1/Références bibliographiques sur la croisière
Aspects généraux :
Grenier, A. (2008). « Le tourisme de croisière », Téoros, 27 (2) : 36-48.
Chin, C.B.N. (2008). Cruising in the Global Economy. Profits, Pleasure and Work at Sea, Ashgate.
Dickinson, B. and A. Vladimir (2008). Selling the sea: an inside look at the cruise industry, Wiley.
Douglas, N. and N. Douglas (2004). The cruise experience: Global and regional issues in cruising, Pearson education.
Dowling, R.K. (2006). Cruise ship tourism, Cabi international.
Gibson, P and A. Papathanassis (2010). “The Cruise Industry – emerging issues, problems and solutions: The 2nd International Cruise Conference”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 12: 405-407.
Jaakson, R. (2004). “Beyond the Tourist Bubble? Cruiseship Passengers in Port”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31 (1): 44-60.
Kester, J.G.C. (2003). “Cruise Tourism”, Tourism Economics, 9 (3): 337-350.
Klein, R. A. (2008). Paradise Lost at Sea: Rethinking Cruise Vacations, Halifax, Fernwood Publishing.
Mancini, M. (2004). Cruising: A guide to the Cruise Line Industry, Thomson Delmar Learning.
Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme (2003). L’activité des croisières dans le monde, Editions OMT.
Weaver, A. (2005b). “The McDonaldization Thesis and Cruise Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research , 32 (2): 346-366.
Wood, R. (2000). “Carribean Cruise Tourism - Globalization at Sea”, Annals of Tourism Research , 27 (2): 345-370.
Wood, R. (2004). “Cruise Ships: Deterritorialized Destinations”, in L. Lumdon and S.J. Page (eds.) Tourism and Transport: Issues and Agenda for the New Millenium: 133-145, Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Dimension économique :
Bresson, G., Logossah, K. and A. Pirotte (2007). L’industrie de croisière aux Caraïbes tend-elle à évincer l’industrie du tourisme de séjour ?, Document de travail, http://ermes.u-paris2.fr/doctrav/0707.pdf.
Charlier, J. (2004). La croisière maritime à l’heure low cost, URL, www.cafe-geo.net/article.php3?id_article=425>.
Dwyer, L. and P. Forsyth (1998). “Economic Significance of Cruise Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 25 (2): 393-415.
Charlier, J. (2009). Les nouvelles frontières géographiques et techniques du marché mondial des croisières, FIG, URL, <http://archives-fig-st-die.cndp.fr/actes/actes_2009/charlier/article.html>.
Hall, J. and R. Braithwaite (1990). “Carribean Cruise Tourism - A Business of Transnational Partnership”, Tourism Management: 339-347.
Klein, R. A. (2005). Playing Off the Ports: BC and the Cruise Tourism Industry, Vancouver, BC: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Klein, R. A. (2006). "Turning Water Into Money: The Economics of the Cruise Industry", in Ross K. Dowling, Cruise Ship Tourism: Issues, Impacts, Cases, Oxfordshire, England, CABI Publishing: 261-269.
Marti, B. (1990). “Geography and the Cruise Ship Port Selection Process”, Maritime Policy and Management, 17 (3): 157-164.
Morrison, A.M., C.H. Yang, J.T. O’Leary and N. Nadkami (1996). “Comparative Profiles of Travellers on Cruises and Land-based Resort Vacations”, Journal of Tourism Studies, 7(2): 15,27
Petit-Charles, N. and B. Marques (2012). "Determining factors for the distribution of cruise tourism across the Caribbean”, Tourism Economics, 18 (5): 1051-1067.
Perucic, D. (2007). “The impact of globalization on supply and demand in the cruise industry”, Tourism and Hospitality Management, 13 (3): 665-680.
Petrick, J. (2005). “Segmenting Cruise Passengers with Price Sensitivity”, Tourism Management, 26: 753-762.
