Customary water rights and modern technology
The current problems with regards to water overuse in Yemeni agriculture can be explained by the existence and continuous application of customary rights and traditional institutions while, at the same time, modern technology is widely used. Taking the example of Harîb, a valley in the eastern and dry escarpment of Yemen, this paper will show how different legal levels govern water use. Moreover, attempts by the central government to introduce new water legislation will be outlined. It will become apparent that customary water rights are inadequate to address many of the problems posed by the introduction of modern technology. Yet these rights persist largely because of vested economic interests. Only the introduction and application of new water legislation will save Yemen's groundwater aquifers from becoming exhausted in the near future.
Bibliographical reference
Stefan Kohler, “Customary water rights and modern technology”, Études rurales, 155-156 | 2000, 167-178.
Electronic reference
Stefan Kohler, “Customary water rights and modern technology”, Études rurales [Online], 155-156 | 2000, Online since 16 June 2003, connection on 10 October 2024. URL:; DOI:
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