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“Nós desejamos a este homem especial, que a sua obra floresça e aumente” (I. Elbogen, “Para a Inauguração…, p. 8; translation of “Synagogenweihe in Oporto…”. This article had the support of CHAM (NOVA FCSH—UAc), through the strategic project sponsored by FCT (UID/HIS/04666/2019). Translations are mine unless otherwise noted. I also would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving the manuscript.
“Barros Basto is a legend about whom a biography is waiting to be written. But the life of a devout Jew with a cause that failed is hardly the stuff of best-sellers” (E. and R. Rosenthal, “The Portuguese Dreyfus …”, p. 44).
Bibliography on Barros Basto: I. Steinhardt, captain.html. For the most recent works, see D. Cohen, “Uma aproximação …”.
Os Cristãos Novos em Portugal…; The French version Les Crypto-Juifs portugais au XXe siècle (typewritten document dated Lisbon February 1925, Biblioteca Mário Sottomayor Cardia, Faculade de Ciências Socias e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) includes an extract of a letter from Max Nordau in epigraph and is dedicated to his father-in-law Samuel Barbasch, deceased in Odessa (25.5.1922). It was recently published under the title La Découverte des marranes: les crypto-juifs au Portugal, Paris, Chandeigne, 2015, with a preface by Nathan Wachtel, an introduction and notes by Livia Parnes and a translation of the prayers and inquisitorial processes by Florence Lévi, Anne-Marie Quint and Bernard Tissier. See p. 358 the bibliography of the Italian and English translations of this work. In Portuguese, Schwarz uses the word New-Christian that officially refers to the converted Jews in Portugal since 1497. The word Crypto-Jew appears at the end of the eighteenth century, in particular in Johann von Starck’s essay on « crypto-catholicism » (Über Krypto-Katholicismus …, p. 414).
L. Wolf, “Les Marranes … ”, pp. 20-22 on Barros Basto.
“Les Marranes sont à la mode” (L. Dreyfus, “Uriel da Costa”, p. 300).
“Capitaine Barros Basto, nous aurons bientôt des Marranes en Russie” in L’Univers israélite (31.1.1930), p. 553 (henceforth abbreviated in UI).
See above note 2. Barros Basto, o Capitão mal-amado, RTP, 2003 (50’). J. Maltz, “Descendants of the 'Portuguese …”.
J. Brenner and S. Neumann, Les Derniers Marranes, 52.
E. Elger and L. Valente, A História dos Judeus em Portugal, 56.
S. Keslassi, History’s Ultimate Nomads – Portugal, 30.
J. Gerber, The Portuguese Jewish Legacy, Congregation Shearith Israel, 2013, 59’. Asher Salah, who did research on the discovery of Crypto-Judaism in Portuguese documentary cinema, kindly confirmed to us this absence.
Elvira de Azevedo Mea and Inácio Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh. Biografia do Capitão Barros Basto o Apóstolo dos Marranos, 1997.
S. Pool, “The Marranos …”, pp. 247-250.
L. Jean-Javal, “Sous le charme …”, p. iv; reprod. in H. Baudry-Kruger (ed.), La Renaissance …, p. 59.
See below List I, Barros Basto’s visitors from 1927 to 1938.
“membro protector”, HL 42 (August-September 1931), p. 6.
HL 59 (September 1933); later, he was elected honorary president of the Oporto Community.
HL 84 (March 1938), p. 2.
HL 74 (December 1936), p. 1. Like many other ones, Kadoorie’s name is among those of the numerous donors of the Congregation of the Kahal Kadosh Mekor Haïm in April 1937 (HL 79 (April 1937), p. 3).
L. Wolf, Les Marranes…, p. 20.
HL 2 (May 1927). Barros Basto sent pictures to his friends abroad, as to Jean-Javal (HL 35 (December 1930), p. 6).
Artur C. de Barros Basto, Os Judeus no velho Porto …”, 1929, reviewed in HL 19 (April-May 1929), p. 8); see also A Sinagoga do Porto …, 2014. On the works of Barros Basto, see D. Cohen, “Uma aproximação…”.
