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Guidelines for authors

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The journal "Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement" publishes original papers, book reviews, and field and conference reports in French and English. Abstracts (250 words maximum) key words, titles and all table and illustration captions must be submitted in both languages. For articles in French an abridged version in English is required (Abridged English Version), and for articles in English an abridged version in French is required (Version française abrégée), consisting of about one page (7000 characters including spaces) which should allow development of the key points of the article in a more detailed manner than the short abstract. This enlarged abstract may refer to the most important figures in the article and include the main references. A succinct title must be typed at the top of each uneven numbered page.

The format of the journal is 210 x 297 mm (A4). A complete version of the manuscript (text and illustrations) is to be sent to Armelle Decaulne, by e-mail to the following address: The text file should be in doc. format and contain no illustrations. Footnotes are not permitted. The postal address, telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author must be transmitted when sending the article to facilitate correspondence.

1. Length and style of articles

1.1. Length

The articles must not exceed 15 to 20 pages (maximum), including figures. Texts of greater length may be allowed but are subject to acceptance by the editorial board. The reports should be short, 1-2 pages. Longer texts are subject to the approval of the editorial board.

1.2. Style

The texts must be prepared in 1.5 line spacing, using 12 point “Times New Roman” typeface, and line numbers to facilitate the work of reviewers.

2. Format of manuscripts

2.1. Title

The title must appear in English and in French and must be concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. A succinct running title must appear at the top of each odd-numbered page.

2.2. Authors’ names and affiliations

Provide the author’s first name in lower case. Where the family name is ambiguous (e.g. a double name), please indicate this clearly. Present a single affiliation address for each author (where the work was carried out) below the name, identified by a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name. Provide the full postal address for each affiliation, including the name of the laboratory, the affiliated university and the country, as follows:
Serge Suaneza
aLETG-Brest-Géomer UMR 6554 CNRS – Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Technopôle Brest Iroise, 29280 Plouzané, France.

Also provide the e-mail address of each author as follows: (Serge Suanez).

2.3. Corresponding author

Clearly indicate the author who will handle correspondence at all stages of the evaluation procedure, publication and post-publication, using an asterisk as follows: Serge Suanez*a.

Ensure that the telephone number (with country and area code) of the corresponding author are provided as follows:
*Corresponding author: Tel: +33 (0)2 98 49 86 10

Please, note that the journal does not accept personnel phone numbers (in paticular the mobile phone numbers). The corresponding author must provide a professional telephone number. If he does not have one, the telephone number of his affiliation organism (laboratory or department) must be indicated.

2.4. Abstract

The abstract must appear in both English and French and must be concise and factual (250 words maximum). It should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and the major conclusions. References should be avoided, but if essential the author(s) and year(s) should be cited. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential must be defined when first appearing in the abstract itself.

2.5. Keywords

Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords in English and in French. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, "and", "of"). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field of the article are eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes and must therefore be as simple and short as possible.

2.6. Abbreviations

Define in parentheses uncommon abbreviations when first used in the text, as follows: CTSD (cliff-top storm deposit); CEREMA (centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement).

2.7. Metric units and dates

Metric (cm, m, km) or British (in, ft, mi) units of measurement are acceptable, but must be consistently used throughout the text. Dual measurements with one type in parentheses are also acceptable, but must also be used consistently. For example: 1 in (2.5 cm); 1 km (0.6 mi); 600,000 yd3 (459,000 m3). There must always be a space between the measurement value and the type of unit used. In French, the separation between the full integers and the decimal is a comma (2,5 cm), in English it is a period (2.5 cm). In French, thousands, millions, etc., are separated by a space (20 000 m3; € 200 000), in English by a comma (20,000 m3; € 200,000). In French, the dates for centuries are indicated in Roman numerals (XXe; XVIIIe) in English with Arabic numerals (20th, 18th). The adverbial term per mil is indicated by the sign ‰. Use the character ± to indicate more or less in relation to a number, as follows: 2 500 ± 25 m3.

2.8. Special signs and characters

Negative and positive values are indicated as follows: -50 m; +14 000 m3 (without a space between the sign and the number). Compound units of value may be written in two ways depending on the author’s choice: 25 m/s or 25 m.s-1; -14 m3/m or -14 m3.m-1. A space should be placed before and after a double character, as follows: ≥ 25 m2; ½ wave length: 1,250 ± 55 m3; total = 25 m2. The Latin abbreviations (i.e.,), (e.g.,) should be in italics, followed by a comma.

