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35 | Décembre 2016
Entrepreneuriat : Quelle voie pour le développement d'Haïti?

Edited by Bénédique Paul
Margot bazar, produits alimentaires
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Credits: Rémi Kaupp, 2006

In Haiti, nothing seems to be planned in advance. Everything seems to happen by chance, hence the reason why entrepreneurship is a heavy weight in the GDP of the country (Financial Times, 2015). This non strategic and short term vision of entrepreneurship in Haiti is peculiar to the vast majority of the population, that is to say the poor. However, this does not happen across the board as the rich (the minority of population) also called the ‘elite’ have a perception of entrepreneurship similar to developed countries where entrepreneurship is seen as a long term strategy with so called Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR).

This special issue about Haiti is to find practical solutions to ensure that entrepreneurship can play a major role in the economic development of the country. Jerry Tardieu, a Haitian entrepreneur, claimed that investing in Haiti is a proof of faith in the country’s potential.  What can be done to turn entrepreneurship into a sustainable tool for the development of Haiti? This is the central research question of this special issue.

For a while, leading entrepreneurs in Haiti were from the Middle East (Syria, Liban, etc) and public companies. However, over the last three years, entrepreneurs in Haiti have come from different backgrounds. Also, more and more young people are getting into entrepreneurship and many public companies have been privatised.   Despite the fact that for some analyst’s entrepreneurship in Haiti has totally failed (Lundahl, 2010), the development of micro finance over the last few years has democratized access to funding, enabling development of a multitude of micro-enterprises (Paul & Dameus Garrabé, 2011) (Paul, Daméus & Garrabé, 2011).

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