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The “Séré de Rivières” type fort: geomorphological approaches to polemolandscapes (GIS, LiDAR, military archives). Example of the fortified belt of Reims (France)

Le fort de type « Séré de Rivières » : approches géomorphologiques des polémopaysages (SIG, LiDAR, archives militaires). Exemple de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims (France)
Pierre-Yves Ancelin, Alain Devos, Sébastien Laratte et Julien Berthe


L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier la place de la fortification de type « Séré de Rivières » dans la dimension géomorphologique du paysage de guerre. Une approche multiscalaire est proposée afin d’analyser le contexte géomorphologique de ce système défensif. Il s’avère que la rationalisation du relief est effective à toutes les échelles : le dispositif défensif est enraciné sur les massifs montagneux orientaux et sur le système de cuesta du Bassin parisien ; la place de Reims verrouille un entonnoir de percée cataclinale (rivière de la Vesle) en s’appuyant sur les reliefs associés à la cuesta d’Île-de-France (revers de côte, buttes-témoins, avant-butte). L’analyse croisée sous SIG d’un relevé LiDAR aéroporté portant sur le secteur du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (ceinture fortifiée de Reims), et de sources documentaires et de terrain, fournit une vision diachronique permettant de trier les formes et de polyphaser la « morphogenèse » de ce polémopaysage. Sa construction et sa modernisation (1875-1892) et son intégration dans les réseaux de défense de la Grande Guerre, ont induit des perturbations pédologiques (pédoturbation), morphologiques (bombturbation) et spatiales mutuelles entre cette structure fortifiée (rampes, tunnels, abris) et les différentes composantes de ces réseaux (tranchées et boyaux, observatoires, positions d’artillerie, etc.). Cela souligne ainsi l’impact de ces fortifications antérieures à la Première Guerre mondiale, ces dernières ayant tendance à être occultées par ce conflit fondamentalement morphogène. Elle questionne enfin la résilience de ces morphologies associées à la guerre via la question de la patrimonialisation de leurs richesses écologiques (îlots de biodiversité), géomorphologiques (« polémogéomorphosite ») et historiques.

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Notes de la rédaction

Received on April 10, 2023. Revised form received on February 21, 2024. Definitively accepted on February 22, 2024.

Texte intégral

This article is part of the SECREI project conducted by the UR 3795 - GEGENA and co-financed by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and the Grand Reims. The authors would like to thank the Association des Amis du Fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (AFNA), in particular Jean-Michel Durlet, leader of the historical committee, and the Grand-Est region for the financing of the IMPACT 14-18 research project which allowed the acquisition of LiDAR data.

1. Introduction

1Resulting from the defeat of the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871), France decided to develop a defensive organization in order to protect its territory. It was based on the construction of hundreds fortified structures erected along the northern and eastern borders, and more specially in the northeastern part (Ministère de la guerre, 1873) (fig. 1-2).

2This defense system, commonly referred to as “Séré de Rivières” is named after its conceptor. Until the eve of the 21st century, as a subject of study, it was neglected by the field of scientific research. Since the 1990s, its study has nevertheless been enhanced by plural approaches emanating from architecture (Hallé, 2007; Frinjs et al., 2008; Truttmann, 2017) and military history related to the structures activity period (Neuville, 1980; Ortolan, 2004; Buffetaut, 2011, 2016; Depret, 2016; Kaluzko, 2016a, 2016b; Buffetaut 2017; Depret and Diest, 2021). Their post-conflict future was considered through the lens of the humanities and social sciences. The purpose was then heritage, landscape and urbanistic (Amat and Becker, 1994; Durup de Baleine, 1998, 2001), purely heritage (Truttmann, 1994), or historical (Diest, 2022).

3The advent of airborne LiDAR, which digitally reveals microtopography, and the development of GIS tools, has led to the emergence of geographic approaches investigating the geomorphological legacy of conflicts over the past decade, i.e., “archaeogeomorphology of conflicts” (Hesse, 2014; De Matos Machado, 2018; Gheyle et al., 2018; Taborelli, 2018).

4It took over in France from the precursory works dedicated to the consequences of WW1 (World War one) in the Paris Basin, which attest that militarization and war studies are essential to the understanding of the formation of landscapes in northeastern France (Amat, 1987, 2001; Boulanger, 2001). In this framework, the fortifications of the late 19th century have only been approached subsidiarily in relation to WW1, by the geographical notion of polemoform (Amat, 2001, 2015; De Matos Machado, 2018; Taborelli, 2018; Devos et al., 2019) and through an archaeological prism of thought (Dardignac and David, 2015). They are thus envisaged as “ante-polemoforms” participating in the formation of WW1 landforms (Taborelli, 2018). Yet, despite the inescapable imprint of the conflict, this defensive system results in a veritable polemotopography (Amat, 2001), with its characteristic forms and structures (standardized and original on each site) and significant topographic changes.

5Until now, no approach has specifically addressed this morphological and geomorphological dimension of the “Séré de Rivières” forts, even though geomorphology, geography, and geology have strongly influenced French military thought in the 19th century (Boulanger, 2019). The very weak chronological concordance between such social events and the science of reliefs invites to consider the fortifications as objects of geomorphological study. Although they involve extremely short morphogenetic sequences (centennial or even decadal order) their morphogenic impact remains particularly prominent in the landscape, 150 years after their construction (Taborelli et al., 2017a).

Fig. 1 - Examples of “Séré de Rivières” type fortifications in oblique aerial view.
Fig. 1 - Exemples de fortifications de type « Séré de Rivières » en vue aérienne oblique.

Fig. 1 - Examples of “Séré de Rivières” type fortifications in oblique aerial view. Fig. 1 - Exemples de fortifications de type « Séré de Rivières » en vue aérienne oblique.

A: Domgermain fort (Toul belt); B: Uxegney fort (Épinal belt); C: Girancourt fort (Épinal belt); D: Douaumont fort (Verdun belt); E: Nogent-l’Abbesse fort (Reims belt).
A : fort de Domgermain (ceinture de Toul) ; B : fort d’Uxegney (ceinture d’Épinal) ; C : fort de Girancourt (ceinture d’Épinal) ; D : Fort de Douaumont (ceinture de Verdun) ; E : fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (ceinture de Reims).

6Archaeogeomorphology, first mentioned by Wandsnider (1992) and conceptualized by Thornbush (2012, 2013) is a sub-discipline of geomorphology. This contribution, which investigates the role of fortifications and warfare in shaping the landscape of the Reims region, is regarded as archaeogeomorphological, as it studies archaeological objects by mobilizing geomorphological and geographical methods (spatial analysis, morphometry, morphological classification, GIS, LiDAR) and concepts such as polemoforms, polemolandscapes, environments (Thornbush, 2012, 2013). The geomorphological influence of Man, through his military and warlike activities, is thus considered with a cultural perspective, in parallel to anthropogeomorphology, which considers it solely through the prism of its impact on natural environments (Sherman, 1989; Goudie, 1993).

7First, this article aims to concretely introduce the influence of geomorphology and, above all, to refine our understanding of the role of geomorphological conditions in the development of this network of fortifications. Their preponderance, which is expressed at all scales, can be seen first at the regional scale, by the fortified structures that were implanted on the main reliefs (mountain massifs, cuestas) in order to protect the French capital (fig. 2A-B).

8Understanding the influence of these fortified structures on geomorphology is therefore the second objective of this contribution. More specifically, the aim is to treat these fortified structures as indicators of anthropogenic forcing on modeling in the Anthropocene, during which Man, a substantial geological force (Steffen et al., 2007), is a major morphogenic agent. In this context, the forts of the fortified belt of Reims (Marne, France) constitute an evocative case study of the topographical imprint of conflicts. The city of Reims occupies a singular geographical position, at the contact of two stepped plateaus separated by the Île-de-France cuesta: the plateau formed by the Mesozoic chalk of the Champagne region and the plateaus of the Cenozoic limestones (fig. 2B-3).

Fig. 2 - Location map of Reims fortified belt.
Fig. 2 - Carte de localisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims.

Fig. 2 - Location map of Reims fortified belt.Fig. 2 - Carte de localisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims.

A: main “Séré de Rivières” strongholds in France; B: organization of “Séré de Rivières” system of the northeast part of France. 1. “Séré de Rivières” fortified belts of 1st position; 2. “Séré de Rivières” fortified belts of 2nd position; 3. Entrenched camp of Paris; 4. German strongholds; 5. Belgian stronghold; 6. Isolated “Séré de Rivières” forts; 7. Main gaps; 8. German annexed territories (1871); 9. Franco-German border (1914); 10. French border (1918); 11. Cuestas and major slopes; 12. Hydrographic network. A. Ardenne; J. Jura; M. Morvan; V. Vosges; i. Istein; m. Metz; ne. Neuf-Brisach; na. Namur; s. Strasbourg; t. Thionville.
A : places principales du systèmes « Séré de Rivières » en France ; B : organisation du système « Séré de Rivières » dans le nord-est de la France. 1. Ceintures fortifiées « Séré de Rivières » de 1re position ; 2. Ceintures fortifiées « Séré de Rivières » de 2nd position ; 3. Camp retranché de Paris ; 4. Places fortes allemandes ; 5. Place forte belge ; 6. Forts « Séré de Rivières » isolés ; 7. Trouées principales ; 8. Territoires annexés par l’Allemagne (1871) ; 9. Frontière franco-allemande (1914) ; 10. Frontière française (1918) ; 11. Cuestas et talus majeurs ; 12. Réseau hydrographique. A. Ardenne ; J. Jura ; M. Morvan ; V. Vosges ; i. Istein ; m. Metz ; ne. Neuf-Brisach ; na. Namur ; s. Strasbourg ; t. Thionville.

9The airborne LiDAR survey of half of this fortified belt (2015) represents a highly efficient tool for the achievement of these two objectives (Hesse, 2014), and thus to enhance the understanding of the history and environmental impact of fortifications (Devos et al., 2019).

