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A Note on The Swiss Benin Initiative. Identifying Looted Artefacts and Addressing Their Return

Note sur l’Initiative Bénin Suisse. Identification des objets pillés et réflexions sur leur retour
Alice Hertzog et Enibokun Uzebu-Imarhiagbe
p. 971-984


L’Initiative Bénin Suisse est une démarche commune qui réunit huit musées publics suisses possédant des fonds provenant de Benin City au Nigéria. Cette note de recherche présente les résultats de la première étape du projet (2021-2022) qui visait à identifier la provenance des collections et à déterminer quels objets étaient susceptibles d’avoir été pillés en 1897. Elle présente une méthodologie multisituée pour entreprendre des recherches de provenance, à la fois dans les collections des musées et dans les communautés sources, et illustre la manière dont les musées suisses abordent actuellement les collections contestées.

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The Swiss Benin Initiative
Participating Museums
Research Methodology
122 Years of Acquisitions
Actors and Agency
Research Results
Category 1: Objects Looted in 1897
Category 2: Objects Likely to Have Been Looted in 1897
Category 3: Objects Unlikely to Have Been Looted in 1897
Category 4: Objects Not Looted in 1897
Next Steps

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In January 2023, a delegation led by the Nigerian National Commission for Museums and Monuments and the Place of the Oba of Benin flew into Zurich. Having spent the previous year negotiating the return of Benin objects from museums in Germany and the us, their attention now turned to around one hundred objects held in eight public museums in Switzerland.

For over a year, the museums had been working together, under the banner of the Swiss Benin Initiative (bis), to identify the pieces from Benin City in their collections. What was their provenance? When and how had they been acquired? Most importantly, were they taken during the looting of Benin City in 1897?

These are questions that many museums in Europe have been asking themselves in a context of heightened scrutiny regarding the so-called “Benin Bronzes.” Since 2021, provenance reports have been published on the Benin collections in museums all over Europe. These include the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford (Hicks 2021), the National ...

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Référence papier

Alice Hertzog et Enibokun Uzebu-Imarhiagbe, « A Note on The Swiss Benin Initiative. Identifying Looted Artefacts and Addressing Their Return »Cahiers d’études africaines, 251-252 | 2023, 971-984.

Référence électronique

Alice Hertzog et Enibokun Uzebu-Imarhiagbe, « A Note on The Swiss Benin Initiative. Identifying Looted Artefacts and Addressing Their Return »Cahiers d’études africaines [En ligne], 251-252 | 2023, mis en ligne le 03 janvier 2026, consulté le 15 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Alice Hertzog

Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Enibokun Uzebu-Imarhiagbe

Department of History and International Studies, University of Benin City, Nigeria

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