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Dating the undated reports
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Middenstand, Onderzoek naar de familiale begrotingen van 1928-1929, S.l.n.d.
Ministère des Affaires Économiques, Enquête sur les budgets familiaux de 1928-1929, S.l.n.d.
The title pages of these reports contain contradictory information. The Dutch report mentions the Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Middenstand, the French version has Ministère des Affaires Économiques on its front page. Neither existed when the 1928-1929 inquiry was conducted: it was the Ministère de l’Industrie, du Travail et de la Prévoyance Sociale that was in charge. In 1934, a Ministère des Affaires Économiques was created, which had its name changed to Ministère des Affaires Économiques et Classes Moyennes in 1938. This might suggest that the French report was “published” as a sort of internal document between 1934 and 1938, and that a Dutch translation was produced afterwards. However, the same succession of names for the department of economic affairs also occurred between 1946 and 1948. It cannot therefore be excluded that these reports were compiled in the 1940s.
Another element might indeed point to the 1940s. On the title page of the Dutch report, the Marchant spelling system is used (the so-called modern orthography which was officially established in 1946) while the report is written in the old orthography. The Dutch report might have been written in the middle of the 1940s, a transition period as far as Dutch spelling is concerned, or the title page may of course have been produced several years after the report had been compiled (in the 1930s, for example). An indication in the direction of the 1930s is the fact that the 1928/29 budget inquiry figured on the agenda of the Commission de l’Index in June and July 1939. The commission discussed whether it was best to use the 1928-1929 budget inquiry or to organise a new inquiry in order to adapt the weightings of the cost of living index. Lion looked into the matter and prepared “un travail (..) à propos de l’enquête sur le coût de la vie”150.
The conclusion is that some elements seem to point to the 1930s, others to the 1940s. On the basis of the information currently available a more precise dating of the Dutch/French report is therefore impossible.