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About the journal

Dedicated to the arts and human mediations, Hybrid is a journal in the vast field of reflection of the digital humanities. It develops an editorial line that focuses on the close articulation of the arts and human mediations in the digital age. It focuses in particular on the relationship between digital technologies and artistic and literary practices, which are analysed in their socio-technical environment. This also includes museum mediations, strongly mobilised for example in the issue on ephemeral heritages. Approaching the relationship between digital humanities and aesthetics in a dynamic way, Hybrid also proposes to study the place of the subject in digital environments and the transformations of research practices by digital technology. The "augmented" scientific publication, the approaches to digital heritage, the forms and figures of a "post-digital" art and the challenges of a "digital culture" eduction, are also at the heart of the themes addressed by Hybrid.

Hybrid is a bilingual (French-English) journal supported by the École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC and published online by the Presses Universitaires de Vincennes. It has an editorial board and an international reading committee. After selection by the management of the issue of the contribution proposals, the theoretical and artistic contributions are evaluated in double-blind by an external and an internal evaluator.

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