10The Nogent-l'Abbesse fort area was selected in order to gain a better understanding of the role of these fortifications in the changing topography of these complex polemolandscapes (fig. 1E). This choice is due on the one hand on the representativeness of the site's polemotopography revealed by this very high-resolution topographic data, which evolved over 70 years from its fortification to the end of the WW2 (World War two). On the other hand, it’s also justified by the close collaboration with the site administrator enabling researchers to work on site.

11The LiDAR data was exploited through an inventory of detected topographical anomalies, based on a digitizing protocol developed beforehand (Georges-Leroy, 2011; Ancelin et al., accepted a). The crossing of this microtopographic information with archival documents, current databases and field surveys highlights the multiple morphological traces of militarization, more specifically fortification, as well as warfare. This morphological discrimination and the decomposition of the current topographical palimpsest revealed by LiDAR finally enable us to identify multiple morphogenic military and polemological phases.

12Ultimately, the key aim of this contribution is to reveal the value of “Séré de Rivières”-type military fortifications as an object of geomorphological study. Such interest is important for (i) considering their environmental impacts, (ii) improving their historical and archaeological understanding (Ancelin et al., accepted a) and (iii) contributing to the management of this little-known fortified and polemological heritage considered a dark heritage (Hesse, 2014).

Fig. 3 - Simplified geological map of Mesozoic and Cenozoic substrates of the Reims sector, including Quaternary.
Fig. 3 - Carte géologique simplifiée des substrats du Mésozoïque et du Cénozoïque, dont Quaternaire, du secteur de Reims.

1. Fluvial formations (Quaternary); 2. Silts (Quaternary); 3. Millstone clays (Rupelian); 4. Limestones and marls (Lutetian); 5. Sands (upper Ypresian); 6. Clays, lignites and sands (Ypresian); 7. Sands, sandstones and clays (Thanetian); 8. White chalk (Cretaceous); 9. Front of the Île-de-France cuesta; 10. Plots of geological sections; 11. “Séré de Rivières” forts; 12. “Séré de Rivières” secondary fortifications; 13. Front line in November 1914; 14. Front line in early 1918; 15. Urban footprint of Reims in 1918; 16. Spot elevations (altitude in m NGF); 17. Waterways. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré; MBe. Mont de Berru; MBr. Mont de Brimont; MR. Montagne de Reims; MS. Massif de Saint-Thierry; PS.  Plateau du Soissonais; PT. Plateau du Tardenois.
1. Formations fluviatiles (Quaternaire) ; 2. Limons (Quaternaire) ; 3. Argiles à meulières (Rupélien) ; 4. Calcaires et marnes (Lutétien) ; 5. Sables (Yprésien supérieur, « Cuisien ») ; 6. Argiles, lignites et sables (Yprésien, « Sparnacien ») ; 7. Sables, grès et argiles (Thanétien) ; 8. Craie blanche (Crétacé) ; 9. Front de la Côte d’Île-de-France ; 10 . Tracés des coupes géologiques ; 11. Forts « Séré de Rivières » ; 12. Ouvrages secondaires « Séré de Rivières » ; 13. Ligne de front en novembre 1914 ; 14. Ligne de front début 1918 ; 15. Emprise urbaine de Reims en 1918 ; 16. Points cotés (altitude en m NGF) ; 17. Cours d’eau. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré ; MBe. Mont de Berru ; MBr.  Mont de Brimont ; MR. Montagne de Reims ; MS. Massif de Saint-Thierry ; PS. Plateau du Soissonais ; PT. Plateau du Tardenois.


2.1. Parameters

13The topographic data were acquired during an airborne LiDAR campaign conducted in December 2015 by Aerodata in the north of Reims. It covers the sectors of Brimont and Berru-Nogent-l'Abbesse inside of “Séré de Rivières” fortifications are located (fig. 4A). Favorable meteorological (low cloud cover, no snow cover) and phenological (no leaves, few coniferous stands) conditions permitted to obtain a 50-cm resolution DTM (digital terrain model) interpolated from the acquisition of an average cloud of 13 “ground” points/m² (fig. 4A-B). The density map produced at the DTM operating resolution shows a minimum density of 3 points per pixel and good isotropy, particularly for the Berru-Nogent-l'Abbesse sector) (Ancelin et al., accepted b) (fig. 4A). The resulting very high spatial resolution is consistent with geomorphological (Höfle and Rutzinger, 2011) and archaeological uses (Nuninger et al., 2010).

Fig. 4 - Parameters and operating methods of the “Reims north” LIDAR.
Fig. 4 - Paramètres et méthodes d’exploitation du LIDAR « Reims nord ».

Fig. 4 - Parameters and operating methods of the “Reims north” LIDAR. Fig. 4 - Paramètres et méthodes d’exploitation du LIDAR « Reims nord ».

A: location of the LiDAR acquisition and density map of the “ground” points cloud; B: characteristics of the LiDAR acquisition; C: workflow carried out for the visual processing of the DTM LiDAR resulting from the acquisition; D: parameters of the three visualization processing used; E: example of digitization protocol.
A : localisation de l’acquisition LiDAR et carte de densité du nuage de points « sol » ; B : caractéristiques de l’acquisition LiDAR ; C : suite d’opérations effectuée pour le traitement visuel du MNT LiDAR issu de l’acquisition ; D : paramètres des trois traitements de visualisation utilisés ; E : exemple de protocole de digitalisation.

2.2. Cartography

14The processing of the point cloud and the DTM was carried out using Arcmap 10.3 software in order to detect and map the topographic anomalies observed (Nuninger et al., 2010).

2.2.1. DTM creation and visualization processing

15The topographic modeling was obtained by interpolating the given raw point cloud rated by the provider, in order to discriminate “ground” and “overground” points. This step was performed using the “LAS to Raster dataset” tool (parameters: inverse distance weighting; natural neighbor).

16DTM was visually processed using an algorithm (fig. 4C) to generate derived images that optimize shape detection (Kokalj and Hesse, 2017). Three different indices were used with the parameters shown in Figure 4D: multidirectional shading (Devereux et al., 2008), slope index (Bennett et al., 2012), and topographic position index (TPI) (Guisan, et al., 1999).

2.2.2. Digitization protocol

17The development of a digitization protocol standardizing the mapping work allowed the assignment of cartographic standards to each type of topographic anomaly studied (Georges-Leroy et al., 2011; Chevigny et al., 2018; De Matos Machado, 2018; Ancelin and Harmand, accepted) (fig. 4E). These are previously defined morphologically thanks to a plan view and a topographic profile. In parallel, different thematic (type, dating, etc.) and morphometric attribute fields were assigned to the created vector data table.

2.2.3. Documentary crossing and field prospection

18Finally, the protocol was verified against field observations, current documents (e.g., cartographic databases of the Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière, IGN) and archival sources in manuscript, cartographic and photographic form (orthophotographs, vertical and oblique aerial photographs). The old maps and plans used date back to the 19th century and the WW1 (tab. 1), during which millions of artillery shooting plans were developed and disseminated by the GCTA (Groupe de Canevas de Tir des Armées) of the French Army (Lévy, 1926; Combaud et al., 2016).

Tab. 1 - Cartographic and planimetric archives documents used in the GIS.
Tab. 1 - Documents d’archives planimétriques et cartographiques utilisés sous SIG.

Tab. 1 - Cartographic and planimetric archives documents used in the GIS.Tab. 1 - Documents d’archives planimétriques et cartographiques utilisés sous SIG.

AAFN: Friends of Nogent-l’Abbesse fort association; AD51: Marne Departmental Archives; BNF: French National Library; IGN: French national institute for geographic and forestry information; MPT: Mines ParisTech; SHD: Defence History Departement.
AAFN : Association des Amis du Fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse ; AD51 : Archives départementales de la Marne ; BNF : Bibliothèque Nationale de France ; IGN : Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière ; MPT : Mines ParisTech ; SHD : Service Historique de la Défense.

19The planimetric documents were georeferenced on Arcmap 10.3 with the “1st degree polynomial” transformation method to project them simultaneously to the LiDAR data and digitized layers. This allows to constitute a dedicated, complete, and operational GIS.

3. Results

3.1. A rational and multiscalar use of the relief

3.1.1. Defensive system scale

20The influence of geomorphology on French military thought is unequivocal in view of the flagrant rationalization of the relief and its characteristics in the elaboration of the “Séré de Rivières” system (fig. 2A-B).

21First, on a national scale, the fortified structures were established on the four mountain ranges that delimited the eastern border of France (fig. 2A): on the Alpine Massif facing Italy, on the Jura Massif facing Switzerland, on the western slope of the Vosges Massif facing the new border imposed by Germany under the Treaty of Frankfurt in 1871, and on the Ardenne Massif facing Belgium.

22The northeast quarter is crucial because it is located near the German Alsace-Lorraine (Piette, 1874). It constitutes the main defense axis organized in its depth into three major defensive lines (fig. 2B). These lines are composed of a network of cities fortified by a set of detached “belt forts” of 6 km long that surround it (fig. 1A-E). Four fortified belts are in particular linked by a string of “screening” forts (Verdun-Toul and Épinal-Belfort curtains). They were supposed to generate impassable barriers, behind which the deployed troops could encircle opposing armies rushing into the military and topographical gaps located in the intervals (fig. 2B). Finally, isolated “stop” forts were placed at certain points to slow down a possible enemy invasion or to protect militarily sensitive logistic nodes.

23In addition to the mountainous massifs, the cuestas of the Parisian Basin served as support for the defensive system (fig. 2B). In the east, the 1st line was positioned on the Meuse cuesta, covered by Oxfordian limestone (e.g., Toul-Verdun curtain) (fig. 1A, D), and rooted on the slopes of the upper Moselle (e.g., Épinal-Belfort curtain) (fig. 1B-C). Further back, the second line of defense consisted of the strongholds of Reims (fig. 3), Laon and La Fère, supported by the Île-de-France cuesta, and the strongholds of Langres and Dijon, located further to the southeast, on the eastern edge of the Langres plateau. The third line corresponds to a large francilian belt defending Paris. It was composed of fortifications scattered on the heights of the plateaus in the tertiary center of the Paris Basin.