Petrick, J.F., R. Li and S.Y. Park (2007). “Cruise Passengers' Decision-making Process”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 23 (1): 1-14.
Scantlebury, M. (2007). “Cruise Ship Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 34 (3): 817-818.
Thurau, B.B., A.D. Carver, J.C. Mangun, C.M. Basman and G. Bauer (2007). “A Market Segmentation Analysis of Cruise Ship Tourists Visiting the Panama Canal Watershed: Opportunities for Ecotourism Development”, Journal of Ecotourism, 6(1): 1-18.
Toh, R., M. Rivers and T. Ling (2005). “Room Occupancies: Cruise Lines Out-Do the Hotels”, Int. J. Hospitality Management, 24: 121-135.
Vogel, M. (2009). “The economics of US cruise companies’ European brand strategies”, Tourism Economics, 15 (4): 735-751.
Weaver, A. (2005a). “Spaces of containment and revenue capture: super sized cruise ships as a mobile tourism enclave”, Tourism geographies, 7 (2): 165-184.
Wilkinson, P-F. (1999). “Caribbean cruise tourism : Delusion ? Illusion ?”, Tourism Geographies, 1 (3): 261-282.
Approches régionales et études de cas :
Bergeron, R. (2000). « Les croisières et l’Italie : une importante contribution au renouveau portuaire », L’information géographique, 3 : 220-240.
Bernardie-Tahir, N. (2003). « Croisières en Méditerranée : la montée de l’escale maltaise », L’Information géographique, 2 : 16-28.
Chan Ventura, G.O. (2006). Historia del turismo de cruceros en Cozumel, Undergraduate thesis, Cozumel, Mexico, Universidad de Quintana Roo.
Chase, G.L. and D.L. McKee (2003). “The Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism on Jamaica”, Journal of Tourism Studies, 14(2): 16-22.
Chesworth, N. (2006). "The Cruise Industry and Atlantic Canada: A Case Study", In R.K. Dowling (ed.), Cruise Ship Tourism, Oxfordshire, CABI Publishing: 160-169.
Dale, C. and N. Robinson (1999). “Bermuda, Tourism and the Visiting Cruise Sector: Strategies for Sustained Growth”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 5 (4): 333-339.
Dehoorne, O., C. Murat and N. Petit-Charles (2009). « Le tourisme de croisière dans l’espace caribéen : évolutions récentes et enjeux de développement », Etudes caribéennes, http://etudescaribeennes.revues.org/3843.
Diakomihalis, M. (2007). “Greek Maritime Tourism: Evolution, Structures and Prospects”, Research in Transportation Economics, 21: 419-455.
Douglas, N. and N. Douglas (2004). “Cruise Ship Passenger Spending Patterns in Pacific Island Ports”, International Journal Tourism Research, 6: 251-261.
Fournier, C. (2011). « Le tourisme de croisières en Méditerranée », Géoconfluences, URL, http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/doc/typespace/tourisme/TourScient6.htm.
Klein, R.A. (2005). Cruise Ship Squeeze: The New Pirates of the Seven Seas, Gabriola Island, BC, New Society Publishers.
Lescure, J-C. (2009). « La croisière en Méditerranée », In Duhamel, P., P. VIiolier, Tourisme et littoral : un enjeu du monde, Paris, Belin.
Liburd, J.J. (2001). « Cruise tourism development in the south of St. Lucia”, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 49(3): 215–228.
Logossah, K. (2007). « L’industrie de la croisière dans la Caraïbe : facteur de développement ou pâle reflet de la globalisation ? », Teoros, 26 (1): 25-33.
McCarthy, J. (2003). “The Cruise Industry and Port City Regeneration: The Case of Valletta”, European Planning Studies, 11(3): 341-350.
Mescon, T. and G. Vozikis (1985). “The Economic Impact of the Tourism at the Port of Miami”, Annals of Tourism Research, 12: 515-528.
