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Instructions for authors

– Articles including footnotes should be no more than 50,000 characters long (including spaces), that is a maximum of about 8,000 words.

– Articles should be original works of historical research which have not been published elsewhere.

– The articles should be accompanied by an abstract of about 1,000 characters (including spaces) (less than 200 words) in English and French, together with 5 key-words (general, chronology, geography).

– Authors should provide their names, institutional affiliation (university, research unit or other institution) and the email that they would like to appear with the publication.

– Reviews: of works in French and other languages concerning gender (5,000 to 10,000 characters (incl. spaces) or about 800 to 1600 words.

– The journal will also consider publishing abstracts of recent Masters and doctoral theses (5,000 characters (incl. spaces) or about 800 words maximum).

– Articles, reviews and thesis abstracts will be considered in French, English, Spanish, Italian and German. The following instructions concern texts in English.

I. Preparation of the text

– Articles should be submitted in Times New Roman 12, with one-and-a-half line spacing.

– Margins should be 2.5cm above, 2cm below, 2.5cm on the left and right.

– Use footnotes not endnotes.

– Footnotes should be given in Times New Roman 10, with single line spacing.

– British conventions for spelling, punctuation and style should be followed.

– Pagination should be indicated in the footer of each page, centred.

– Double line space under each paragraph, and between parts and sub-sections.

– No indentation at the start of each paragraph.

– Do not use bold, underline, capital letters, or italics in the body of the text, except for words in a foreign language, the titles of works and references in notes (see further below).

– Do not use automatic numbering or tabulation.

– The article should be divided into headed parts (1, 2, 3) and may also be divided into sub-sections (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, etc.). For example:

1- The writing of women’s history since the 1960s
 1.1 In the USA
 1.2 In Great Britain

– Punctuation marks (commas, semi-colons, colons, question marks, explanation marks, full stops) should be followed by an ordinary space (not a hard space), but not preceded by one.

– Single inverted commas should be used (UK style) for citations: ‘quotation’.

– Double inverted commas should be used for citations within citations: ‘“quotation”’.

– If a quotation occurs at the end of a sentence or before a comma, the punctuation should be placed outside the quotation marks.

– The superscript number linking to a footnote always appears outside the final punctuation marks (full stops, commas, quotation marks). For example: .’23 and not 23.’

– Ideally, footnote references should be provided at the end of a complete sentence, not after internal punctuation (commas, semi-colons, colons etc.).

– Centuries should be spelled out in the full: eighteenth century, nineteenth century as nouns, tenth-century, eleventh-century as adjectives. Use 1870s not 1870’s.

– Dates should be given in British style: 6 October 1872, 31 December 987

– 1,000 not 1000, ‘per cent’ not ‘%’, except in tables.

– Ranges of numbers, including in footnotes, should be reduced to the smallest unit, e.g. 31-3, 356-9, 316-18.

– Abbreviations (e.g., i.e.) should be expanded in the main text (for example, that is) but may be used in footnotes.

– Omissions should be signalled with three points: …

– Interpolations should be marked with square brackets: [ ]

II. Citations within the body text

1. If you refer to an author in the body text, provide their first name and surname on first citation, and cite by surname thereafter.

2. Citations of less than three lines should be inserted into the paragraph itself.

For example:

Joan de Foxle was presented at Cookham (Berkshire) because she ‘stopped up the watercourse at Wessmainlane, without right, against the peace … [and] to the grave nuisance of the country’.136

3. Citations of three lines or more should be presented without quotation marks, without changing line spacing, but after a carriage return and using Times New Roman 11, not in italic.

For example:

Joseph Addison put the point well:

The great violation of the point of honour from man to man is giving the lie. One may tell another he whores, drinks, blasphemes and it may pass unresented, but to say he lies, though but in jest is an affront that nothing but blood can expiate. The reason perhaps may be because no other vice implies a want of courage so much as the making of a lie and therefore telling a man he lies is touching him in the most sensible part of honour and indirectly calling him a coward.18

4. Citations in a language other than English should be accompanied by a translation.

III. Notes

N.B. The journal does not publish a bibliography at the end of each article.

– Footnotes should be limited as much as possible to references to works or sources cited.

– Avoid Latinisms (cf., sq. and so forth). Those which are used should be in italic, for example: ibid., i.e., e.g., etc.

– In particular, do not use op. cit. or art. cit. in articles in English. The author’s surname and a short title suffice for second and subsequent citations of a work (see further below).

