Special Issue 24 | 2022
The social and economic challenges of ecological transformation
Edited by Mathilde Martin-Moreau, David Ménascé and Iris Levy
Foreword [Full text]
Introduction [Full text]
1. Understanding and reconciling the issues
Understanding and reconciling the issues [Full text]Introduction
Who’ll pay to save the planet? [Full text]
2. Reinventing our modes of production and organization
Toward a just green economy transition [Full text]
Making low-carbon energy available 24/7 [Full text]
The low-tech city: a first attempt [Full text]
One Health: an ecosystem-based ecology of health [Full text]
Transitioning the chemical market [Full text]
3. Accelerating our actions
Accelerating our actions [Full text]
Governance: toward a broader vision of business [Full text]
Why valuing nature can make a difference [Full text]