3.1.2. Reims region (study area)

24The reliefs associated with the cuesta of Île-de-France served as the foundation for the fortified belt of Reims, which consisted of a group of 7 forts and 5 secondary fortifications (fig. 3). They are located at a good distance from the city of Reims (protection against enemy artillery) and close enough to each other to benefit from mutual lateral coverage (flanking). This combination of fortifications was placed on the highest points along the funnel of Vesle consequent valley, in order to both protect the town of Reims and to lock down this strategic route to Paris (Lacroix, 1909) (fig. 3, 5).

Fig. 5 - Geological cross-sections of the stepped plateaus showing the role of the cuesta relief as a foundation in the organization of the fortified belt of Reims (the lines are shown in Figure 3).
Fig. 5 - Coupes géologiques des plateaux étagés montrant le rôle d’assise du relief de cuesta dans l’organisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims (les tracés sont représentés sur la Figure 3).

Fig. 5 - Geological cross-sections of the stepped plateaus showing the role of the cuesta relief as a foundation in the organization of the fortified belt of Reims (the lines are shown in Figure 3).Fig. 5 - Coupes géologiques des plateaux étagés montrant le rôle d’assise du relief de cuesta dans l’organisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims (les tracés sont représentés sur la Figure 3).

1. Lutetian limestone, marls, and pebbles (middle Eocene, Lutetian) 2. Coarse limestones (lower to middle Lutetian); 3. Marl and limestone (Lutetian, Priabonian); 4. Sands (upper Ypresian); 5. Clays (lower Ypresian); 6. Clay sands and marls (upper Thanetian); 7. Chalk (Campanian); 8. Presumed profile of the early Quaternary glacis (Wiedemann, 1976); 9. “Séré de Rivières” fortifications; 10. Towns; 11. Supposed original extensions of the geological layers. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré; t1. Trigny; t2. Pouillon; t3. Brimont; t4. Berru; t5. Nogent-l’Abbesse; t6. Rilly-la-Montagne.
1. Calcaires lutétiens, marnes et caillasses (Éocène moyen, Lutétien) ; 2. Calcaires grossiers (Lutétien inférieur à moyen) ; 3. Marnes et calcaires (Lutétien, Priabonien) ; 4. Sables (Yprésien supérieur) ; 5. Argiles (Yprésien inférieur) ; 6. Sables argiles et marnes (Thanétien supérieur) ; 7. Craie (Campanien) ; 8. Profil présumé du glacis du Quaternaire ancien (Wiedemann, 1976) ; 9. Fortifications « Séré de Rivières » ; 10. Communes ; 11. Extensions originelles supposées des couches géologiques. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré ; t1. Trigny ; t2. Pouillon ; t3. Brimont ; t4. Berru ; t5. Nogent-l’Abbesse ; t6. Rilly-la-Montagne. 

25Figures 3 and 5 show the geomorphological conditions which make it possible to discriminate them in 4 groups (fortifications are named from a to j). On the one hand, to the west, the Chenay redoubt (a) and the Saint-Thierry fort (b) are located on the Massif de Saint-Thierry (Saint-Thierry group). They are built to the limestone reverse side of the Île-de-France cuesta, formed by the plateaus that mark the beginning of the Cenozoic formations in the east of the Paris Basin.

26To the northwest, the fort of Brimont (d) is located on the Ypresian clays and the sand of the Thanetian. It overlooks the plain atop the eponymous mound. Its use for the defense of Reims is theoretically combined with two associated fortifications, i.e., Brimont group (Lacroix, 1909): the Loivre battery (c) located on the chalky flank (Campanian chalk) to the west; the Cran of Brimont battery (e) on the sandy flank of the mound to the east.

27To the east, most of the fortifications are built against the different geological layers of the Berru residual hill and the Nogent-l'Abbesse outlier (Berru-Nogent-l'Abbesse group). From north to south, the main line of defense is constituted by the fort of Witry-lès-Reims (g: marly sands of the Thanetian, possibly stripped during the construction of the fort), the battery of Berru (h: marls, clays and lignite sands of the lower Ypresian), and the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort and its batteries (j: continental clays and marls of the Thanetian, purplish marls and sands of the Lower Ypresian), of which the southern battery is located on the Campanian chalk. Behind this line, the vigie of Berru (i) is located on the marls (Lutetian-Bartonian) which cover the residual hill of Berru.

28The last group corresponds to the three forts positioned on the lower chalk ridges, defending the intervals located on either side of the Mont de Berru. To the north, the fort of Fresnes-lès-Reims (f) controls the interval with the Mont de Brimont. To the south, the Pompelle fort (k), dominating the Vesle valley, and the fort of Montbré (l: Mont Thibé), locked the gap with the Montagne de Reims. At the site of the latter fort, the hill is covered by sands with flint pebbles (Thanetian) dismantled during its construction (Laurain et al., 1981). Topographic (inclined plane between the plateau and the Vesle valley) and sedimentological (heterometric detrital deposits of solifuxion flows) evidence suggests that Mont Thibé is the remnant of an ancient glacis connecting the Montagne de Reims plateau to the Champagne plateau (Wiedemann, 1976) (fig. 5).

29The geomorphological description of the relief underlying the Reims belt shows that the same geomorphological situation conceals a plurality of sites. In this case, the local geological history is characterized by a shoreline situation during the upper Paleogene from Thanetian (Laurain and Meyer, 1986) to Lutetian (Gély, 1996, 2009, 2016). This situation is conducive to the existence of strong lateral variations in facies and power (fig. 5). This implies a contrasting sedimentation from one site to another, sometimes marine, tidal, fluvioestuarine, continental or lagoonal (Laurain and Meyer, 1986). This is also expressed in the variability of altitudes between the Mont de Berru, culminating at 260 m NGF (Nivellement Général de la France - General Levelling of France), and the Mont de Brimont reaching 170 m. These geological disparities induce relatively heterogeneous local availability of construction geomaterials and supply potential, despite the standardized use of certain materials (Fronteau et al., 2014; Laratte, 2022). The marine Lutetian (coarse limestone) capping the Tertiary plateaus in north of Reims, is exploited in situ for the construction of the Saint- Thierry fort and the Chenay redoubt, whereas it is absent 5 km further east on the Brimont residual hill, where the fort is based on the Thanetian gresified sands. On the other hand, in the Montagne de Reims and on the residual hill of Mont de Berru, where the eponymous vigie is located, the continental Lutetian is frankly clayey and marly (white clays and green marls on Figure 3) (Laurain et al., 1981). Similarly, water supply strategies vary with hydrogeologic conditions (Houdaille, 1889; Devos et al., 2019). Catchments from the chalk aquifer (e.g., Fort of Witry-lès-Reims or Fort of Montbré) and from the aquifer of the upper Ypresian sands - lower Ypresian clays contact (e.g., Fort of Saint-Thierry) are conducted with wells that can reach 90 m deep. In the east, the unsuitability of water consumption (decomposition of the pyrites of the Lutetian black clays) obliges the use of rainwater recovery systems (Houdaille, 1889).

3.2. The fort and battery of Nogent-l’Abbesse

30The LiDAR acquisition provides both quantitative microtopographic data and a synoptic view that are valuable in understanding the geomorphological characteristics at the scale of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort and its detached batteries. Figure 6 shows the strong morphogenic impact of the different polemological phases that shaped this landscape. The detection of characteristic shapes (e.g., ditches, shell craters), and even certain models (WW1 landforms, or even the “Séré de Rivières” landforms), assessed by field surveys, allows us to distinguish five phases:

  • During their active period, (i) their construction (fig. 6A), and (ii) their successive modernization to the torpedo shell crisis (1885-1886) (fig. 6B) before their decommissioning in 1913.

  • During WW1, (iii) their integration into defense networks (fig. 6C) and (iv) their obliteration by shellfire (Devos et al., 2019) (fig. 6D).

  • On the eve of WW2, (v) the construction of buried ammunition bunkers by the French army, partially destroy (distal part) by German troops in 1944 (Frinjs et al., 2008; Coutant et al., 2017) (fig. 6E).

Fig. 6 - Morphogenic polemological phases revealed by LiDAR having led to the current polemotopography of the fort of Nogent-l’Abbesse.
Fig. 6 - Phases polémologiques morphogènes révélées au LiDAR ayant abouti à la polémotopographie actuelle du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.

Fig. 6 - Morphogenic polemological phases revealed by LiDAR having led to the current polemotopography of the fort of Nogent-l’Abbesse.Fig. 6 - Phases polémologiques morphogènes révélées au LiDAR ayant abouti à la polémotopographie actuelle du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.

A: construction of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort (1875-1879); B: adaptation after the torpedo shell crisis (1892); C: integration into the German defensive network (1914-1918); D: bombturbation (1914-1918); E: later military modifications (1935-1944). 1. Counterscarp; 2. Scarp; 3. Dry ditches; 4. Ravelin; 5. Rampart street; 6. Glacis, 7. Traverses; 8. Powder and ammunition magazines; 9. Artillery platforms; 10. Infantry Platform (?); 11. Caponiers; 12. Diamond ditches; 13. Barracks; 14. Underground powder and ammunition magazine; 15. Associated earthworks; 16. Underground galleries; 17. Access to galleries; 18. Chalky cutting from excavation; 19. Access trenches; 20. Blockhouse; 21. Shell craters; 22. Underground ammunition hold; 23. Anti-blast cells; 24. Remains of the German explosion crater (1944); 25. Elevation (in m NGF).
A : construction du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (1875-1879) ; B : adaptation postérieure à la crise de l’obus torpille (1892) ; C : intégration au réseau défensif allemand (1914-1918) ; D : bombturbation (1914-1918) ; E : modifications militaires postérieures (1935-1944). 1. Contrescarpe ; 2. Escarpe ; 3. Fossés secs ; 4. Ravelin ; 5. Rue du rempart ; 6. Glacis, 7. Traverses ; 8. Magasins à poudre et à munitions ; 9. Plateformes d’artillerie ; 10. Plateforme d’infanterie (?) ; 11. Caponnières ; 12. Fossés diamants ; 13. Casernement ; 14. Magasin à poudre et à munitions souterrain ; 15. Terrassements associés ; 16. Galeries souterraines ; 17. Accès aux galeries ; 18. Déblais crayeux issus du creusement ; 19. Boyaux d’accès ; 20. Blockhaus ; 21. Cratères d’obus ; 22. Soutes à munitions souterraines ; 23. Alvéoles anti-blast ; 24. Vestiges du cratère d’explosion allemand (1944) ; 25. Altitude (en m NGF).

