Repenser l’action publique en Afrique. Du sida à la globalisation des politiques publiques, Paris, Karthala, 2015, 264 pages
In the fight against AIDS, and particularly in Africa, public initiative has become a symbol of the way, at differing levels, policies and social actions should interact. While its source of inspiration is international its implementing standards derives from supranational guidelines. Still and taken at a national stage the public initiative produces disparate results. Even if the way it was conceivéd., presented and oriented has nothing to do with a national initiative it turns into “discordant models” of public action made out of comparisons between countries. It incorporates epidemiologic, sanitary and politic variables. As a result the acute role a public commitment plays at both international and national levels become obvious and far beyond the epidemiologic data and the geographic diversity of each case. Four distinct models of policies are now offered. They take into account their historic background, and their analysis can become the political sociology of an African State. Being subject to international guidelines and to global contingencies they put forward historical courses which are of interest when it comes to delivering answers to pandemics and rebuilding the international environment in which the States operate. The issue of “AIDS governance” underscores the importance of the international organizations, the bilateral and multilateral cooperation which is needed in the management of the public affairs of States with which “civil entities” of the North and the South are associated. While comparing a configuration of transnational players, at sub-fields level such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and at fields level such as health, education, biodiversity, this study offers a “mold for public initiatives in Africa”. This is an innovative analysis tool. For each given public initiative, it brings forward the distinction that characterizes the level of the players along with their decisive means and tools. This is a new scientific and political contribution to the understanding of contemporaneous Africa in action.