The Journal
The Revue d’études benthamiennes is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of utilitarian thought in France. The Journal welcomes contributions on classical utilitarianism and on more contemporary trends in economics, law and philosophy in order to foster open interdisciplinary academic research on themes, authors, objects and history in the field of the journal. The REB intends to promote university research into these domains and does not impose any specific reading or interpretation. It publishes mainly in French and English.
The Journal was created in 2006 by members of the Centre Bentham. It then worked as a privileged medium to publish in the field of Bentham studies.
With time, the Journal had become a unique media for research in France on classical and contemporary utilitarian issues. The editorial committee had to take stock of this interest which extended beyond the initial aim to study, comment and translate the works of Jeremy Bentham. Since 2018, the Journal has thus decided to renew itself and has welcomed on its editorial board members with research interests matching this new editorial line.