3.2.1. Construction of the fortifications

31Whatever its name and size, a first-generation “Séré de Rivières” fortification (“1874 type”; i.e., built before 1886) corresponds to a set of structures, with or without masonry, covered by a mass of earthy materials, and dedicated directly to the artillery (firing platforms, sheltering traverses, powder, and ammunition magazines) or indirectly (barracks, soldiers living quarters, defense installations) (fig. 6A). The faces most exposed to the enemy (“head front”) are more protected than those facing the rear (“gorge front”, which have lower parapets and lesser shelters) according to the principle of irreversibility of fortification (Truttmann, 2017).

32The fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse was built between 1875 and 1879 over an area of around 16 ha. It was part of the first section of forts of the Reims belt at the end of the 1870s (Ministère de la Guerre, 1880). It has a central massif, “low battery” and is dominated by an infantry ridge (unlike the “high battery” forts known as “à cavalier”; Truttmann 2017). It is a polygonal fort whose gorge faces are pseudo-bastioned by the presence of a ravelin. Its concave pentagonal shape (the gorge faces draw a reentrant favoring flanking) corresponds to a trapezoid with a broken base. It differs from pentagonal forts whose convex head faces imply at least the presence of an additional caponier (cf. infra; e.g., Forts of Brimont and Witry-lès-Reims).

33The courtyards of the fort (“rampart street”) are punctuated by a succession of ten sheltering traverses located on the rampart, behind the scarp, designed to protect the artillery platforms from enfilade fire. Half of them are said to be “rooted” because they are extended to the parados and connected to the barracks (Frinjs et al., 2008). In addition to these lateral protections, the platforms have a frontal parapet. At its summit, the topographic ridge materializes the fire ridge behind which the cannons and even the infantry are arranged (fig. 7A).

Fig. 7 - Morphologies of the rampart of the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse (in section and in plan).
Fig. 7 - Morphologies du rempart du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (en coupe et en plan).

Fig. 7 - Morphologies of the rampart of the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse (in section and in plan).Fig. 7 - Morphologies du rempart du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (en coupe et en plan).

A: Theoretical profile of the rampart of a 1874 type “Séré de Rivières” fortification (from Guillot, 1949); B: Topographical section of the rampart of the front of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort (LiDAR microtopographic data); C: “Topographic position index” (TPI) visualization processing derived from the DTM LiDAR. 1. Crest of the cover way; 2. Outer crest; 3. Fire crest (inside crest); 4. Shooting platform; 5. Natural soil; 6. Rampart; 7. Parapet; 8. Dive; 9. Outside slope; 10. Glacis; 11. Counterscarp; 12. Scarp; 13. Ditch; 14. Position of the cunette.
A : Profil théorique du rempart d’une fortification « Séré de Rivières » de type 1874 (d’après Guillot, 1949) ; B : Coupe topographique du rempart du front de tête du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse réalisée à partir des données microtopographiques issues du LiDAR ; C : Traitement de visualisation « indice de position topographique » (TPI) dérivé du MNT LiDAR. 1. Crête du chemin couvert ; 2. Crête extérieure ; 3. Crête de feu (crêt intérieure) ; 4. Plateforme de tir ; 5. Sol naturel ; 6. Rempart ; 7. Parapet ; 8. Plongée ; 9. Talus extérieur ; 10. Glacis ; 11. Contrescarpe ; 12. Escarpe ; 13. Fossé ; 14. Position de la cunette.

34The fort is defended by a complete peripheral dry ditch, about 900 m long and 8 m wide at the base, and several meters deep (Houdaille, 1889) (fig. 7A-C). It is originally circumscribed laterally by two masonry retaining walls: one on the scarp side (the slope at the foot of the rampart that faces the enemy) with discharging arches, and the other on the counterscarp side (facing the fort), at the top of which is the covered way. In addition to the defensive objective, it is designed to limit the risk of clay soil landslides by optimizing drainage (longitudinal and transversal drainage profiles, presence of a cunette in the center) and creating discharge arches in the walls.

35Comparison of Figures 7A-B reveals the attenuation of its profile under the action of colluvium and ground movements (e.g., solifuxion) that are inscribed in the clayey-marl layer of the lower Ypresian (Ministère de la Guerre, 1904, 1909; Bollot, 2014), as well as by the dismantling of the walls. Indeed, after the WW1, most of this masonry was removed due to probable reuse during Reconstruction and for the construction of ammunition bunkers by the French Army in the late 1930s (Coutant et al., 2017).

36The close protection is completed by the presence of two caponiers. The first one, located in the north, is called “simple”, and the second, in the south, is called “double”. They flank respectively one and two sections of the ditch thanks to firing battlements. The diamond ditch, a small subrectangular ditch of several meters in depth, is located below the caponiers to prevent access and to limit the risk of blocking the battlements in the event of a masonry collapse (Hallé, 2007). Three annexed batteries, located in the outer perimeter, supplement the fortifications of the Nogent-l'Abbesse hillock (fig. 6A). They include a rooted sheltering traverse accompanied by one (north and east batteries) or three standard sheltering traverses (south battery). The main differences with the fort are the absence of close defense works (caponiers) and the opening of the gorge front (Frinjs et al., 2008).

37Finally, a military glacis completes the defense of the fortified complex (fig. 6A, 7A-B). It links the fort to the surrounding countryside. Its soft slope, visible from the fire ridge, should prevent the enemy from hiding from the view of the defenders. The planting of vegetation optimizes the fortification by camouflaging the massif, consolidating the slopes, and slowing down enemy attacks (tracing root system complicating the digging of offensive trenches) (Simoutre, 1889). In return, it hides the external covered way and the escarpment from the outside (Hallé, 2007).

38The absence of precise maps of the initial topographic state of the site, before and after construction (to the knowledge of the authors), complicates the quantitative estimation of the volumes disturbed, in particular for the filled central massif which necessarily involve external inputs (Simoutre, 1889). Nevertheless, Simoutre (1889) and Guillot (1949) express an initial depth of 7 m between the theoretical ground level and the bottom of the ditch. Cross-checking with LiDAR data (900 m in length, 8 m in average width) (fig. 7B-C) indicates a volume of more than 50,000 m3 initially excavated for the digging of the ditch, testifying to significant pedoturbation on the site.

3.2.2. Torpedo shell crisis and forts modification

39The discovery of smokeless powder (1884), melinite (1885) and ogival cylindrical shells with “breaking” explosives (1886) neutralized the resistance capacity of all the “Séré de Rivières” fortifications (torpedo shell crisis) (Rocolle, 1973). Their obsolescence was confirmed by the destruction tests carried out on the Malmaison fort (1886) (Ministère de la Guerre, 1886). This caused their modernization to varying degrees between the 1st and 2nd lines. Besides to the increasing use of narrow railroads at the end of the 19th century, the modifications of the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse were limited to the dispersion of the powder magazines. An extension to the latter was built in 1892 within a cavernous magazine (or magazine under rock). It was dug in the chalk underlying the glacis of the gorge front, for a total excavated volume of 989 m3 (fig. 6B, 9A). Its plan is almost identical to the cavernous magazine dug under the Vigie of Berru in the same spirit of relocation of munitions. The shelter is made up of round-vaulted rooms and is structured around two parallel access tunnels that lead to a transverse gallery. It served seven rooms, of which only one or two were devoted to housing ammunition and gunpowder (Ministère de la Guerre, 1893; Frinjs et al., 2008). Only the access platform of a little more than 1,000 m² terraced for the occasion, is visible thanks to LiDAR (fig. 6B, 9A).

3.2.3. Integration of the fortifications into the WW1 defense networks

40On the eve of the WW1, the progress of artillery led to the decommissioning of the second line forts which had become obsolete. Reims was declared an open city on September 2, 1914, causing an exodus of the population. The city was then occupied by the German army between September 4 and 12, 1914.

Fig. 8 - Map of forts in the defense networks of WW1.
Fig. 8 - Carte des forts dans les réseaux de défense de la Première Guerre mondiale.

Fig. 8 - Map of forts in the defense networks of WW1.Fig. 8 - Carte des forts dans les réseaux de défense de la Première Guerre mondiale.

A and B: location of forts in the trench networks around Reims; C: German military system of the fort of Nogent-L'Abbesse revealed by the digitization of the French artillery fire plan of Beine at 1/20000th of August 10, 1918 (tab. 1). 1. “Séré de Rivières” forts; 2. “Séré de Rivières” secondary fortifications; 3. German battle trenches; 4. German communication trenches; 5. French battle trenches; 6. French communication trenches; 7. Urban footprint of Reims in 1918; 8. German communication trenches (LiDAR); 9. Underground galleries; 10. Footbridge; 11. Artillery positions; 12. Anti-aircraft gun; 13. Observatories; 14. Optical station; 15. Telephone station; 16. Narrow railway tracks. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré.
A et B : localisation des forts dans les réseaux de tranchées autour de Reims ; C : système militaire allemand du fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse révélé par la digitalisation du plan directeur de tir français de Beine au 1/20000ème du 10 août 1918 (tab. 1). 1. Forts « Séré de Rivières » ; 2. Ouvrages secondaires « Séré de Rivières » ; 3. Tranchées allemandes ; 4. Boyaux allemands ; 5. Tranchées françaises ; 6. Boyaux français ; 7. Emprise urbaine de Reims en 1918 ; 8. Boyaux d’accès allemands (LiDAR) ; 9. Galeries souterraines ; 10. Passerelles ; 11. Positions d’artillerie ; 12. Canon anti-aérien ; 13. Observatoires ; 14. Poste optique ; 15. Poste téléphonique ; 16. Voies ferrées étroites. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré.

