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Histoire & Mesure explores the history of statistics and measurement practices, from antique surveying or medieval gauging to contemporary scientific instruments. It also publishes papers using statistical, formal or quantitative methods as a tool for historical research, whatever the period and theme studied. Far from being limited to economic or demographic history, the journal has always been open to cultural and political history, archeology, etc. Refusing to isolate methodology from history, it considers that a reflection on the construction of quantitative tools helps to make a better use of them.

Journal supported by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (CNRS).

Latest issue
XXXIX-1 | 2024
Statistiques coloniales

Colonial statistics

While only a pale – and often incomplete – reflection of the situations they aim to represent, the statistics and accounts produced during colonial times deserve our full attention. This feature illustrates the interest they have attracted among researchers in the humanities and social sciences, and presents the initial results of ongoing research programmes.

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