Index | Keywords
- A Cool Million
- abortion
- academic mobility
- academy
- Academy of painting
- account books
- action
- actors
- adaptation
- administration
- administrative monarchy
- Africa
- African-american
- african-american history
- Afro-caribbean
- agriculture
- Alberti
- Alejo Venegas de Busto
- Alfonso X
- Algeria
- Algerian War
- allegory
- Alliance Israélite Universelle
- Alma Reed
- alteration
- alumbrado
- American History
- American south
- Americas
- amnesty
- anarchism
- Ancien Régime
- ancient history
- Ancient Regime
- and compliance with
- André Breton
- Andrea Palladio
- anecdote
- Annales
- Annales School
- annals
- anthropocene
- anthropology
- anti-communism
- Anti-communism
- Anti-Communism
- anticomunismo
- antimilitarism
- antiparliamentary sentiment
- Arabic
- archaeology
- archaeometry
- architectural program
- architectural theory
- architecture
- archive
- Arnaud d’Aux
- art
- art and power
- art history
- art market
- Art school
- arthurian myth
- articles de Paris
- artisanate
- artistic work
- arts of dying well
- Atlantic families
- Atlantic history
- Atlantic space
- atomic laboratory
- atrocities
- attendance witness
- authentication
- authenticity
- authority
- Auto de fe of 1680
- autonomism
- B. Bennassar; cultural history; early modern European public sphere ; national characters
- banishment of Germany
- Banksy
- Barbary Pirates
- baroque
- Baroque
- Barthelme
- Bartolomé Bennassar
- bath house
- bathing house
- Beatas
- Benavente
- Bennassar
- Bernardotte
- Bernuy’s hôtel
- Binet
- biodiversity
- biofilm
- biography
- Biography
- bioprotection
- black glass
- blood purity
- Body
- body
- Bologna
- bolshevism
- book
- border
- Border
- borders
- boundary conferences
- bourgeoisie
- boxwood
- Braudel
- Brazil
- Brazilian Literature
- brief forms
- british public opinion
- bronze
- buccaneer
- building
- building archaeology
- building site
- burlesque
- business school
- business skill
- Cabildo
- Calderon
- camp
- camps
- cannibalism
- Cantigas de Santa Maria
- capital cities
- captive
- Captivity
- caravaggio
- Caravaggio
- career
- careers
- Castile
- Castille
- Castillo family
- casuistry
- catharism
- cathedral
- Catholic Kings
- Catholicism
- celebration
- Celts
- Censorship
- Central Europe student
- Cervantes
- Cervantès
- Cesare Cesariano
- chaebols
- chancery
- charge
- charity
- Charles IX
- Charles II
- cheese industry
- Chicano
- child
- Chile
- Chile - trade-unionism - democratic transition - neoliberalism
- China
- Chinese porcelain
- chivalry
- christendom
- Christian Hebraism
- christian King
- chronicle
- Church
- Cinema
- circulation
- Cisneros
- cities
- citizen
- citizen involvement
- citizenship
- city
- Civil Rights
- civil society
- Civil war; Solidarity; International brigades; II Republic; Francoism
- civil wars
- civil-military relations
- civilisation-barbarism
- clandestinity
- Clarice Lispector
- classification
- clericalisation
- clinic teaching
- Cluj university (Romania)
- coarseness
- cobalt pigment
- Colbert
- cold war
- Cold War
- collaborative project
- collect
- collection
- collection – ancient bronzes – porcelains – decorative arts – chinese arts
- collective mobilization
- collective representation
- College
- Collège de France
- collegiate church
- colonial
- colonial empires
- colonial history
- colonie
- colonisation
- colonization
- colony
- comb
- comics
- Comité de Bienfaisance Israélite de Paris
- commemoration
- commercial networks
- Common Government Programme
- community
- company
- competition
- computing
- concealment
- Conferences
- conflict
- conflictuality
- confrontation
- connivance
- conservation
- conspiracy
- constructing the enemy
- contemporary fiction
- Contemporary History
- contract
- control
- controversy
- conversion
- Conversion
- converts
- Correas
- corrido
- council
- Counter-Reformation
- court
- court ballets
- Credit
- crew
- crime
- criminal history
- criticism
- criticism of the king
- cross-religious trade
- cross‑border solidarity
- crusades
- cry
- crypto-judaisants
- crytpo-judaism
- Cuenca
- cultural transfer
- culture
- curricula
- Customs
- data
- data processing
- database
- databases
- death
- death rate
- decoration
- democracy
- Democracy
- demography
- denomination
- dentity
- denunciation
- Desbarreaux
- deviance
- diagram
- diaspora
- Dictatorship
- dictatorship
- Dictatorships
- Diego de Sagredo
- digital
- digital history
- digital humanities
- digital library
- digital publishing
- digitisation
- diocese
- Directory
- discipline
- discourse
- discoursive traditions
- disparities
- dispute
- dissemination
- dissimulation
- distance
- divine election
- division of work
- documentation
- documents in the Indies. Publication of written norms.