See List 2 below. Couchoud, a French philosopher and writer, never went to Portugal.
HL 40 (June 1931) and 62 (February 1934), p. 1; a third French poem, “Jerusalem” (dated April 1931), was reproduced in HL 87 (September 1938), p. 1. See L. Jean-Javal, Nuages …, 1933. Jean-Javal’s poetry, according to Jacques Eladan, is “completely forgotten nowadays” (J. Eladan, Poètes juifs …”, p. 101.
Jean-Javal briefly met them in Lisbon (J. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, p. 181-182). His son, Nuno, unveiled a picture of his father, the president of the Oporto community (HL 22 (August-September 1929), p. 2-3); on Nuno’s brit milah: HL 18 (March-April 1929), pp. 2-3; and bar-mitsva: HL 69 (December 1934-February 1935), pp. 4-5.
L. Jean-Javal, “Le Capitaine …”. A summary of the conference read on Sunday, March, 2, was released a few days later (“Au ‘Chema’ Mme Lily Jean-Javal et les Maranes”, UI, 7.3.1930, p. 717) and long extracts reproduced in HL 31 (June-July 1930), pp. 3-5.
“valente militar” (P. Goodman, “Os Maranos Portugueses. Inauguração da Sinagoga Kadoorie”, in HL 83 (January-February 1938), p. 3; this article was translated from “Les Marranes portugais. Inauguration de la synagogue Kaddorie”, in Le judaïsme sephardi, 58 (31.1.1938), pp. 3-5). On Barros Basto during the WWI, see Barros Basto: o Capitão nas trincheiras, 2015.
HL 100 (July-August 1940), p. 1. France’s great rabbi Israel Lévy, who did not personally meet Barros Basto, joins his military courage and Jewish missionary spirit, calling him a “courageous brother” (“valente irmão” in HL 83 (January-February 1938), p. 7.
“J’ai vu sa photographie : un militaire avec des moustaches. […] il m’attend, debout, dans son uniforme bleu d’officier d’infanterie […] il a coupé sa moustache.” (L.Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, p. 11, 16; L. Jean-Saval, La Renaissance…, p. 64); Jean-Javal’s book contains an updated picture of Barros Basto (between pp. 96-97).
HL 24 (October 1929), p. 4.
R. Lœwel, À la recherche … , p. 134. On the date of their meeting, see the following note.
R. Lewel [=Lœwel], “Les Maranes … ”, p. 106 ; A la recherche..., p. 151. When did Lœwel, a famous French lawyer and writer, visit Barros Basto? In À la recherche..., written “before the Spanish Civil War” (p. 8), Lœwel relates his visit to the monastery of São Vicente de Fora where D. Manuel II’s wooden coffin was exhibited on a table since the fallen King’s body had been repatriated by the British Navy in Lisbon on August 2, 1932 (R. Loewel, À la recherche..., p. 107). The Archives israélites refer to an undated article by Lœwel in the journal L’Œuvre (not accessed) on his Iberian trip which thus happened between August 1932 and the Spring 1933.
E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, pp. 182-219.
E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, pp. 53-54.
L. Wolf, Les Marranes…, p. 20.
E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, pp. 55-56.
C. Roth, “O Apóstolo dos Maranos …”, pp. 1-5 and 26 (December 1929), p. 3-5. The French version was published some weeks later: “L’Apôtre des Maranes”, in UI, 10 (17, 24.1.1930), p. 453-455, 489-491, 521-522. The original was written in English in London and dated July 1929. Some historians, considering the catholic meaning of the word apostle, found its use paradoxical. Apostle, hachaliakh in Hebrew, means emissary, messenger. An earlier token of “apostle” can be found in a report by the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in Lisbon: “Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto, the founder and president of the Jewish Community of Oporto, himself an ex-Marrano, is the apostle and the inspiring leader of the movement of the Portuguese Marranos to Judaism.” (“The growth of Judaism in Portugal”, in Jewish Daily Bulletin (19.7.1929), p. 3). “Mensageiro do resgate” is also used in Ha-Lapid to refer to Samuel Schwarz in accordance with his mission in the district of Castelo Branco (HL 19 (April-May 1929), p. 3).
