Innovation levers for ecological transformation
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1Innovation relies on new ideas and innovators. But the success of innovation also depends on wider levers of change including economic, legal, and social factors. This section explores the levers and other factors that help innovation for ecological transformation to succeed.
2Arnoud de Meyer shares insights from his research on the role of “business ecosystems” in facilitating innovation for ecological transformation. Scott Bryan provides lessons from ImagineH2O’s support of entrepreneurs working to safeguard and expand access to fresh water around the world. And Andrea Bina and Simon Cooper of the UNDP discuss the importance of understanding and measuring systemic change to support ecological transformation, drawing from tools they have developed to support the prevention of deforestation.
3A growing group of scientists, experts and organisations is also drawing attention to the role of mindsets and skillsets in directing innovation activities towards supporting prosperity for people and planet. These new notions of leadership are innovations in themselves, as well as important preconditions to wider change.
4In this collection of related articles, Andreas Schleicher of the OECD shares lessons for our education systems so that children have the skills needed to drive ecological transformation and thrive in new economies. Jan Artem Henrikssen, Doreen Ankrah, Daniel Hires and Jamie Bristow present the Inner Development Goals, an accompaniment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals that describe the inner qualities needed to realise the SDGs. Environmental psychologist Renee Lertzman illustrates the value of climate psychology principles in helping to accelerate action for ecological transformation. Seedlings founder Emmanuelle Aoustin outlines the mindsets that business leaders in particular will need to adopt to make their companies supporters of transformation. And philosopher Cécile Renouard shares her “Six Gates” framework that can support leaders across society to understand and address the systemic nature of the challenges we face.
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Bibliographical reference
Tejas Bachiraju, India Boschet, Grace Chua, Julian Lambin and Kite Insights, “Innovation levers for ecological transformation”, Field Actions Science Reports, Special Issue 25 | 2023, 62-63.
Electronic reference
Tejas Bachiraju, India Boschet, Grace Chua, Julian Lambin and Kite Insights, “Innovation levers for ecological transformation”, Field Actions Science Reports [Online], Special Issue 25 | 2023, Online since 10 November 2023, connection on 14 January 2025. URL:
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