Gallia Préhistoire
Originally founded by the CNRS, for more than half a century Gallia Prehistoire has been one of the most important publishers of French archaeology with a reputation for its in-depth texts and high quality illustrations. Gallia Préhistoire publishes overviews of recent discoveries and significant research in Prehistory from the Early Palaeolithic to the end of the Bronze Age from France but also research from neighbouring countries.
Editorial policy
Gallia Préhistoire (Préhistoire de la France dans son contexte européen) aims to publish in its periodicals and supplements new and original research, significant discoveries of supra-regional interest and overviews of prehistorical subjects from the Early Palaeolithic to the end of the Bronze Age. Our mission is to print papers that focus on specific areas of research or that present new contextualised data centred on current issues in archaeology.
Gallia Préhistoire provides the opportunity to publish supplementary data online to allow authors the freedom of addressing the topic in hand without overloading their papers and overviews. The journal accepts papers written in French and in English.
The editorial committee checks that manuscripts (papers and supplements) submitted to the journal are in line with its editorial policy. The papers are subsequently peer-reviewed by an independent referee and a member of the editorial committee who also follows the paper’s progress through the reviewing system. While the referees remain anonymous, their comments are passed on to authors. A maximum period of six months is observed between receiving a proposal and the paper’s online publication. This period can be longer for the supplements.