41After the movement war, the front settled in September 1914 between the Vesle and Aisne valleys to the north, at the base of the Île-de-France cuesta, passing through the Pompelle fort, the chalky ridges to the north-east of Reims, the Aisne-Marne canal, and the Loivre valley (fig. 3). It gradually organized itself into trench elements, then into several positions of 2 to 4 trench lines as it became denser and thicker over a depth of 20 km (Devos et al., 2015) (fig. 8A). Over the 110 km of the Champagne front, there are approximately 13,000 km of trenches organized into 4 positions (Taborelli, 2018). This network is particularly dense and thick in the Reims sector. It offers good potential for observation allowing for artillery adjustment, with numerous firing ridges below. Moreover, the Champagne chalk constitutes a substratum that can be easily dug in an unsaturated zone. The German network integrates a major part of the fortifications of the Reims belt. It contains the fortifications of Nogent-l'Abbesse (with annexed batteries), Berru (vigie, battery and under rock magazine), Witry-lès-Reims, Fresnes-lès-Reims, and Brimont (including its Cran of Brimont and Loivre batteries). The French network had only four, with the Saint-Thierry fort, the Chenay redoubt, the Montbré fort and, after a fierce battle, the Pompelle fort (the only fort retaken by French troops) (fig. 8A-B). Each network therefore benefited from exceptional observation sites such as the top of the cuesta for the French, the residual hills, and the outliers for the Germans (fig. 3). This explains the remoteness of the defense lines and the thickening of the device to protect against the more effective artillery fire in this sector (Taborelli et al., 2018) (fig. 8A).

42The forts were then integrated into the defense network, but their role depended on the position in which they were located. In the 1st position (e.g., forts of La Pompelle and Brimont) (Devos et al., 2019; Ancelin et al., accepted a), they serve as resistance support points and land observation sites. They constitute “resistance centers” that structure the defense in cells rather than lines (Devos et al., 2019) (fig. 8B). The trench networks are organized around and below the forts following a military ridge position and no longer topographic, which allows for firing towards the front zone, but also in the intervals of the defense network. Communication trenches and tunnels allowed access to the forts. This generates on these sites typical WW1 polemoforms, but also important pedoturbations with numerous stratigraphic anomalies in the Champagne chalk (Amat, 2001; Boulanger, 2001; De Matos Machado, 2018; Taborelli, 2018; Devos et al., 2021). Moreover, on the 2nd position, the bastion forts were too exposed to artillery shelling all over their military glacis at the top of the topographic ridge. Therefore, they were more used as observation sites and depots (cisterns, shelters) than as combat or artillery concentrations, which was the primary vocation of these works. The artillery was dispersed, generally camouflaged, behind the relief that supported the forts, to protect itself from the enemy's view. This is the case at Brimont (Devos et al., 2019) and at Nogent-l'Abbesse (fig. 8C), where the natural topography is preferentially used to advantage.

Fig. 9 - Photographs of military installations and impacts of Nogent-l'Abbesse fort.
Fig. 9 - Photographies d’aménagements et impacts militaires du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.

Fig. 9 - Photographs of military installations and impacts of Nogent-l'Abbesse fort.Fig. 9 - Photographies d’aménagements et impacts militaires du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.

A: French entrance to the underground powder and ammunition magazine built in 1892 (right) and German entrance built during WW1 (left) (photo credits A. Devos); B: Gallery dug in the Campanian chalk by the German army during WW1 (photo credits A. Devos); C: Barracks gutted by the crater of a 400 mm shell probably fired from the Montagne de Reims (photo credits A. Devos); D: access road to the buried ammunition bunkers (right) created by the French army between 1935 and 1939 (photo credits A. Devos); E: crater from the explosion of the ammunition bunkers (1944) revealing the underlying chalky substrate (IGN aerial photograph from 1949).
A : Entrées française du magasin à poudre et à munitions souterrain construit en 1892 (à droite) et allemande construite pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (à gauche) (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; B : Galerie creusée dans la craie du Campanien par l’armée allemande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; C : Casernement éventré par le cratère d’un obus de 400 mm probablement tiré depuis la Montagne de Reims (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; D : voie d’accès aux soutes à munitions enterrées (à droite) créées par l’armée française entre 1935 et 1939 (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; E : cratère de l’explosion des soutes à munitions (1944) révélant le substrat crayeux sous-jacent (photographie aérienne IGN de 1949).

43Most of the forts, initially established to support assaults from the east, were not well exposed in relation to the front line. At Nogent-l'Abbesse, its head structures covered the east of the German position, while the front line was located 4 km to the south (fig. 8A-B). Its gorge entrance opened up to the west, facing the French positions at Reims. The access to the fort through the gorge proved to be dangerous because it became vulnerable to artillery. It required a morphological adaptation of the forts to integrate them into the defense network. Communication trenches were dug through the counterscarp of the northern battery and the head battery, as well as in the northern scarp of the fort. They then provide access to the ditch that was probably used as a traffic trench (fig. 8C). Two wooden footbridges, seen on old photographs and since disappeared, were built to cross the northern battery and the fort. The piercing of the double caponier opened the access to the interior of the fort, but it was targeted by artillery as evidenced by the shell craters revealed by LiDAR (fig. 6D). To avoid overdraft, underground “proof” galleries were dug into the chalk from the double caponier to access the outside of the fort (fig. 8C, 9B). One gallery served the 1892 powder magazine, where the Germans established a command post and an electrical plant (fig. 9A). It then continues through a tunnel to the south battery, the side of which is pierced with concrete bombproof observatories. An access tunnel crossing the rampart of this battery also links the ditch to a firing platform. The digging of these tunnels generates morphogenic rubbles that are partially transported on a narrow-gauge railroad. They were deposited in various parts of the fort, including the ditch of the south battery, in order to hide the work from the French (fig. 6C). LiDAR precisely reveals an elevation of about 3 m there corresponding to a topographic relic of the embankment, then being removed in 2015 by the site owner (Association des Amis du Fort de Nogent-l'Abbesse). The total development of the 1 km known and mapped gallery networks at the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort is accompanied by aeration/ventilation works (boreholes) and emergency exits also morphogenic. This adds up to a total excavated volume of approximately 5 000 m3.

3.2.4. Shelling and bombturbation

44The morphogenic impact of the WW1 on the forts also concerns bombturbation (Hupy and Schaetzl, 2006). The forts were targeted by enemy artillery, creating shell funnels, roof collapses, and major geotechnical disorders. The visualization processing of LiDAR DTM (slope, TPI) on the site of Nogent-l'Abbesse, counts 490 shell holes of which 330 impacts on the fort. They correspond to respective densities of 14 and 25 impacts/ha (fig. 6D). This testifies to an exacerbated bombardment on the forts, linked to destructive targeted fire (high explosive shells). The impacts (3.4 % of the spatial extent of the fortified structures) are concentrated more particularly on the barracks, the double caponier, the batteries, and in the south gallery. The distribution diagram of shell crater diameters is more or less identical to those observed elsewhere on the western front, but is more spread out, by larger diameters correlating with large-caliber shrapnel projectiles (340 to 400 mm) (fig. 6D, 9C).

3.2.5. Post-WW1 changes

45The polemological impact after the WW1 concerns the implantation of 27 underground ammunition storage cells (linked to the Air Force Base 112) (fig. 9D) on the eve of the WW2 (1935-1939) (fig. 6E). These were built on the northern flank of the mound, below the gorge front glacis. Corridors linking the bunkers three by three, and cells placed opposite the entrance serve to break the flow of explosions in case of bombardment.

46In 1944, German troops mined the 15 eastern bunkers, three of which were later rebuilt (Frinjs et al., 2008; Coutant et al., 2017) (fig. 6E). This destruction generated a 100 m diameter crater, and correlative chalky ejecta, still clearly visible in aerial photography in 1949 (fig. 9E). The LIDAR slope visualization shows that the crater was reshaped after the WW2 using leveling of the slopes or terracing operations (fig. 6E).

4. Discussion

47The geomorphological approach of the Nogent-L'Abbesse fort brings many observations such as the serial, modular and ubiquitous architecture, as well as the reasoned use of geomaterials which deserve to be relativized in space and in time.

4.1. The serial architecture of the “Séré de Rivières” system

48Before the emergence of this contrast between progressively set aside and modernized fortifications, the use of the same general principles generated a serial architecture on the defensive system scale (Diest, 2022), associated with typical morphologies. The same components (central barracks, firing platforms separated by sheltering traverses, ditch defended by caponiers, etc.) are thus reproduced in the entire Reims belt (e.g., Brimont fort) (Devos et al., 2019) or in the 1st line strongholds (e.g., Verdun and Toul belts) (Durup de Baleine, 1998, 2001). The construction phase of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort, the most morphogenic, thus testifies to the internal organization standardization of structures prior to 1885-1886 (fig. 6A). The construction of such structures implies a topographic reworking impactful enough that geological layers are stripped (cf. supra, Fort of Montbré) (Laurain et al., 1981).

4.2. The modular and opportunistic architecture of the “Séré de Rivières” system

49A number of particularities nevertheless reflect the modular and opportunistic or ubiquitous character of these structures. To varying degrees, each fort has both a form and construction materials adapted to the topographical and geological context. The structure of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort is remarkably adapted to the shape of the interfluve (fig. 6A, 8C). Located on the summit of the eponymous mound, it is framed by annex batteries that follow the contours of the ridge. Similarly, the annex batteries of the Brimont fort and the subtriangular shape of the Saint-Thierry fort respond to the topographic setting of their interfluve, respectively located on the flanks of the Brimont hill (chalk ridge, structural bench in the Thanetian calcarenites) (Devos et al., 2019) and at the top of the reverse side of the Île-de-France cuesta (fig. 3). However, this adaptation needs to be tempered by the ability of military engineers to shape construction sites (Ancelin et al., accepted a).