2.9. Formulas and equations

Formulas and equations can be written using the “Insert equation” function in Word software. The equations mentioned in the text are numbered as follow: [1]; [2]; etc. This numbering, placed to the right of the equation, is recalled in the text when necessary.

2.10. Acknowledgements

Place acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references, and thus do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.

3. Article structure

3.1. Subdivision - numbered sections

The article must be divided into clearly defined main sections and subsections. Any sections and subsections may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line. Three subdivisions are authorised for the subsections of the main body of the text, numbered as follows: (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.). The ranking of the sections and subsections is also indicated by the typographic style used (1. bold, 1.1. normal, 1.1.1. italic).

3.2. Introduction

The introduction presents the objectives of the work and provides an exhaustive background. The latter may however be a full section if the authors wish.

3.3. Content of the article

The material, data and methods used should be “if possible” discussed in light of the fact that the methodological approaches to collecting and processing data differ according to the geographical themes. The results must then be clearly presented and distinguished from the discussion. This discussion should allow placement of the results in a larger perspective, in relation to the latest information concerning the subject. The major conclusions of the study should be presented in a short paragraph at the end of the article.

4. References

When a reference is introduced in the text, only the name is presented followed by the date in parentheses, as follows: As shown by Dupont (2003), the solid outflow of the Rhône has diminished […].

4.1. Reference to authors

When a reference is made in a sentence, only the name should be provided, followed by the date in parentheses, as follows: a phase of meandering was identified (Dupont, 2003). When there are two authors, the same instructions apply, as follows: As shown by Dupont and Durand (2003), a phase of meandering was identified [...]. A phase of meandering was identified (Dupont and Durand, 2003). When there are more than three authors, the same instructions apply, as follows: As shown by Dupont et al. (2003), a phase of meandering was identified [...]. A phase of meandering was identified (Dupont et al., 2003). Note that the Latin adverbial phrase “et al.” is never in italics; there is no comma after “al.” when it is introduced in the text as follows: as shown by Dupont et al. (2003); but “al., 2003” would appear with a comma when it is referred to in the text as follows: as the authors have shown (Dupont et al., 2003). When several references appear in the text together, they should be in the order of the oldest to the most recent, as follows: (Durand, 2008; Dupond et al., 2011; Durand and Dupond, 2015; Dupond, 2016). When the reference concerns two references to the same author published in the same year, the formulation is as follows: (Durand, 2001a, b).

4.2. List of references

References are listed at the end of the article:
Durand C. (2003) –
Durand C., Dupond L. (2015) –
Durand C., Martin P. (2000) –
Durand C., Martin P., Simon B. (2007) –
Durand C., Simon B., Papin S. (1997) –

For two references to the same author published in the same year, use the following formulation:
Durand C. (2003a)
Durand C. (2003b)

4.3. Presentation of references

References are presented as follows:

For journal articles:
Hooke J.M., Gautier E., Zolezzi G. (2011) – River meander dynamics: developments in modelling and empirical analyses. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36 (11), 1550–1553.
DOI : 10.1002/esp.2185

(Clearly specify the volume and/or issue number and/or DOI number where available).

For books and published research reports:
Birot P. (1981) – Les processus d'érosion à la surface des continents. Masson, Paris, 607 p.

For contributions within a book:
Stéphan P., Suanez S., Fichaut B. (2015) – Long-, Mid- and Short-Term Evolution of Coastal Gravel Spits of Brittany, France. In Randazzo G., Jackson D., Cooper A. (Eds.): Sand and Gravel Spits. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 12, 275–288.
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-13716-2_15

(Clearly specify the volume and/or issue number and/or DOI number where available).

For academic work (thesis, masters, etc.):
Magnin F. (2015) – Le permafrost des parois du massif du Mont Blanc : estimation de sa distribution par une combinaison de monitoring de la température, modélisation et mesures géophysiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Savoie, 350 p.

For study reports (generally unpublished):
Daubord C. (2014) – Caractérisation de 7 évènements de tempête de l’automne-hiver 2013-2014 à partir des données disponibles au SHOM. Rapport du Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Brest), N° 001/2014 - MIP/HDC/NP N° 84, 31 p. (non publié).

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text or mentioned in illustration captions is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). For the references to texts submitted, accepted or in press, do not provide a date but use the appropriate adjective (submitted), (accepted), (in press) in parentheses at the end of the citation. However, provide the DOI number if available even if the publication has not yet appeared.