- domestic work
- Don Quixote
- downgrading of women’s work
- drama
- drawing
- Dynasty
- early knowledge production
- early modern and modern History
- Early Modern History
- Early modern history
- Early Modern Iberia
- early modern states
- eastern Christianity
- Ebbinghaus
- École normale supérieure
- ecology
- economic growth
- economics
- Economy
- Edict of Nantes
- edition
- education
- effigy sculpted
- eighteenth century
- ejército
- Ejército
- El Komander
- election platform
- electoral reform
- élite
- elite
- emblematic
- emigration
- Emmanuel Downing
- emotion
- Encyclopedia
- Engineer
- England
- English privateer
- Entangled History
- entourage
- entremés
- environment
- environmental damage
- Environmental Humanities
- environmental responsibility
- epic poetry
- epistemology
- Epistolary correspondences
- equality
- erasing
- Erasmism
- erasmism
- Erasmus
- Espagne
- España
- Estudios feministas
- Étienne Dolet ; sociability ; violence ; university ; student fellowship
- Eurobarometer surveys
- European federalism
- European identity
- European institutions
- European Union
- europeanism
- euroscepticism
- Evangelism
- evangelization
- exile
- exodus
- experience
- expertise
- exploration
- expulsion
- extrema-derecha
- factional struggles
- factory
- faculties
- fake
- family
- Far East
- Fascism
- fascism
- Fédération des Sociétés juives de France
- feelings
- Felipe Carrillo Puerto
- Feminism
- feminism
- feminist art
- Fichoz
- fiction
- field-work
- First Carlist War
- First Iron Age
- First World War
- fiscality
- folklore
- food
- forced disappearance
- foreigner
- Foreigners
- forerunner
- forest
- forest management
- Forest of Sainte Baume
- forest planning
- forestry
- forestry hamlet
- forgetting
- foundation
- France
- Frances Toor
- Francisco Cervantès de Salazar
- Francisco Franco
- franco-german competition
- François Ier
- François Villon
- Fraudsters
- free people of color
- free-thinking
- freedom
- French governmental right
- French press
- french professors in Roumania
- French Restoration
- French Revolution
- French wars of religion
- French-Spanish border
- Froidour Louis de
- Fronde
- Fundación Internacional para la Libertad
- funerary furniture
- Galley
- gay movement
- genalogies
- gender
- Gender relations
- General congregation of Burgos
- generation
- Genoa
- genocide
- genocide against the Tutsi
- geographic information systems
- geographical information system
- Georges d’Armagnac
- ghetto
- gilder
- Golden Age
- Golden Age.
- Golden Ages
- gothic
- government
- governor's teniente
- Granada
- Grand Master of Toulouse
- Grand Tour
- Grant estoria de Ultramar
- graph
- graphic visualization
- Great reformation
- Great War
- Guillaume Philandrier
- hagiography
- Harki
- health spa
- Hebrew
- Henri Bergson
- Henri II
- Henri IV
- Henry IV of France
- heresy
- heretic
- heritage
- Hieronymites
- Higher education
- higher education
- Hispanic American Revolutions
- Hispanic Monarchy
- hispanism
- historical anthropology
- historical ecology
- historical figures
- historicity
- historiography
- Historiography
- History
- history
- history of concepts
- history of intellectuals
- history of law
- history of music
- History of Sciences
- history/memory
- hoax
- holiday resort
- Holocaust
- homoeroticism
- homosexuality
- horn
- horror
- hospital
- hotel
- house of Savoy
- human capital
- hundred years war
- Hundred Years’ War
- hydrotherapy
- hypomnesy
- identification
- identity
- imagery
- imaginary
- immigrant
- immigration
- imperial administration.