4.3. The use of geomaterials of the “Séré de Rivières” system

50Moreover, the influence of geological availability is expressed in the geomaterials used for their construction. They come from quarries approved by the Engineering Department and are generally of the same nature within the same fortified belt. The fortress of Lille was built largely of terracotta brick (Flanders clay) and the forts of the Meuse were built of Oxfordian limestone (like entroquite, Euville-Lérouville type stone) (Mégnien, 1980). The stronghold of Épinal, for its part, is partially built in sandstone of Buntsandstein (Trias). For the forts of Reims, the blue limestones of the Ardenne (Devonian), the oolithic limestones of the Meuse (Oxfordian), the Brie millstones, the Lutetian coarse limestone, the Thanetian calcarenites are used together in the form of rubble, ashlar, or paving stones. Their use is associated with the materials necessary for the manufacture of mortars and architectural terracotta (limestone, sand, and clay). This great diversity of geomaterials results from numerous architectural uses (base, elevation, framing, covering, etc.) related to the petrographic characteristics of the rocks (because rationalized). It also results from the enlargement of the supply perimeters induced by the railroad development since the middle of the 19th century (Fronteau et al., 2014).

4.4. Polemoforms transformed by diversified trajectories

51During and after WW1, the heterogeneity of the military-civilian trajectories of the edifices implies a range of evolution of the buildings and thus, of degrees of conservation. This is appreciated both locally and in relation to distant strongholds. Indeed, the level of integration into the defense network and the shell craters density listed differ between the forts in 2nd (e.g., the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse) and 3rd positions (e.g., the fort of Montbré that emerged almost intact from the conflict) (fig. 8A-C). For those located in 1st positions (e.g., Pompelle Fort) (Neuville, 1980, 1999), Verdun (Durup de Baleine, 2001; De Matos Machado, 2018), the bombturbation is such that it generates orange peel landforms. The deluge is maximal, as under fire from trench, field, heavy high-powered and heavy railway (Perarnau et al., 2022). Firing is also diverse, ranging from barrage fire, destruction fire, counter-battery fire, or encagement fire. For those further from the front, the guns range becomes selective and less precise with targeted destruction shots of larger calibers and breaking shells. The LiDAR visualization processing in the Montagne de Reims sector (Perarnau et al., 2022), and the artillery fire plans of the GCTA effectively testifies to complex and concentrated railroads networks in firing epis for the railway artillery intended to strike the tunnels and forts occupied by the Germans. The craters density at the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse (25 impacts/ha) (fig. 5D) is therefore logically less important than in the 1st position such as in the Argonne (Brenot et al., 2017), or on cote 108 (Taborelli et al., 2017b), with 55 and 54 impacts/ha respectively. However, it remains high for the Reims sector, especially in 2nd position (Devos et al., 2021).

52These facts highlight the polemological tropism of these pre-conflict fortifications, namely their propensity to concentrate shell impacts and military developments (trenches, shelters, artillery positions, observatories, etc.). These results nuance the polemological gradient usually observed at the scale of the front zone (De Matos Machado, 2018). Indeed, the latter, which is far from linear, remains high in the crossing of the defensive positions in which the “Séré de Rivières” forts are located (Taborelli, 2018). At the scale of the fortified sites, a local gradient can be observed due to the decrease in the polemoforms density as one moves away from the centers of resistance that the forts represent (fig. 8C).

4.5. Morphogenic polemoforms on a regional scale

53Furthermore, in parallel to this spatial concentration on site, the forts condition the existence of ex situ morphologies, linked or not to the WW1. This is the case of the artillery positions (mobile, fixed, railway) positioned, beyond the 4th defense position, in the Montagne de Reims. Their presence induces the existence of blast shields, firing platforms, annexed shelters and firing epis (Perarnau et al., 2022). This spatial influence also occurs due to multiscalar geomaterial supply areas. Their perimeter implies extraction sites located near the construction site (in situ, adjacent; e.g., Thanetian calcarenite quarries of the Brimont hill), within a local radius (Lutetian limestone quarries in the Saint-Thierry Massif, millstone extraction pits in the Montagne de Reims), regional for Givetian limestone up to extra-regional with Meuse limestone.

4.6. Underground morphogenic impact

54The evolution of the war landscape of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort implies also a morphogenic impact underground (post-1886 modifications, underground works, ammunition bunkers) (fig. 6B-C, E, 9A-B, D). Like the exo-polemoforms, hardly detected until the emergence of the new numeric tools (LiDAR, GIS), this endogenous component constitutes a type of visible landscape whose perception is made possible by field prospecting or geophysical detection techniques (Wieber, 1995). In the context of underground warfare (Triolet et Triolet, 2011), all bombproof work, done to protect from shell and camouflage, is far less morphogenic on the surface. The excavated material is typically disposed of in the forts ditches (fig. 6C). As such, these underground works preserve the topographic surface from anthropogenic erosion and induce a “polemological immunity”, comparable to the karstic immunity of the relief generated by the disappearance at depth of the hydrographic network (Salomon, 2000). This “subterranological” concept is a precursor because it will be more used in the Maginot Line in 20th century with essentially underground structures serving “combat blocks” much less morphogenic than for the “Séré de Rivières” system (Truttmann, 2009).

5. Conclusion

55This contribution demonstrates the fundamentally geomorphological nature of the “Séré de Rivières” fortification as an object of study that deserves its place in the French geomorphology and geosciences, and also within the IAMS (International Association for Military Science). The results were obtained by an exhaustive mapping of war-related topographical anomalies appearing on the LiDAR data (fig. 4A-E). Spatial, diachronic, multiscalar and multi-criteria approaches show that this current LiDAR pattern is the result of a polyphase morphogenic process.

56On the one hand, the consideration and rationalization of the relief in the “Séré de Rivières” system is multiscalar, on the national (fig. 2), stronghold (fig. 3, 5) and fortified site scales (fig. 6). The Reims belt example is unequivocal considering the reliefs associated with the Île-de-France cuesta, which served as support for the fortified belt blocking the consequent valley funnel of the Vesle river (fig. 3, 5). At construction site scale, the forts are original polemoforms because they are paradoxically standardized in their organization but can be modulated according to varied geomorphological sites. The latter give them potential for observation and artillery fire, with diversified water and geomaterial resources.

57On the other hand, this study diachronically documents the geomorphological impacts associated with militarization and war. In the Nogent-l'Abbesse area, the various military and polemological components of the topographical palimpsest composing the landscape have been morphologically discriminated. The establishment of the fort led to a topographical disturbance associated with its construction (excavation of at least 50,000 m3 for the perimeter ditch alone) (fig. 7A-C) and modernization (1,000 m3 excavated) (fig. 6B). This underlines the impact of this pre-WWI polemoform, which tends to be overshadowed by this fundamentally morphogenic conflict, even though it partly determines its imprint on the landscape.

58One perspective of these results is anthropogeomorphological. Within the scope of the development of approaches centered on the human impact on the reliefs i.e., anthropogeomorphology (Golomb and Eder, 1964; Bhunia et al., 2022; archaeogeomorphology; Thornbush, 2012), the polemological landforms may also constitute a morphological marker of the human footprint in the terrestrial ecosystem, or even contribute to the Anthropocene definition, as proposed by Bonneuil and Fressoz (2013). While the earliest forms of pre-Neolithic warfare are only inventoried in the form of archeological material in sedimentary records (Rune, 2016) or Neolithic mass graves (Erdal and Erdal, 2012), military landforms is more fully expressed, particularly with defense morphologies (Hamilton Thompson, 1975; Keegan, 2000).

59The main perspective of this research is archaeogeomorphological. The geomorphological approach to polemolandscapes focuses on the forms, formations and processes involved in their genesis and destruction. It is tempting to apply the paradigms of geomorphological evolution of landforms to polemoforms, no longer on a geological or Pleistocene scale, but on an Anthropocene scale (protohistoric and historical epochs), with morphologies that are:

  • “primitive” (remarkably well-preserved, generally simple trajectories, great potential for enhancement; e.g. Fort de Condé converted into a museum) ;

  • “attenuated” by erosion and filling, often with a polyphase evolution (e.g., colluvium effectively felts the “Séré de Rivières” polemoforms of the Nogent-L'Abbesse hill (fig. 1E, 7A-C), as well as the WW1 polemoforms of the Argonne forest (Brenot et al., 2017) without eliminating them.

  • “derived” (deep morphological modifications; e.g., Douamont fort in the Verdun belt draped with orange peel modelling during WW1) (De Matos Machado, 2018) (fig. 1D);

  • “leveled”, taphonomic structures disappearing from the landscape through erosion or dismantling (Berru battery), or backfilling (Witry-les-Reims fort; trench networks), detectable by the geophysical or archaeological approaches (Devos et al., 2021);

  • “regenerated” trenches, generally exhumed by archaeologists or for memorial purposes, such as the trenches network at the Main de Massiges in chalky Champagne (Allouc et al., 2018).

60In addition to detecting and mapping these morphologies, the investigation of their state of preservation is an essential prerequisite for the study, management and promotion of this dark heritage (Hesse, 2014). The particular shape of the battlefields should also be studied in the context of the inscription in the UNESCO World Heritage List of the funeral and memorial sites of the Western Front of the Great War.

61If this contribution testifies once again the need of cross approaches for the understanding of landscapes, it also raises many questions, particularly on the territorial and ecological resilience of these polemoforms, pedoturbated and bombturbated, now islands of biodiversity (LIFE Natur-army). An environmental, pedological, pedo-geochemical and botanical diagnosis would allow a better understanding of these sites, as well as an exhaustive inventory based on the national “LiDAR HD” coverage currently in progress in France (Ancelin et al., accepted a).

