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Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for Authors Submitting their Articles in English

The Revue d’études benthamiennes examines and submits to external reviewers all the articles it receives. It covers a wide range of scholarly studies of Utilitarianism in all disciplines of the social sciences (economics, ethics, history, law, littérature, philosophy, politics, sociology, etc.). Articles in English are welcome.

Articles should be sent by email to the following address:

The guidelines below must be followed in all articles accepted for publication.

The text

- Saved under .doc or .rtf format exclusively

- Times New Roman 12

- Spacing: 1.5

- Justified paragraphs

Please check that English is defined as the default language in your document.

Try to avoid personalised layouts and fonts (esp. margins), which can make the final formatting of the document difficult.


Give 5 to 10 keywords so that your article can be indexed.


Please provide two summaries (250 words maximum), one in French and one in English.

Titles and sub-titles

It is highly recommended to use titles and subtitles to facilitate online reading.

- Times New Roman 14

- Underlined

- Clearly numbered (I, A, a or 1, 1.1, 1.1.1)


- Check that inverted commas have been used consistently if the quote is inserted within a paragraph and that all quotes are referenced.

- Quotes longer than 3 lines must be indented.


- Footnotes only (endnotes excluded)

- Times New Roman 10

- They must have been generated automatically by the word processor (no manual insertions)

- 150 words maximum

- No indentation before the footnote

- Single spacing (within the notes, between the notes)

- In English, footnotes references should be placed after the punctuation

ex : as E. Halévy has noted,1

- Quoting works in footnotes (first reference):

- Bentham, Jeremy, Rights, Representation and Reform, eds. P.Schofield, C. Pease-Watkin and C. Blamires (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2002)

- Bentham, Jeremy, Radical Reform Bill, Preliminary Explanations, in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. J. Bowring (Edinburgh, 1838-1843), vol. III, p.000

- Bentham, Jeremy, De l’ontologie, ed. P. Schofield, trad. J.-P. Cléro and C. Laval (Paris, Seuil, 1997)

- Halévy, Elie, La formation du radicalisme philosophique (Paris, PUF, 1995), vol. I

- Whatmore, Richard « Étienne Dumont, the British Constitution and the French Revolution », The Historical Journal, 50 (2007), pp.23-47

- Blamires, Cyprian, « The Bibliothèque britannique and the birth of Utilitarianism », in The Transmission of Culture in Western Europe, 1750-1850, eds. David Bickerton and Judith Proud (Berne, Peter Lang, 1999), pp.51-68 

- For subsequent references, use abbreviated forms:

- Bentham, J., Rights, Representations and Reform, p.000

- Bentham, J., Radical Reform Bill, Bowring III, p.000

- Whatmore, R., « Etienne Dumont », p.000

- Page numbers: p.000 ; pp.00-10


Each article must include a list of references.

The format is identical to that indicated above. The author’s name can be in capital letters. Please repeat the author’s name in full when there are more than one reference.

Primary and secondary sources may be distinguished. The alphabetical order (for authors’ names) must be followed in each subpart.

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