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About the journal

Scientifically endorsed by the Association for gender research in education and training (ARGEF, in French), GEF – Genre Éducation Formation is an interdisciplinary and international French-speaking peer-reviewed journal bringing together scientific articles often found in journals related to a variety of fields such as gender studies, sociology or education.

With its focus on gender issues in education and training, GEF proposes articles in education adopting a gender perspective and / or focusing on bringing academic or professional knowledge on gender issues. The journal not only looks into aspects related to school environment and schooling, but it also takes into account issues related to adult education, popular education, feminist pedagogy, early childhood education, non-formal education, etc. Furthermore, GEF examines the impact of institutional and public policies and it looks at the way in which different social relations are intertwined as well as at the effects of these interconnections.

The content of GEF is varied. The journal not only proposes thematic issues, based on a call for papers, and varia articles, but it also gives the opportunity to authors – in particular young scholars – to share their professional and research experiences by accepting papers reporting a particular experience or intervention (ex. interviews, reflection on teaching practices, analysis on students’ work, etc.).

GEF publishes one issue per year exclusively online and with free access in order to promote the dissemination of its content across different audiences, beyond the academic circle.

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