*Auteur correspondant : +33 (0)3 26 91 36 83, (P.-Y. Ancelin)

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Version abrégée en français

L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier la place de la fortification de type « Séré de Rivières » dans la dimension géomorphologique du paysage de guerre. Une approche multiscalaire à l’échelle nationale, régionale et locale est proposée afin d’analyser le contexte géomorphologique très peu étudié de ce système fortifié. Il s’avère que la rationalisation du relief est effective à toutes les échelles : le dispositif défensif est enraciné sur les massifs montagneux orientaux français (Alpes, Jura, Vosges, Ardenne) et sur le système de cuesta du Bassin parisien (fig. 2A-B) ; la place de Reims verrouille un entonnoir de percée cataclinale (rivière de la Vesle) en s’appuyant sur les reliefs associés à la cuesta d’Île-de-France (revers de côte, buttes-témoins, avant-butte ; fig. 3). L’analyse croisée sous SIG d’un relevé LiDAR aéroporté, de sources documentaires planimétriques et textuelles et d’observations de terrain a été effectuée sur le secteur du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse appelé la ceinture fortifiée de Reims (fig. 1E). Elle se structure autour d’un protocole de digitalisation, élaboré à partir de traitements de visualisation (fig. 4A-E), dans le but d’inventorier les anomalies topographiques affiliées à la guerre (Georges-Leroy et al., 2011 ; De Matos Machado, 2018 ; Ancelin et al., accepté a). Cela fournit une vision diachronique permettant de trier les formes et de polyphaser la « morphogenèse » de ce polémopaysage (fig. 6A-E). La phase de construction et de modernisation des forts (1875-1892) témoigne non seulement d’une architecture sérielle du système « Séré de Rivières » (Diest, 2022) mais également modulable en s’adaptant dans une certaine mesure aux reliefs (fig. 6A-B). Cette ubiquité morphologique s’accompagne d’un opportunisme local en exploitant les géomatériaux in situ, remarquablement utilisés dans le bâti selon leurs caractéristiques pétrographiques et géotechniques (élévation, soutènement, encadrement). La phase d’intégration dans les réseaux de défense de la Grande Guerre, induit des perturbations pédologiques (pédoturbation), morphologiques (bombturbation), et spatiales mutuelles entre la structure fortifiée (rampes, tunnels, abris) et les différentes composantes de ces réseaux comme les tranchées et les boyaux, les observatoires, les positions d’artillerie, etc. (Devos et al., 2019) (fig. 6C-D). L’évolution morphologique des forts et des sites est associée à une morphogenèse polémologique régionale, notamment en Montagne de Reims associée à la portée de l’artillerie (lourde à voie ferrée et lourde à grande puissance). Elle s’accompagne de travaux souterrains importants (tunnels, abris à l’épreuve) déterminant une certaine immunité polémologique des forts. Ces mutations du système défensif « Séré de Rivières » durant la Grande Guerre préfigurent déjà les bases de la ligne Maginot. Leur construction implique également un impact morphogène ex situ par le prélèvement de géomatériaux dans des périmètres d’approvisionnement extra-régionaux. Enfin, la phase post-conflit est sensiblement hétérogène pour les forts de la ceinture de Reims, selon des trajectoires plurielles entre reconversions militaires (fig. 6E) ou civiles (musées, loisirs), et enfrichement ou renaturation. Cela questionne sur la résilience de ces morphologies associées à la guerre via la question de la patrimonialisation de leurs richesses écologiques (îlots de biodiversité), géomorphologiques (« polémogéomorphosite ») et historiques.

L’approche géomorphologique de ces polémopaysages propose également un phasage associant les paradigmes d’évolution des reliefs, des modelés originels, atténués, dérivés, nivelés aux modelés exhumés à l’échelle de l’Anthropocène. Elle montre également que les polémoformes trop souvent confinées aux deux conflits mondiaux, mériteraient leur place en géomorphologie. En constituant des indicateurs du forçage humain sur les modelés, le modelé polémologique peut aussi constituer un marqueur de l’empreinte humaine dans l’écosystème terrestre, voire contribuer à la définition de l’Anthropocène, comme le proposent Bonneuil et Fressoz (2013).

