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Géocarrefour (formerly Études rhodaniennes then Revue de géographie de Lyon) is one of the oldest French-language geography journals. It is published four times per year by the Association des amis de la Revue de géographie de Lyon. Géocarrefour publishes thematic issues, with subjects drawn up by the editorial committee from proposals by its academic editors. Themes are announced with calls for contributions. All articles are submitted anonymously to an international peer review committee.

Issues from 1926 to 2008 are available on Persée.

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Current open issue
98/1 | 2024 (Open issue)

3 latest texts

Latest issue
97/2 | 2023
Habitats informels et migrations: 10 ans de résorption des bidonvilles en France (2011-2021)

Informal housing and migration: 10 years of slum upgrading in France (2011-2021)

numéro dirigé par Louis Bourgois et Elise Roche

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