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Editorial selection process

Procédures de sélection des articles

The editorial board examines proposals from guest editors and is supported by an editorial committee and an international advisory board.

Articles are evaluated by at least two peers specialized in the topic under consideration, who assess the anonymized article and submit a report. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous.

Even after an article has been accepted, the editor and editorial board reserve the right to request changes and modifications, and the editors’ decision is final.

Authors agree to assign the copyright of their articles to Film Journal. Articles submitted to Film Journal must not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal. In the event that subsequent republication, in whole or in part, should be requested, Film Journal requires that a request be made in due form, and that the original source of publication be acknowledged.

Stages of the procedure

The call for papers is drawn up by the guest editors and submitted to the editorial board for approval, after any necessary modifications have been made.

The guest editors collect the articles and assess their suitability.

The guest editors send the selected articles to the editorial committee, which appoints the reviewers, contacts them and collects their reports.

The reports are then forwarded to the guest editors, who in turn forward them to the authors.

Based on the reports’ recommendations, authors are invited to revise their article before sending a revised version.

The new version is then evaluated by the guest editors to ensure that it meets the recommendations of the reports.

Authors are invited to proofread their article before it has been put online.

After review by the guest editors and the editor-in-chief, the associate editor puts the article online.

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