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Since 1992, the journal Études écossaises forged a solid reputation for itself as a reference publication in its disciplinary field.

Latest issue
23 | 2024
Les imaginaires de la maladie et du handicap dans la littérature et la culture écossaises : sources, contextes, théorie

Recovering Imaginaries of Illness and Disability in Scottish Literature and Culture: Sources, Contexts, Theory
Edited by Gavin Miller and Arianna Introna

Since the 1980s Scottish literary and cultural studies have expanded beyond a concern with nation to attend to the imagination of gendered, classed and racialized subjects. Disability studies and the medical humanities are though yet to be brought fully into critical dialogue with Scottish literature and culture—a fundamental step for the theorisation of the many illness and disability representations to be found there.
This special issue of Études écossaises provides a space for exploration of this richness and diversity. Contributors reflect on what recovering imaginaries of illness and disability in Scottish literature and culture might involve. Contributors engage with the imagination of experiences of illness and disability in Scottish culture, or reflect on why we might want to embrace illness and disability as legitimate categories of analysis within Scottish cultural interpretation and critique. Contributions deal with a number periods of Scottish culture, and a wide variety of sources and media.


Calenda - Littératures

Calenda - Histoire culturelle

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