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About the journal

Created in 2012, The Revue de géographie historique, directed by Professor Philippe Boulanger, aims to disseminate information on major territorial issues by valuing the historical approach. It is open to different themes related to political, economic, rural, urban, social and cultural issues.
The frequency of the review is bi-annual and is intended to increase awareness of methods, conceptions, and the diversity of approaches to historical geography, whether French or foreign, through feature articles and reading reports. It is open to different themes related to political, economic, rural, urban, social and cultural issues.
The frequency of the review is bi-annual and is intended to increase awareness of methods, conceptions, and the diversity of approaches to historical geography, whether French or foreign, through feature articles and reading reports.

You can send a proposed paper to Philippe Boulanger ( and who will then be studied by scientific committee of the Revue.

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