Ocampo Rodríguez, I.J. (2003). Afectación de cruceros sobre el turismo de pernocta en la isla de Cozumel, URL, http://www.sectur.gob.mx/work/sites/sectur/resources/LocalContent/13578/1/UQROO_Afectacion_de_los_Cruceros_IOcampo.pdf .
Pratt, S. and A. Blake (2009). “The Economic Impact of Hawaii’s Cruise Industry”, Tourism Analysis, 14: 337-351.
Pratt, S. and A. Blake (2009). “The Economic Impact of Hawaii’s Cruise Industry”, Tourism Analysis, 14: 337-351.
Seidl, A., F. Guiliano and L. Pratt (2006). "Cruise Tourism and Community economic Development in Central America and the Caribbean: The Case of Costa Rica", PASOS, Revista de Turismo y Patimonio Cultural, 4 (2): 213-224.
Seidl, A., G. Fiorella and L. Pratt (2007). « Cruising for colones: cruise tourism economics in Costa Rica”, Tourism Economics, 13(1): 67-85.
Soriani, S. et al (2009). “Cruising in the Mediterranean: structural aspects and evolutionary trends”, Maritime Policy and Management, 36: 235-251.
Dimension sociale :
Gibson, P. (2008). “Cruising in the 21st century: Who works while others play?”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(1) : 42-52.
Klein, R. A. (2006). "Troubled Seas: Social Activism and the Cruise Industry”, Cruise Ship Tourism: Issues, Impacts, Cases (ed. Ross K. Dowling), Oxfordshire, England, CABI Publishing: 377-388.
Marti, B. (1992). “Passenger Perceptions of Cruise Itineraries - A Royal Viking Line Case Study”, Marine Policy: 360-370.
Nilsson, P. (2008). “Tourism in Cold Water Islands: A Matter of Contract? Experiences from Destination Development in the Polar North”, Island Studies Journal, 3 (1): 97-112.
Raub, S. and E. Streit (2006). "Realistic Recruitment: an Empirical Study of the Cruise Industry", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18 (4): 278–289.
Weaver, A. (2006). The Disneyisation of Cruise Travel, in R.K. Dowling (ed.), Cruise ship tourism, 389-396.
Yarnal, C. and D. Kerstetter (2005). “Casting Off: An Exploration of Cruise Ship Space, Group Tour Behavior, and Social Interaction”, Journal of Travel Research, 43: 368-379.
Dimension environnementale :
Butt, N. (2007). “The Impact of Cruise Ship Generated Waste on Home Ports and Ports of Call: A Study of Southhampton”, Marine Policies, 31: 591-598.
Jones, R. (2007). “Chemical Contamination of a Coral Reef by the Grounding of a Cruise Ship in Bermuda”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54: 905-911.
Klein, R. A. (2010). "The Cruise Sector and Its Environmental Impact," in C. Schott (ed.), Tourism and the Implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions, Bingley, UK, Emerald : 113-130.
Klein, R.A. (2011). "Responsible Cruise Tourism: Issues of Cruise Tourism and Sustainability", Special Issue on Cruise Tourism: Emerging Issues and Implications for a Maturing Industry, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18:103-112.
Smith, S. (1988). “Cruise Ships: A Serious Threat to Coral Reefs and Associated Organisms”, Ocean & Shoreline Management, 11: 231-248.
Dimension sanitaire :
Cramer, E., D. Gu and R. Durbin (2003). “Diarrheal Disease on Cruise Ships, 1990–2000 - The Impact of Environmental Health Programs”, American Journal Preventive Medecine, 24 (3): 227-233.
Miller, J., T. Tam, S. Maloney, K. Fukuda, N. Cox, J. Hockin et al. (2000). “Cruise Ships: High-Risk Passengers and the Global Spread of New Influenza Viruses”, Clinical Infectious Deseases, 31: 433-438.
Thomas, M. (2003). “Sexual Health of Women Working Aboard Cruise Ships”, Health Education Journal, 62 (4): 293-303.
2/Autres références bibliographiques :
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