5. Illustrations

The illustrations are numbered in the order that they appear in the article. Do not place the first references to several figures in the same paragraph as this will lead to positioning of illustrations far from their references in the text. Figures, tables and photographs, numbered and with captions, are assembled in one text file when the article is submitted. After acceptance of the article, the figures and photographs are to be provided in separate files in tiff or jpg format, with ≥ 300 dpi resolution, and a maximum width of 18 cm (two columns). The tables are provided individually in Word or Excel format.

5.1. References to figures / tables

Drawings, diagrams, maps and photos are figures and are referred to as they occur in the text: (fig. 1); tables: (tab. 1). When the main figure is for example composed of four referenced sub-figures A, B, C, and D, the reference is as follows: (fig. 1A-D) for referring to all the sub-figures; (fig. 1A, C, D) for referring to 3 out of four, etc. When the reference concerns several figures with sequential numbering, it is as follows: (fig. 1-2) or (fig. 1-4), respectively for referring to figures 1 and 2, and to figures 1 to 4. When the author wishes to refer to several figures whose numbering is not sequential, the reference is as follows: (fig. 1, 3) or (fig. 1,3,5), respectively for figures 1 and 3, and figures 1, 3, and 5. A reference to an illustration (figure or table) introduced in the text is as follows: As shown in Figure 1 […]; as indicated in Table 2 […].

5.2. Preparation of illustrations

The illustrations are provided in priority in vector format (.ai or .eps) for maps, figures and graphics. Use the jpeg and tiff format, at a resolution of 300 dpi minimum, for photos. These illustrations must be compatible with the column width of the printed version. Thus, an illustration has two possible widths: 9 cm (1 column) or 18 cm (full width of 2 columns). The maximum height cannot exceed a full page of 21 cm.

Arial typography should be used. The size of the characters must be between 7 pt (minimum) and 12 pt (maximum). If an illustration have several windows, each of them must be identified by a capital letter A, B, C, etc. (in Arial regular 16 pt). The use of frames around the illustrations should be avoided, but if necessary the thickness of the frame should not exceed 0.75 pt.

Tables are supplied individually in Word or Excel format with also two possible widths compatible with the column width of the printed version: 9 cm (1 column) or 18 cm (full width of 2 columns). The maximum height cannot exceed a full page of 21 cm.

Illustrations must be provided in separate files; the of the digital file must include the name of the corresponding author, the type of illustration (fig. or tab.), and the number of the figure or table. Example:, or eps, or jpg, or tiff ; Dupont_Tab1.doc or xls.

5.3. Preparation of maps

The maps and drawings will include a metric scale, indication of orientation and in certain cases indication of latitude and longitude. During the preparation of the figures, the authors should use the same typeface, Arial or Helvetica being preferred. The texts that appear in the figures should be visible (letter size 6 minimum).

5.4. Figure captions

The list of illustrations is assembled at the end of the article. For each of these the title (in bold) and the complete caption in the language of the article follows the complete translation (in italics) in the other language.

The presentation should be as follows:
Fig. 1 – Carte de localisation.
Fig. 1Location map.

The texts that appear in the figures should be in both languages (French and English). Signs and numbered boxes will enable extraction of the texts from the figures and reference to them in a detailed caption, as follows:
Fig. 2 – Le secteur de côte à falaises crayeuses. 1. falaise ; 2. plate-forme d’érosion littorale.
Fig. 2 – Part of the chalk-cliffed coastline. 1. sea-cliff; 2. shore platform.

Figures with 2 or more parts should be labeled using capital letters A, B, C, etc, to distinguish them. The reference in the text will be as follows: (fig. 1A, 2C). A general title is necessary for the illustration itself and particular subtitles for A, B, C are given afterward, as in the following presentation:
Fig. 1 – Carte de localisation. A : Échelle régionale ; B : Échelle locale.
Fig. 1Location map. A: Regional scale; B: Local scale.

However, illustrations containing too many sub-figures are to be avoided, as reduction to the format of the printed page (18 cm x 21 cm) often renders them practically illegible.

5.5. Colour illustrations

Colour may be used when issues of the journal are placed online under the platform, in particular for the creation of downloadable PDF files. For the paper version, the figures are printed in black and white (colour reproduction is possible, chargeable to the authors). Also, when possible it is advisable to provide figures and photographs in colour only if they are of equal quality when converted to black and white (two different versions of the same figure in black and white and in colour cannot be accepted).

6. Address

The articles in digital format are to be sent to the editor of the journal at the following e-mail address:

Document annexe

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