- Imperial kilns
- imperial periphery
- Imperialism
- Impunity
- inalienability
- indentured servant
- Independence
- indigenism
- individual
- industrialisation
- Industry
- informal power
- Inquisition
- inquisition
- Inquisition; 15th and 16th centuries
- insertion
- insurrection
- intangible cultural heritage
- intellectuals
- international cultural
- international law
- international migrations
- international relation
- international relationship
- international reputation
- international summer university
- interregnum
- interwar periode
- intolerance
- inventory
- irregular migration
- Isabel María de Montoya
- Islam
- isolation
- Italy
- Jacobin
- Jansenism
- Japan
- Jean de Beaujeu
- Jean Froissart
- Jean-Pierre Amalric
- Jerry
- Jesuit
- Jesuit college/scholl
- Jesuits
- jet (jayet)
- Jew
- jew
- Jewish Consistories
- jewish philanthropy
- jewishe
- Jingdezhen
- John Calvin
- John Winthrop
- John Winthrop Jr
- José de Valdivielso
- José de Sigüenza
- journalism
- Judaism
- judicial sources
- jurisdiction
- justice
- juvenile court
- juvenile’s court
- labour history
- labour movement
- language sins
- Languedoc
- late antiquity
- Latin America
- lawsuit
- Lazarillo de Tormes
- leftsim
- legend
- legitimateness
- legitimation
- Leon Battista Alberti
- lesbianism
- Letter Books
- Liberal Democrats (LibDem)
- Liberal party
- liberalisation
- Libraries; Luso-Brazilian cultural Relations; Portuguese New State; IEB-Coimbra; Joaquim de Carvalho
- Libro de Alexandre
- Libro de Apolonio
- Lingua
- linguistic ideas
- literature
- literature and propaganda
- litterality
- livestock farming
- local justice
- local memory
- Lope de Vega
- lord
- Los Buknas de Culiacan
- Louis Lanternier
- Louis Privat
- Louis XIII
- Louis XIV
- Louis XV
- lutheranism
- Lutheranism
- lynching
- magistrate
- management
- Marian image
- Marie-Antoinette
- market
- Maronites
- Marquis of Villena
- mass deportation
- materials science
- May 68
- May Day
- May-June 1968
- Mazarin
- medicine
- mediterranean trade
- Meiji
- memoirs
- memorialization
- memories
- Memory
- memory
- Memory and forgetting
- memory(s)
- mental health
- mentalities
- merchant
- metadata
- metafiction
- metatheatre
- method
- methodologies
- methodology
- Methodology of Environmental History
- mexican revolution
- México
- Mexico – Philippines – Vagrants – Deportations – Bourbons
- micro-genres
- micro-history
- micro-narrative
- micro-narratives
- micro-spa resort
- micro-stories
- microstructures
- Middle Ages
- Middle East
- Middle Europa
- migrants
- migration
- migrations
- militancy
- military art
- mini-narrative
- minister
- Miria Contreras Bell (1928-2002)
- miscegenation sexuality
- mission
- missionaries
- missions
- Mitterrandism
- mix of genres
- Mizuno Hironori
- model minority
- modern history
- modernity
- modernization
- Modoc war
- monarchy
- Monarquía Hispánica
- monopoly
- morality
- morisco
- moriscos
- mortality
- Moshoeshoe
- motherhood
- movable and non-movable heritage
- movies
- Movimiento Alterado
- mulier religiosa
- municipal baths
- mural
- Museo de la Solidaridad
- museology
- museum
- Musicians
- myth
- nahuatl
- Nancy-Thermal
- Nanterre
- narcocorrido
- narcoculture
- Narration
- narrativity
- Nathanael West
- nation
- National Park Service
- national pride
- Natsume Sôseki
- Natural Resources
- navigation
- negotiation
- negotiation of distance
- neoliberalism
- Neoliberalism
- network
- Network
- network analysis
- Networks
- networks
- networks analysis
- New Orleans
- New South
- nicodemism
- nicodemism.
- Nicodemite
- nobility
- nobles
- Normandy landing
- North African
- nostalgia
- notable
- notarial deeds
- novel
- nuclear era
- numismatic
- numismatics
- Pacific
- pacification
- pacifism
- Pajek
- Palladio
- Palmireno
- pamphlet
- Papacy
- papacy
- paremiology
- Paris
- parrêsia
- Passion Play
- pastoralism
- patrimonialization
- peace
- peasant families
- pedagogical innovation
- Pedagogue
- pedagogy
- Pedagogy
- pedagogy of fear
- Pedro Calderón
- penal labor
- perception
- performance
- Peruvian Amazonia
- petition
- philanthropy
- Philibert De L’Orme
- Philostratus
- photography
- Pierre Patte
- Pierre Souffron
- pixação
- plaçage
- planters
- policy of presence
- Polish students
- political and economic institutions
- political communication
- political elites
- Political Factions
- political history
- political opponents
- political propaganda
- political representation
- political system
- political use
- political vandalism
- politics
- poll
- popular
- Popular culture
- popular culture
- popular poetry
- popular politicization
- Popular Unity (1970-1973)
- Porcelain
- Porcelain – techniques – varnish – 18th century – Paris
- port cities
- portrait
- Portugal
- Portuguese administration
- Portuguese pluricontinental monarchy
- power
- power relations
- pragmatics
- press
- pretium
- price
- Prince
- prints
- prison
- prisoner
- private
- prize
- productivity and competitiveness
- professor
- propaganda
- prose
- prosopography
- prostitute
- protection of forests
- protestantism
- Protestants
- protester
- proverb
- proverbs
- provincial government
- psychiatry
- psychological war
- public
- public ceremony
- public opinion
- public order
- punishment
- purge
- purity of blood
- Race
- racial discrimination
- racial mixing
- racially mixed persons
- radioactivity
- rail
- ransom
- rap
- Ratio studiorum
- rayado
- re-documentarisation
- reconciliation
- red monochrome
- referendum
- reflexive feedback
- Reformation
- reformism
- refugees
- refutation
- regime
- region
- reign mark
- religious architecture
- religious coexistence
- religious dissimulation.
