Index | Keywords
- Abruzzese dialects
- Abruzzo
- Abū al-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī
- Adelung (Johann Christoph)
- Adelung (Johann Christoph) and Vater (Johann Severin)
- affectivity
- agency
- al-Ghazālī
- Al-Tuḥfa al-Zakiyya fī l-Luġa al-Turkiyya
- Albertus Magnus
- Alexander of Hales
- alphabet
- alphabetical script
- American languages
- amerindians
- amnestic aphasia
- ancient Russia
- anthropological researches
- anthropology
- Apollonius Dyscolus
- appositive
- Arab grammarians
- Arab West
- Arabic grammar
- Arabic grammars in Europe
- Arabic grammatical theory
- Arabic grammatical tradition
- Arabic grammatical tradition (origins)
- Arabic language
- Arabic linguistic terminology
- Arabic philosophy
- articulation
- Astarābāḏī (al-)
- Aufklärung
- auxiliary verb
- Averroes
- Carter (Michael)
- Caspari (Carl Paul)
- categorization
- Chinese
- Chinese writing
- Christian Hebraists of the Renaissance
- collections
- coloniality
- colonisation
- colophon
- commands
- comparative grammar
- comparative linguistics
- comparison of languages
- complete sentence
- compound tense
- compound word
- consciousness
- context of activity
- context of activity and context of discovery
- coordinatio
- coordination
- Coptic grammar
- Coseriu (Eugenio)
- cut-and-paste
- Gabelentz (Georg von der)
- Gaudefroy-Demombynes (Maurice)
- general linguistics
- genius of languages
- German linguistics
- Germany
- Gestalt theory
- gesture
- glossaries
- glosses
- Gomperz (Heinrich)
- grammar
- grammatical exemplification
- grammatical tradition
- Great Britain
- Greco-Latin
- Greek grammarians
- Greek grammatical tradition
- Greek influence on the Arabic grammatical tradition
- Guarani
- Gully (Adrian)
- Gurwitsch (Aron)
- Ḫalīl
- Hebrew grammatical tradition
- Hebrew lexicography
- Hebrew-Latin lexicography
- hierarchical typologies
- hieroglyphs
- history of American linguistics
- history of dictionaries
- history of Italian Jews
- history of lexicography (Arabic)
- history of linguistics
- history of structuralism
- history of the structuralism
- Hjelmslev (Louis)
- Homer
- Homo habilis
- homology
- Humboldt (Wilhelm von)
- hyperonym
- hyponym
- language
- language atlases
- language classification
- language comparison
- language didactics
- language esthetics
- language examples
- language fragments
- language origins
- language samples
- language use
- languages in the Americas
- Latin grammarians
- Latinitas
- learned language
- Leopardi (Giacomo)
- Lévi-Strauss (Claude)
- lexical semantics
- lexicography
- Liber glossarum
- linguistic compilations
- linguistic criteria
- linguistic knowledge
- linguistics
- living language
- loan translation
- loanwords
- local statement
- logic
- logical-ontological criteria
- Lord’s Prayer
- Lord’s Prayer (Our Father
- Maḥberet Menaḥem
- Maḥmūd al-Kāšġarī
- Malay
- Malaysia
- Malinowski (Bronislaw)
- manuscripts
- Marcel (Jean-Joseph)
- markedness
- Martellotto (Francesco)
- marxism
- materialism
- meaning
- medieval Hebrew philology
- medieval pragmatics
- Meillet (Antoine)
- Menaḥem ben-Saruk
- Merleau-Ponty (Maurice)
- Merx (Adalbert)
- method in the history of sciences
- missionary linguistics
- missions
- Mithridates
- mixture of languages
- modality
- modes of discourse
- morphological change (πάθoς)
- morphology
- Motivation and Sedimentation Model
- mutual strengthening arrangement
- Pagnini (Sancte)
- Papias
- Paraguay
- participle
- parts of speech
- parts of speech (ordering of the ~
- passive in Arabic
- passive in Turkic
- perception
- perlocutionary effect
- permission
- person
- Peter Abelard
- phenomenology
- Philip the Chancellor
- philology
- philosophy of language
- phonology
- phylogenesis
- Piaget (Jean)
- place of words
- Pos (Hendrik)
- pragmatics
- praxis
- predicative construction
- privative compound word
- prohibitions
- proposition
- psycholinguistics
- psychological linguistics
- psychological syntax
- psychology
- Sakkākī (al-)
- Saussure (Ferdinand de)
- Saussure’s semiology
- Schmidt (Wilhelm)
- scholarly compilations
- Schuchardt (Hugo)
- Schultze (Benjamin)
- scientific fiction
- Sefer ha-shorashim
- semantics
- semasiology
- semiotic triangle
- semiotics
- series of texts
- Silvestre de Sacy (Antoine-Isaac)
- simple word
- simplicity and complexity of languages
- situation
- Slavonic language
- Slovenian dialects of Resia and the hypothesis of a Turanian substratum
- Smith (Adam)
- speaking
- speaking language
- speaking subject
- speech act
- speech acts
- spoken language
- stadialism
- statistics
- stemma codicum
- stoicism
- structuralism
- sublimation
- syndesmos
- syntax (Arabic tradition)
- Syriac grammar
- Syriac logic
- Syriac rhetoric
- Syriac states of the noun
- system