Beyond French and Portuguese: German (by Alfonso Cassuto) and Italian (by José Pardo Roques) (HL 26 (December 1929), p. 5. The article also mentions a Dutch translation without further indication. It is likely to be Van Son`book Verleden en heden der Marranen in Portugal [Past and Present of the Marranos in Portugal] (Amsterdam, 1930, 16 p., 5 figures).
Goodman, HL 8 (January 1928), p. 2.
Goodman, HL 83 (January-February 1938), p. 5.
HL 1 (April 1927), p. 1.
HL 45 (December 1931-January 1932), p. 5.
HL 26 (Decembre 1929), p. 4; UI (31.1.1930), p. 522; La Renaissance…, p. 53.
L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme..., p. 67 ; L. Jea-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 97.
L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, p. 27; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 73.
L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, pp. 74-77; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, pp. 103-105.
M. Ehrenpreis, Le Pays … , p. 89.
HL 83 (January-February 1938), p. 3.
In a report to the Portuguese Marranos Committee, Goodman explained that the new-born jewish community of Portugal needs an “official religious guide” (HL 8 (January 1928), p. 3). Would Barros Basto ever feel the desire to become a rabbi? His historical research led him to initiate a book on the “supreme chiefs of the Portuguese Jews” since 1497 (HL 62 (February 1934), p. 4; see Cohen, “Uma aproximação…”, p. 88.
HL 74 (December 1935-January 1936), p. 8.
“De cette Communauté, il est à la fois le président, l’officiant, le trésorier, le secrétaire et la bonne fée.” (L. Wolf, Les Marranes…, p. 20.)
M. Ehrenpreis, Le Pays…, p. 95.
“amador de realidades” (Elbogen, “Para a Inauguração”, p. 6; see his tours with Roth in “the old ghetto of Olival” (HL 29 (March-April 1930), p. 5), Jacob Nachbin (HL 16 (December 1928-January 1929), p. 8) or Elbogen (HL 82 (Nov.-Dec. 1937), p. 6), or longer walks with Jean-Javal through the historical centre of the city but also in Lisbon (L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, p. 266-267; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 128-9).
M. Ehrenpreis, Le Pays…, p. 89.
HL 25 (Nov. 1929), p. 1; La Renaissance…, p. 39, 40.
“talvez o episódio mais romanesco de toda a historia contemporanea”, HL 25 (Nov. 1929), p. 3; La Renaissance..., p. 45.
“personalidade, talvez a mais magnética de quantas eu me havia aproximado”, HL 25 (Nov. 1929), p. 5; La Renaissance..., p. 48.
“Son sourire était l'expression de confiance” (Jean-Javal, “Une Synagogue s’élève à Porto”, in HL 35 (December 1930), p. 6 (article first published in UI); La Renaissance…, p. 134).
“o seu coração juvenil” (HL 82 (Nov.-Dec. 1937), p. 7).
L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, 60; see also p. 105; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, pp. 92 and 111.
HL 25 (Nov. 1929), p. 5; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 50. Many jewish jokes (“Historietas judaicas” or “talmudicas”) can be found in HaLapid but their origin is not clear (either from Barros Basto or Norberto Moreno, who signs some of them (HL 77 (October-November 1936), p. 7).
“Mensageiro do Resgate (como graciosamente se qualifica ao proprio)” (HL 25 (Nov. 1929), p. 3-4); “l’Émissaire des maranes (comme lui-même se designe avec une certaine fantaisie)” (UI (31.1.1930), p. 489). Only in this sense, and taking into account some self-irony, we can say with M. Studemund-Halévy that Barros Basto was “the self-appointed ‘Apostle of the Marrano’” (“Coming Out …”, p. 285).