- religious rule
- religious wars
- remensas
- remuneration
- Renaissance
- Renegades
- representation
- representation of Brazil
- representation of local interests
- republic
- Republic of Letters
- reputation
- research
- research and development
- Resguardo de Rentas
- resort
- responsibility
- Restoration
- Retirada
- returnee
- returnee from Algeria
- Revolt
- revolutionary
- Ribera
- Ribot
- Right Wings
- Right-wing
- rivalries
- Rivet’s house
- road
- Robert Merle
- Roman Law
- romanticism
- Rome
- Roque Guinart
- roundel
- Royal Academy of painting
- Royal Court
- Royal Diplomatic in the Indies. Reception of
- royal entrance
- royal entry
- Royal Estate
- Royal Military School
- royal officer
- royalist songs
- Royal Academy
- rupture
- rural area
- rural history
- Rwanda
- sacramental plays
- Sagredo
- saint
- Saint James
- Saint Jerome
- saint Louis
- Saint Mary of Auch Cathedral
- Saint-Martin collegiate church
- Saint-Roch chapel
- salt
- Salvador Allende Gossens (1908-1973)
- Samsung
- sanctity
- sanitary policy
- Sarah Ruhl
- satire
- Scamozzi
- sceptical narrative
- school of architecture
- science
- scientific research
- Scott Fitzgerald
- sculpture
- Sebastián Martínez
- seclusion
- Second Sophistic
- secular morality
- semiotics
- serfdom
- settlement
- seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
- seventeenth century
- Seventeenth century
- sex
- sexuality
- short-story
- Sicily
- siglos XVI y XVII
- skill
- slave
- slavery
- slaves.
- small private forests
- smuggling
- Social
- social control
- social demand
- social history of university
- social integration
- social mobilisation
- social network
- social network analysis
- social representation
- social status
- social welfare
- social work
- social-communist alliance
- socialism
- Socialism
- sociality
- society
- sociology
- sociology of deviance
- soldado
- soldier
- solidarity
- song
- source
- sources
- sources of history
- South America
- South France
- spa resort
- spa town
- space
- Spain
- Spanish
- Spanish America
- Spanish Civil War
- spanish colonial america
- Spanish colonisation
- Spanish Golden Age
- Spanish History
- spanish immigration
- Spanish labourer
- spanish novel
- Spanish refugees
- Spanish translation
- spectrality
- Spinola
- spiritual
- Spiritual history (Spain)
- spirituality
- spouse murder
- staff
- stamped paper
- state-building
- States of Languedoc
- stature
- status of the architect
- stereotomy
- stereotype
- Stolpersteine
- storm scene
- story
- street art
- strike
- strikes
- structure
- struggle
- student
- student mobility
- student protest
- Studi General de Valencia
- sub hasta sale
- sugar
- Surrealism
- Surveillance tasks
- survey
- swimming pool
- Sylvie Germain
- Tablado
- tag
- Taishô
- Taishô era
- tax collection
- teacher
- teachers and pupils
- teaching
- Teaching
- teaching method
- teaching skills/methods
- team research
- technique
- Temanza
- textbook
- textual categories
- textualization
- The Surrender of Breda
- theologian
- theology
- theory
- thermal equipment
- thermal establishment
- thermal resort
- thermoluminescence
- Third Republic
- time
- Toledo
- Toledo (1559)
- Toulouse
- tourism
- tourist forest
- town planning
- trade
- traders
- Traffic of merchandise
- tragedy
- training
- Trans-Pyrenean crossings
- transatlantic families of color
- Transatlantic families of color
- Transatlantic Studies
- transición democrática
- Transition
- transition to democracy
- transitions to democracy
- translation
- transmedia
- Transmission; memories and history; scales game; use of the past; protagonists
- transnationalism
- transnationalization
- Transylvania
- treatise
- trial
- Trial
- Trivium
- Trompe-l’oeil
- true
- truth
- typicality
- uchronia
- unaccompanied minors
- Union des sociétés juives
- Universidad de Toulouse le Mirail
- universitary cooperation
- universitary protectionism
- universitie
- universities
- university
- University
- university personnel
- univesity
- unpopularity
- urban history
- urban planning
- urban public space
- urban space
- urban tribe
- urban writing
- urbanism
- use
- usury