistance
- responsibility
- Responsibility and Wellbeing
- revolution
- rhetoric
- Rhizome
- rhythm
- Ricoeur
- Robert Musil
- Romanticism
- Roussel (Raymond)
- Russia
- Russian culture
- Russian Institute of Art History
- sacrifice
- sadomasochism
- sand
- Schelling
- Schiller (Friedrich)
- science
- science fiction
- screen
- screen-sphere
- script
- Searle
- second scholasticism
- seeing-in
- self
- self/other
- semantic innocence
- semantic memory
- Semiotic
- semiotics
- Semiotics
- semiotics of culture
- sense of belonging
- sense of the self
- sensible ideas
- serial drama
- sex
- sex and the city
- sexism
- sexual refusals
- sicilian baroque
- significance
- signification
- silence
- similarity
- singing
- sinology
- slurs
- smell
- smellscape anosmia
- social facts
- social grammatology
- social groups
- social metaphysics
- social objects
- social ontology
- social organization
- Social Passions
- social reality
- society
- solidarity
- sonorous body
- sound art
- soundscape
- space
- spatial perception
- specialized knoweledge
- species
- species boundaries
- species category
- species diversity
- species problem
- species redundancy
- Speculation
- Spinoza
- spiral of revenge
- spirit
- spiritual labor
- spirituality
- stasis
- story
- Strategic Choice Approach
- street art
- Structure
- style
- subjectivity
- subjet
- sublime
- Summa
- surface
- symbolism
- system
- taste
- taxa
- technics
- technique
- techno music
- technological delusion
- technological reproducibility
- Technology
- technology
- Teleological Judgement
- teleology
- temporality
- textuality
- the Book of Odes
- the everyday
- theater in the theater
- theatre
- theatrical performance
- theology
- theory of law
- thought experiment
- time
- time-after
- to memory
- totalitarianism
- tragedy
- tragic
- tragic hero
- transcendence
- transgenerational actions
- transgenerational justice
- transmedia storytelling
- transnational/geopolitical
- transparency
- trauma
- tree
- trust
- truth
- truth in fiction
- tv aesthetics
- TV series
- tv series