J. Klatzmann, L’Humour …, p. 115.
L. Jean-Javal, Sous le charme…, pp. 23-24; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 70.
L. Jean-Javal, “Une Synagogue…”, p. 6; L. Jean-Javal, La Renaissance…, p. 133.
HL 85 (April-May 1938), p. 3.
HL 83 (January-February 1938), p. 3.
P. Goodman, “L’inauguration … ”, p. 18.
HL 35 (December 1930), p. 7; L. Jean-Javal La Renaissance…, p. 134.
Conference in New York on the Portuguese Marranos (HL 29 (March-April 1930), p. 8).
E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, p. 53.
“nós chamamos a ele cordealmente ‘Chasak Weemaz’” (I. Elbogen, “Para a Inauguração...”, p. 6).
See his report of the trial in Lisbon (E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, pp. 216-217).
I. Elbogen, “Para a Inauguração...”, p. 8. On the antisemitic intimidation suffered by Barros Basto, see above, note 33, his remarks to Robert Lœwel.
I. Elbogen, “Para a Inauguração...”, p. 8.
“Lucien Wolf”, HL 32 (July-August 1930), p. 7.
“uma das mais marcantes personalidades hebraica[s] do nosso tempo” (HL 25 (November 1929), p. 1).
C. Roth, A History ...
Salomon quoting Roth’s foreword in the third edition (1959) (C. Roth A History…, Introduction, p. viii).
“El ascenso del nazismo y el Holocausto, la creación del Estado de Israel así como el temor a manifestar públicamente cualquier religiosidad diferente de la católica en el Portugal salazarista, trajeron consigo un espeso velo de silencio y de olvido voluntario, como si años antes nada hubiese ocurrido” (C. Stuczynski, “Marranismo …”, p. 441. (accessed 20.10.2019).
“Dieses Stillschweigen hatte etwas Rätselhaftes” (Y. Bato, “Was geschah …”, p. 17.
Y. Bato, “Was geschah…”, respectively pp. 16, 17. The issue of the end of the Portuguese Marrano revival needs further investigations.
See J. Martins, A República …, pp. 151-153.
“Há uns trinta a quarenta anos, ainda existiam em certas províncias do Norte fortes núcleos de cristãos-novos, que seguiam certas tradições religiosas judaicas. Essas tradições cripto-judaicas estão agora desaparecendo a olhos vistos. O que a Inquisição não conseguiu em três séculos de perseguições e de fogueiras, conseguiram-no três décadas de tolerância e de liberdade...” (S. Schwarz, “História da moderna …, p. 160).
E. Mea and I. Steinhardt, Ben-Rosh…, p. 237.
L. Parnes, “Samuel Schwarz, chercheur infatigable … ”. See also L. Parnes’s Présences juives ...
On this debatable topic in the New Christian/Marrano early modern culture, see C. Wilke, “O Segredo dos Doutores … », pp. 189-211.
S. Schwarz, La Découverte..., p. 44. Maria de Fátima Tavares aludes to the “indifference of the powerful families of Lisbon” towards Barros Basto’s Work of Redemption, in Ha-Lapid …, p. 49.
The article by António Ribeiro dos Santos was to be continued (HL 156 (September 1958), p. 8). On the history of the jornal, beyond Tavares, see L. Parnes’s Ha-Lapid (O Facho)...
M. Studemund-Halévy, “Coming Out Jewish…” p. 288.
From HL 1-89, Sections “Obra do Resgate”, “Vida communal” (except Lisbon). To be added one “fadar”, in 1931.
Three years before the inauguration, Paul Goodman had proposed that the Oporto synagogue be the property of the SPC (HL 69 (January-February 1935), p. 5.
HL 84 (March 1938), p. 4.
Each entry indicates the name of the visitor, the town or country of origin, the period of their stay(s) in Oporto (data mainly drawn from Ha-Lapid).
See above, note 33.
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