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Submission guidelines

General remarks

Each paper should not exceed 50 000 or 60 000 signs (depending on the total number of papers of the issue), including spaces, footnotes, and references.

Illustrations are counted as blocks of 1500 signs each.

All illustrations or maps should be submitted at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. It is up to the authors to ask for authorizations to copyright owners, and to provide, if needed, a list of the owners asking for complimentary copies in exchange as well as their addresses.

Aside from their article, authors are expected to provide the following:

  • A glossary at the end of the article listing the terms in transcription used within their paper and the corresponding original script (in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean). Original script can still be used in footnotes if needed (no glossary entry in this case).

  • An abstract of no more than 1200 signs, in French, English and one Asian language (Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese).

  • A short bio-bibliography in French and English.

  • Postal and electronic addresses to where the publisher will send the galley proofs.

Please use MingLiU font for Chinese text, MS Mincho font for Japanese text, Batang font for Korean text, and avoid simplified characters.




Ex.: no. 4



Ex.: ed. Romain Graziani



Ex.: ca 1825



Ex.: cf. Graziani 2003 : p. 36.


First names are omitted in footnotes, but should be given in extenso in the bibliography.

Citations are given in footnotes with the following author-date reference system:

Author Name Year: page-page.


1. Billeter 2003: 19-22.

2. Vandermeersch 1965: 273.

These references are then given in full in the final reference list.

Billeter, Jean-François (2003). Études sur Tchouang-tseu. Paris, Allia.

Vandermeersch, Léon (1965). La Formation du Légisme. Paris, École française d’Extrême-Orient.

Other examples :

Blanford, Yumiko (Jan-March 1994). “Discovery of Lost Eloquence: New Insight from the Mawangdui ‘Zhanguo zonghengjia shu’.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 114, no. 1: 77-82.

Jiao, Xun 焦循 (ed.), (repr. 1987). Mengzi zhengyi 孟子正義. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju.

Boltz, William G. (2005). “The Composite Nature of Early Chinese Texts.” In Kern, Martin (ed.), Text and Ritual in Early China. Seattle, University of Washington Press: 50-78.

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