– Abbreviations for sub-parts of a work as follows: vol., chap.

– Do not use p. or pp. for page references (see further below).

– Do not use ff. Cite a precise range of pages.

– Do not capitalize words in the body of the title, except for the first word of a sentence and proper nouns.

1. Reference to a book

First name, Last name, Title of the book in italics, Place of publication, Publisher, Year.

For example:

Caroline Walker Bynum, Holy feast and holy fast. The religious significance of food to medieval women, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1987.

Helen E. Maurer, Margaret of Anjou. Queenship and power in late medieval England, Woodbridge, Boydell, 2003, 84-92.

2. Articles in collective works.

First name, Last name, ‘Title of the article in inverted commas’, in First name, Family name of the editors of the volume (ed.) or (eds.), Title of the book in italic, Place of publication, Publisher, Year, Pages for the article cited, Page or pages cited.

For example:

Joanne Bailey, ‘Masculinity and fatherhood in England, c. 1760-1830’ in John Arnold and Sean Brady (eds.), What is masculinity? Historical dynamics from antiquity to the contemporary world, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 167-86, 172.

N.B. (ed.) and not (dir.) for collective works cited in an article in English.

3. Journal articles

First name, Last name, ‘Title of the article in inverted commas’, Journal in Italics (capitalize letters commonly used in the journal’s abbreviated name), Volume: Number (optional), Year, Pages for article cited, Page or pages cited.

For example:

Ben Griffin, ‘Hegemonic masculinity as a historical problem’, Gender and History, 30:2, 2018, 377-400, 389-92.

4. If several references are given one after another, separate them with a semi-colon.

5. Use a short title for second and subsequent references to an item.

For example:

Maurer, Margaret of Anjou, 57

Bailey, ‘Masculinity and fatherhood’, 177.

Griffin, ‘Hegemonic masculinity’, 391.

6. In case of repetition

– of a reference in one note in the next one:

Ibid. = same author, same text, same page

Ibid., 92 = same author, same text, different page

– To cite the same author in two or more successive cases (in the same note or within a reference) use the author’s surname, rather than ‘idem’.

7. Cite texts in a language other than English according to the same rules.

8. Reference to electronic publications

Citations of websites should identify the site and (as applicable) when it was last updated or accessed.

For example:

Willi Coleman, ‘Sarah Parker Remond (1826-1894)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [online], 4 October 2012, revised 13 October 2022, URL:

‘Rose, subst. et adj.’, Dictionnaire du Moyen Français [online], 2020, last accessed June 2022, URL: http://www.atilf.dr/dmf

It is not necessary to provide the URL for a journal published both online and in paper form.

9. Archival references

– The first citation of material from an archive should give the name of the repository in full, with location included. If subsequent citations refer to the same archive, an abbreviated reference should be supplied.

– Where dating is the best way to locate an item, please provide it in the language of the article (in this case English) rather than the archive.

– Details permitting to locate the item in a catalogue, in a collection or within the text, however, can be given in the original language.

For example, for first citations:

The National Archives, UK (hereafter TNA), SC 8/332/15797, mem. 1v.

Archives départementales du Nord (hereafter ADN), 3 G 727, 24 March 1661.

British Library, London (hereafter BL), Harley MS 3988, fol. 7v.

For subsequent citations:

TNA, DL 39/3/19, mem. 3r.

ADN, 3 G 727, 14 May 1660.

BL, Royal MS 8.B.xxiii, fol. 5.

10. Images

– Please provide good quality images (black and white, at least 300 dpi) with the file type clearly specified (TIF, EPS or JPG).

– The responsibility for identifying rights for images lies with the author. The journal cannot provide funds for purchasing publishable images or reproduction rights. Rights obtained should be for internet use for all countries and areas in perpetuity.

– Please provide images with a clear legend identifying its origin (e.g. type of document, title, archival collection, place of conservation, etc.) and copyright information.

– Please provide a list of images used with a clear identification of each file name, for example: Figure 1 = fig. 001.tif

11. The author’s responsibilities

– The article submitted must be original and the author’s own work.

– The author must inform the editors if similar or overlapping material has already been published, or has been submitted for consideration, in whole or in part, in another form (in paper form or online), or in another language.

– The author will be informed electronically when their text is published.

– The author is free to reuse their text, partially or in totality, without any limitation or restriction. The use of the article by any person other than the author is subject to the terms of the licence adopted by the journal (Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND: reproduction or diffusion authorised with attribution, without change, and without commercial use).

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