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Table des illustrations

Titre Fig. 1 - Examples of “Séré de Rivières” type fortifications in oblique aerial view. Fig. 1 - Exemples de fortifications de type « Séré de Rivières » en vue aérienne oblique.
Légende A: Domgermain fort (Toul belt); B: Uxegney fort (Épinal belt); C: Girancourt fort (Épinal belt); D: Douaumont fort (Verdun belt); E: Nogent-l’Abbesse fort (Reims belt).A : fort de Domgermain (ceinture de Toul) ; B : fort d’Uxegney (ceinture d’Épinal) ; C : fort de Girancourt (ceinture d’Épinal) ; D : Fort de Douaumont (ceinture de Verdun) ; E : fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (ceinture de Reims).
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Titre Fig. 2 - Location map of Reims fortified belt.Fig. 2 - Carte de localisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims.
Légende A: main “Séré de Rivières” strongholds in France; B: organization of “Séré de Rivières” system of the northeast part of France. 1. “Séré de Rivières” fortified belts of 1st position; 2. “Séré de Rivières” fortified belts of 2nd position; 3. Entrenched camp of Paris; 4. German strongholds; 5. Belgian stronghold; 6. Isolated “Séré de Rivières” forts; 7. Main gaps; 8. German annexed territories (1871); 9. Franco-German border (1914); 10. French border (1918); 11. Cuestas and major slopes; 12. Hydrographic network. A. Ardenne; J. Jura; M. Morvan; V. Vosges; i. Istein; m. Metz; ne. Neuf-Brisach; na. Namur; s. Strasbourg; t. Thionville.A : places principales du systèmes « Séré de Rivières » en France ; B : organisation du système « Séré de Rivières » dans le nord-est de la France. 1. Ceintures fortifiées « Séré de Rivières » de 1re position ; 2. Ceintures fortifiées « Séré de Rivières » de 2nd position ; 3. Camp retranché de Paris ; 4. Places fortes allemandes ; 5. Place forte belge ; 6. Forts « Séré de Rivières » isolés ; 7. Trouées principales ; 8. Territoires annexés par l’Allemagne (1871) ; 9. Frontière franco-allemande (1914) ; 10. Frontière française (1918) ; 11. Cuestas et talus majeurs ; 12. Réseau hydrographique. A. Ardenne ; J. Jura ; M. Morvan ; V. Vosges ; i. Istein ; m. Metz ; ne. Neuf-Brisach ; na. Namur ; s. Strasbourg ; t. Thionville.
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Légende 1. Fluvial formations (Quaternary); 2. Silts (Quaternary); 3. Millstone clays (Rupelian); 4. Limestones and marls (Lutetian); 5. Sands (upper Ypresian); 6. Clays, lignites and sands (Ypresian); 7. Sands, sandstones and clays (Thanetian); 8. White chalk (Cretaceous); 9. Front of the Île-de-France cuesta; 10. Plots of geological sections; 11. “Séré de Rivières” forts; 12. “Séré de Rivières” secondary fortifications; 13. Front line in November 1914; 14. Front line in early 1918; 15. Urban footprint of Reims in 1918; 16. Spot elevations (altitude in m NGF); 17. Waterways. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré; MBe. Mont de Berru; MBr. Mont de Brimont; MR. Montagne de Reims; MS. Massif de Saint-Thierry; PS.  Plateau du Soissonais; PT. Plateau du Tardenois.1. Formations fluviatiles (Quaternaire) ; 2. Limons (Quaternaire) ; 3. Argiles à meulières (Rupélien) ; 4. Calcaires et marnes (Lutétien) ; 5. Sables (Yprésien supérieur, « Cuisien ») ; 6. Argiles, lignites et sables (Yprésien, « Sparnacien ») ; 7. Sables, grès et argiles (Thanétien) ; 8. Craie blanche (Crétacé) ; 9. Front de la Côte d’Île-de-France ; 10 . Tracés des coupes géologiques ; 11. Forts « Séré de Rivières » ; 12. Ouvrages secondaires « Séré de Rivières » ; 13. Ligne de front en novembre 1914 ; 14. Ligne de front début 1918 ; 15. Emprise urbaine de Reims en 1918 ; 16. Points cotés (altitude en m NGF) ; 17. Cours d’eau. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré ; MBe. Mont de Berru ; MBr.  Mont de Brimont ; MR. Montagne de Reims ; MS. Massif de Saint-Thierry ; PS. Plateau du Soissonais ; PT. Plateau du Tardenois.
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Titre Fig. 4 - Parameters and operating methods of the “Reims north” LIDAR. Fig. 4 - Paramètres et méthodes d’exploitation du LIDAR « Reims nord ».
Légende A: location of the LiDAR acquisition and density map of the “ground” points cloud; B: characteristics of the LiDAR acquisition; C: workflow carried out for the visual processing of the DTM LiDAR resulting from the acquisition; D: parameters of the three visualization processing used; E: example of digitization protocol.A : localisation de l’acquisition LiDAR et carte de densité du nuage de points « sol » ; B : caractéristiques de l’acquisition LiDAR ; C : suite d’opérations effectuée pour le traitement visuel du MNT LiDAR issu de l’acquisition ; D : paramètres des trois traitements de visualisation utilisés ; E : exemple de protocole de digitalisation.
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Titre Tab. 1 - Cartographic and planimetric archives documents used in the GIS.Tab. 1 - Documents d’archives planimétriques et cartographiques utilisés sous SIG.
Légende AAFN: Friends of Nogent-l’Abbesse fort association; AD51: Marne Departmental Archives; BNF: French National Library; IGN: French national institute for geographic and forestry information; MPT: Mines ParisTech; SHD: Defence History Departement.AAFN : Association des Amis du Fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse ; AD51 : Archives départementales de la Marne ; BNF : Bibliothèque Nationale de France ; IGN : Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière ; MPT : Mines ParisTech ; SHD : Service Historique de la Défense.
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Titre Fig. 5 - Geological cross-sections of the stepped plateaus showing the role of the cuesta relief as a foundation in the organization of the fortified belt of Reims (the lines are shown in Figure 3).Fig. 5 - Coupes géologiques des plateaux étagés montrant le rôle d’assise du relief de cuesta dans l’organisation de la ceinture fortifiée de Reims (les tracés sont représentés sur la Figure 3).
Légende 1. Lutetian limestone, marls, and pebbles (middle Eocene, Lutetian) 2. Coarse limestones (lower to middle Lutetian); 3. Marl and limestone (Lutetian, Priabonian); 4. Sands (upper Ypresian); 5. Clays (lower Ypresian); 6. Clay sands and marls (upper Thanetian); 7. Chalk (Campanian); 8. Presumed profile of the early Quaternary glacis (Wiedemann, 1976); 9. “Séré de Rivières” fortifications; 10. Towns; 11. Supposed original extensions of the geological layers. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré; t1. Trigny; t2. Pouillon; t3. Brimont; t4. Berru; t5. Nogent-l’Abbesse; t6. Rilly-la-Montagne.1. Calcaires lutétiens, marnes et caillasses (Éocène moyen, Lutétien) ; 2. Calcaires grossiers (Lutétien inférieur à moyen) ; 3. Marnes et calcaires (Lutétien, Priabonien) ; 4. Sables (Yprésien supérieur) ; 5. Argiles (Yprésien inférieur) ; 6. Sables argiles et marnes (Thanétien supérieur) ; 7. Craie (Campanien) ; 8. Profil présumé du glacis du Quaternaire ancien (Wiedemann, 1976) ; 9. Fortifications « Séré de Rivières » ; 10. Communes ; 11. Extensions originelles supposées des couches géologiques. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré ; t1. Trigny ; t2. Pouillon ; t3. Brimont ; t4. Berru ; t5. Nogent-l’Abbesse ; t6. Rilly-la-Montagne. 
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Titre Fig. 6 - Morphogenic polemological phases revealed by LiDAR having led to the current polemotopography of the fort of Nogent-l’Abbesse.Fig. 6 - Phases polémologiques morphogènes révélées au LiDAR ayant abouti à la polémotopographie actuelle du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.
Légende A: construction of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort (1875-1879); B: adaptation after the torpedo shell crisis (1892); C: integration into the German defensive network (1914-1918); D: bombturbation (1914-1918); E: later military modifications (1935-1944). 1. Counterscarp; 2. Scarp; 3. Dry ditches; 4. Ravelin; 5. Rampart street; 6. Glacis, 7. Traverses; 8. Powder and ammunition magazines; 9. Artillery platforms; 10. Infantry Platform (?); 11. Caponiers; 12. Diamond ditches; 13. Barracks; 14. Underground powder and ammunition magazine; 15. Associated earthworks; 16. Underground galleries; 17. Access to galleries; 18. Chalky cutting from excavation; 19. Access trenches; 20. Blockhouse; 21. Shell craters; 22. Underground ammunition hold; 23. Anti-blast cells; 24. Remains of the German explosion crater (1944); 25. Elevation (in m NGF).A : construction du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (1875-1879) ; B : adaptation postérieure à la crise de l’obus torpille (1892) ; C : intégration au réseau défensif allemand (1914-1918) ; D : bombturbation (1914-1918) ; E : modifications militaires postérieures (1935-1944). 1. Contrescarpe ; 2. Escarpe ; 3. Fossés secs ; 4. Ravelin ; 5. Rue du rempart ; 6. Glacis, 7. Traverses ; 8. Magasins à poudre et à munitions ; 9. Plateformes d’artillerie ; 10. Plateforme d’infanterie (?) ; 11. Caponnières ; 12. Fossés diamants ; 13. Casernement ; 14. Magasin à poudre et à munitions souterrain ; 15. Terrassements associés ; 16. Galeries souterraines ; 17. Accès aux galeries ; 18. Déblais crayeux issus du creusement ; 19. Boyaux d’accès ; 20. Blockhaus ; 21. Cratères d’obus ; 22. Soutes à munitions souterraines ; 23. Alvéoles anti-blast ; 24. Vestiges du cratère d’explosion allemand (1944) ; 25. Altitude (en m NGF).
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Titre Fig. 7 - Morphologies of the rampart of the fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse (in section and in plan).Fig. 7 - Morphologies du rempart du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse (en coupe et en plan).
Légende A: Theoretical profile of the rampart of a 1874 type “Séré de Rivières” fortification (from Guillot, 1949); B: Topographical section of the rampart of the front of the Nogent-l'Abbesse fort (LiDAR microtopographic data); C: “Topographic position index” (TPI) visualization processing derived from the DTM LiDAR. 1. Crest of the cover way; 2. Outer crest; 3. Fire crest (inside crest); 4. Shooting platform; 5. Natural soil; 6. Rampart; 7. Parapet; 8. Dive; 9. Outside slope; 10. Glacis; 11. Counterscarp; 12. Scarp; 13. Ditch; 14. Position of the cunette.A : Profil théorique du rempart d’une fortification « Séré de Rivières » de type 1874 (d’après Guillot, 1949) ; B : Coupe topographique du rempart du front de tête du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse réalisée à partir des données microtopographiques issues du LiDAR ; C : Traitement de visualisation « indice de position topographique » (TPI) dérivé du MNT LiDAR. 1. Crête du chemin couvert ; 2. Crête extérieure ; 3. Crête de feu (crêt intérieure) ; 4. Plateforme de tir ; 5. Sol naturel ; 6. Rempart ; 7. Parapet ; 8. Plongée ; 9. Talus extérieur ; 10. Glacis ; 11. Contrescarpe ; 12. Escarpe ; 13. Fossé ; 14. Position de la cunette.
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Titre Fig. 8 - Map of forts in the defense networks of WW1.Fig. 8 - Carte des forts dans les réseaux de défense de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Légende A and B: location of forts in the trench networks around Reims; C: German military system of the fort of Nogent-L'Abbesse revealed by the digitization of the French artillery fire plan of Beine at 1/20000th of August 10, 1918 (tab. 1). 1. “Séré de Rivières” forts; 2. “Séré de Rivières” secondary fortifications; 3. German battle trenches; 4. German communication trenches; 5. French battle trenches; 6. French communication trenches; 7. Urban footprint of Reims in 1918; 8. German communication trenches (LiDAR); 9. Underground galleries; 10. Footbridge; 11. Artillery positions; 12. Anti-aircraft gun; 13. Observatories; 14. Optical station; 15. Telephone station; 16. Narrow railway tracks. a. Redoubt of Chenay; b. Fort of Saint-Thierry; c. Battery of Loivre; d. Brimont Fort ; e. Cran of Brimont Battery; f. Fort of Fresne-lès-Reims; g. Fort of Witry-lès-Reims; h. Battery of Berru; i. Vigie of Berru; j. Fort of Nogent-l'Abbesse; k. Pompelle Fort; l. Fort of Montbré.A et B : localisation des forts dans les réseaux de tranchées autour de Reims ; C : système militaire allemand du fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse révélé par la digitalisation du plan directeur de tir français de Beine au 1/20000ème du 10 août 1918 (tab. 1). 1. Forts « Séré de Rivières » ; 2. Ouvrages secondaires « Séré de Rivières » ; 3. Tranchées allemandes ; 4. Boyaux allemands ; 5. Tranchées françaises ; 6. Boyaux français ; 7. Emprise urbaine de Reims en 1918 ; 8. Boyaux d’accès allemands (LiDAR) ; 9. Galeries souterraines ; 10. Passerelles ; 11. Positions d’artillerie ; 12. Canon anti-aérien ; 13. Observatoires ; 14. Poste optique ; 15. Poste téléphonique ; 16. Voies ferrées étroites. a. Réduit de Chenay ; b. Fort de Saint-Thierry ; c. Batterie de Loivre ; d. Fort de Brimont ; e. Batterie du Cran de Brimont ; f. Fort de Fresnes-lès-Reims ; g. Fort de Witry-lès-Reims ; h. Batterie de Berru ; i. Vigie de Berru ; j. Fort de Nogent-L’Abbesse ; k. Fort de la Pompelle ; l. Fort de Montbré.
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Titre Fig. 9 - Photographs of military installations and impacts of Nogent-l'Abbesse fort.Fig. 9 - Photographies d’aménagements et impacts militaires du fort de Nogent-l’Abbesse.
Légende A: French entrance to the underground powder and ammunition magazine built in 1892 (right) and German entrance built during WW1 (left) (photo credits A. Devos); B: Gallery dug in the Campanian chalk by the German army during WW1 (photo credits A. Devos); C: Barracks gutted by the crater of a 400 mm shell probably fired from the Montagne de Reims (photo credits A. Devos); D: access road to the buried ammunition bunkers (right) created by the French army between 1935 and 1939 (photo credits A. Devos); E: crater from the explosion of the ammunition bunkers (1944) revealing the underlying chalky substrate (IGN aerial photograph from 1949).A : Entrées française du magasin à poudre et à munitions souterrain construit en 1892 (à droite) et allemande construite pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (à gauche) (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; B : Galerie creusée dans la craie du Campanien par l’armée allemande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; C : Casernement éventré par le cratère d’un obus de 400 mm probablement tiré depuis la Montagne de Reims (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; D : voie d’accès aux soutes à munitions enterrées (à droite) créées par l’armée française entre 1935 et 1939 (Crédit photos A. Devos) ; E : cratère de l’explosion des soutes à munitions (1944) révélant le substrat crayeux sous-jacent (photographie aérienne IGN de 1949).
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Pierre-Yves Ancelin, Alain Devos, Sébastien Laratte et Julien Berthe, « The “Séré de Rivières” type fort: geomorphological approaches to polemolandscapes (GIS, LiDAR, military archives). Example of the fortified belt of Reims (France) »Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement [En ligne], vol. 29 - n°3 | 2023, mis en ligne le 08 avril 2024, consulté le 17 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Pierre-Yves Ancelin

Groupe d’Etude sur les Géomatériaux et Environnements Naturels Anthropiques et Archéologiques (GEGENAA) - UR 3795, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, bâtiment 13, 57 rue Pierre Taittinger, 51100 Reims, France.

Alain Devos

Groupe d’Etude sur les Géomatériaux et Environnements Naturels Anthropiques et Archéologiques (GEGENAA) - UR 3795, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, bâtiment 13, 57 rue Pierre Taittinger, 51100 Reims, France.

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Sébastien Laratte

Archeodunum, 26 rue Edmond Rostand, 51100, Reims, France.

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Julien Berthe

Groupe d’Etude sur les Géomatériaux et Environnements Naturels Anthropiques et Archéologiques (GEGENAA) - UR 3795, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, bâtiment 13, 57 rue Pierre Taittinger, 51100 Reims, France.

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