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14 | 2023

This issue number 14, a Varia issue, features two research articles which explore in very different ways the practices and politics surrounding inclusive language. Emily Lombardero looks at the creative profusion of feminine names in the 17th-century d’Aulnoy Contes and invites us to reflect on the linguistic representation of the sexes and on the place of women in our collective imaginary, while Tania Sauteur et al. examine the links between knowledge of inclusive writing, political opinions and attitudes towards these new language practices. The other three research articles focus on different fields. Noémie Trovato invites us to think about the discursive failures and successes of the #MeToo hashtag, relativizing the observation of a discourse often presented as “acting”. Mariem Guellouz and Sélima Kebaïli show how French has been the language of imposition of a fantasized modernity in Tunisia, and analyze the role of language ideologies linked to the Francophonie in the construction of the Tunisian feminist field. Finally, Victor Santos Rodriguez looks at how the overtly ultra-sexualized logic of reggaeton and perreo (its signature dance) can be subject to queer reversals.

This issue continues our new “Traductologiques” section with two contributions on translation experiences: the translation of the book In the name of women’s rights. The rise of femonationalism by Sara R. Farris into Persian (Mahdis Sadeghipouya), and the translation of a Greek queer sociolect, Kaliarda, into French (Clara Nizzoli). In “Les genres récrits”, Daniel Elmiger analyzes epicenes through a diachronic approach to dictionaries. For “Les genres comparés”, Éléonore de Beaumont interviews Véronique Perry on the implementation of a hybrid feminist pedagogical device combining gender didactics and intersectionality. In our “Creation” section, we publish a manual on how to deal with sexual and gender-based violence in art schools. This issue also includes a “News” section packed with six book reviews, the proceedings of a conference on feminist journals, and a summary of Loïs Crémier’s Phd dissertation, a semiotic analysis of inclusive communication guides in today’s French-speaking Quebec.

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