73 | 2020
New Ontologies of Art
edited by Adam Andrzejewski
Ontology of art is flourishing, with a plethora of research papers and monographs dedicated to this area appearing each year. It is commonly believed that ontology of art is one of the main fields in aesthetics. This is not surprising since many, if not all, aesthetic questions presuppose some level of ontological inquiry. Sadly, lasting achievements in ontology of art have proved elusive. The vast number of existing, mutually exclusive positions within the area suggests that there is a hidden possible solution within it that has not been elaborated so far. For philosophers and art theorists it is evident that the art world constantly brings forth new art objects and practices that undermine established ontological categories and concepts. This indisputable fact is a trigger for brave and novel investigations within and beyond much of the work in ontology of art, traditionally understood. The papers collected in this issue of Rivista di estetica represent different styles and methodologies of philosophical inquiry. Thanks to this fact we can call them “new ontologies of art”, since research into artworks and their relation to humans calls for insights from several perspectives.
Prima pagina [Testo integrale]
Introduction [Testo integrale]
Improvisation and ontology of art [Testo integrale]
Tv series and their boundaries [Testo integrale]
Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutics as a bridge between aesthetics and ontology [Testo integrale]
Rhythm ’n’ Dewey: an adverbialist ontology of art [Testo integrale]
Narciso nel Quattrocento: percezione, conoscenza, arte [Testo integrale]
Estetica aromatica [Testo integrale]Odore, politiche dell'atmosfera e impegno percettivo
Pietro Montani, Dario Cecchi, Martino Feyles, Ambienti mediali [Testo integrale]