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About the journal

Études Créoles (Creole Studies) offers an online medium devoted to the study of creole languages, their emergence, development, and history as well as the societies that speak them, their anthropology, literature, culture and educational challenges. It endeavours to be broadly inclusive in its diversity of perspectives and disciplines. When first started in Aix-en-Provence, France in the 70's, the journal focused on linguistic analyses of French related creoles spoken in the Americas (the West Indies, French Guyana and Louisiana), the Indian Ocean (Seychelles, Réunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues) and the Pacific (Tayo) and brought attention to remarkable original manuscripts such as la Passion en langage nègre, an antillean manuscript from 1740-50.

Its scope has since expanded to all creole languages, pidgins and contact varieties, and the journal welcomes articles in both French and English. The journal published in print bi-annually from 1978 to 2010 (latest issues available on the L'Harmattan website) has now been converted to a fully online publication freely accessible on the Open edition Platform, with a renewed editorial team and scientific committee that encourages the proposal of thematic editions in addition to original single contributions. (All submissions are subject to a double blind review.)

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