Submission Guidelines
Haut de pageThe IdeAs team asks authors to strictly follow the following instructions. We invite the coordinators of the dossiers to communicate this document to the authors as soon as possible.
Format of the articles for the thematic dossier
The introduction of each issue of the journal IdeAs, which is written by the coordinators of the dossier, must not exceed 20 000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).
The articles in the thematic dossier must not exceed 45 000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).
All articles submitted to the journal must be new. It should not have been previously published either in paper form or on the Internet, in any language, and should not be submitted simultaneously to other journals. The author agrees to assign copyright to the journal for electronic reproduction and authorizes it to publish the article online. If a translation of the article is necessary, it will be done after acceptance of the article by the journal and in relation with it.
Once validated by the coordinators of the dossier, the article proposals must be submitted in WORD (.doc) format on the OJS (Open Journal Systems) editorial management platform at the following address:
Authors must guarantee the anonymity of the articles in order to ensure a double-blind peer review. The author must ensure that their name is removed from the text (quick check with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F) and from the properties of the submitted file. To do so, they must access the Word menu and then click on File> Options> General> Customize your copy of Microsoft Office and replace the name and initials of the user with "Author" and "A" respectively.
To follow the different steps of an article submission to the journal IdeAs, Idées d'Amériques on the OJS platform, authors are invited to consult the practical guide for authors available at the bottom of the page.
Document Format
The contribution must be written in Times New Roman, font 12, with continuous line spacing and must be justified. Paragraphs should be marked with a line break, without tabs or indents.
A specific style must be applied to each type of paragraphs: "Normal" for the body text, bibliography and appendices, "Title 1", "Title 2", etc. for headings, "Citation" for quotations. Most of these styles are saved by default in your software.
All submissions must contain the following:
A title translated into three or four languages, including the original language of the article (from French, English, Spanish and Portuguese). The title of the article must be in lower case and must not be broken by paragraph breaks.
A bibliography in accordance with the editorial standards of the journal.
An abstract in the same three or four languages as the title. The abstract and translations should not exceed 1 500 characters each, including spaces.
A series of five keywords in the same three or four languages as the title. Keywords should be written in lower case, preferably in the singular (except for proper nouns or if a typographical convention justifies their use) and separated by commas.
An outline.
In an attached document in WORD (.doc) format, the author's first and last name in lower case, followed by a brief bio-bibliographic presentation in 5 lines (position, institution, professional address, email), also to be submitted on OJS.
Peer review principles
The articles submitted for the thematic dossier are reviewed anonymously by two experts (double blind) through the journal's OJS platform. All the experts are external to the journal's editorial board and come from French and international institutions.
The experts' opinions are written in the language of the article submitted, using an evaluation grid accessible on OJS (see appendix on this page). This grid aims to evaluate the originality, quality and scientific rigor of the submission, as well as the conformity of the metadata (title, abstract, keywords, bibliography) to the editorial standards of the journal and the link with the topic of each dossier. Once the recommendations have been received, the journal's editorial team writes a summary of the experts’ evaluations, which is then sent to the author. The experts have the possibility to annotate the submission anonymously, and the comments are sent to the authors after verification of the anonymity.
The experts’ suggestions and the revisions made to the articles by the authors after proofreading must systematically appear in "track changes" mode, a revision mode proposed by text processing software.
Each expert decides on the publication of the submission, by selecting one of the following proposals:
Accept the submission: the submission can be published after a simple review by the author and the editorial team.
Revisions required: the submission is approved for publication with some corrections, modifications and adjustments to the submission.
Resubmit: the review considers the submission suitable for publication with modifications that the reviewer asks to read in a second review, to ensure that the requested improvements have been made.
Reject the submission: the reviewer considers the proposal insufficient for publication in the IdeAs journal, while making the avenues to be explored for further research explicit.
If the two evaluations of the same submission are contradictory, the journal's editorial team calls upon a third person to provide an expert evaluation, which allows the decision to publish the submission or not.
Once the authors have access to the evaluations of their submission, they have approximately one month to submit a new version of their article to OJS, taking into account or not – with justification in that case – the experts’ recommendations. This new version is then read again and validated by the coordinators of the thematic dossier to ensure that it still fits the general topic of the dossier. The editorial committee also reads the submission again before preparing the copy, and may ask the authors to make final corrections.
Format of the articles for the Éclairages – or "focus" – mini-dossiers
The contributions to the mini-dossiers meet different requirements:
Articles should not exceed 15 000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).
Articles do not require abstracts or keywords.
Articles must not contain more than ten bibliographic references.
Articles must contain a brief bio-bibliographic presentation (position, institution, professional address, email).
All articles submitted must be new.
Papers must comply with IdeAs’ editorial standards.
The articles published express only the opinion of their authors and do not engage the editors’ responsibility.
Format of the articles for the book reviews
Book reviews have a specific format: they must be between 6 000 and 10 000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).
Book reviews must contain a brief bio-bibliographic presentation (position, institution, professional address, email).
Reviews must be written according to IdeAs’ editorial standards.
Editorial Norms
The use of inclusive, epicene or non-gendered writing is authorized. The journal leaves the authors to choose the style of writing but asks that the selected standard be respected in the overall contribution concerned.
Spelling and typography
Articles in English should use American English spelling and typographical conventions (as in the language setting in WORD). There should be no spaces before commas, stops, suspension marks, colons, semi-colons, question and exclamation marks, and no spaces before or after quotation marks. The latter should be double ("…") and single ('…') for inside quotes. French quotes (« … ») should not be used.
Italics should be used for book and journal titles. For consistency with the practice of IdeAs regarding articles in French, Latin phrases and abbreviations such as et al., ibid., id., infra., loc. cit., supra. should be in italics, as should foreign words, emphasized segments and autonyms.
Upper case letters should carry accents where necessary. Exponents should be used for footnotes and ordinal numbers (20th century, 21st century). No underlining should occur in the main text, italics should be used for emphasis.
Abbreviations of organization names should normally be upper case, without stops, as
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
USAN (Union of South American Nations)
LAFTA (Latin American Free Trade Association)
For special characters such as mathematical symbols, arrows, transliterated characters, the Unicode font should be used.
When writing numbers, non-breaking spaces (as opposed to commas or stops) should be used to separate millions, thousands and hundreds – thus 55 000 000, and not 55,000,000. Decimals are to be indicated by stops not commas (e.g. 1.5%, not 1,5%).
Partial quotations should be integrated into the main text and identified by quote marks "/". Quotations longer than three lines must be in "Quotation" style and thus constitute a separate paragraph. Omitted or unfinished segments should always be marked as follows: […]. The books or articles quoted should always figure in the bibliography.
Bibliographical references
These should normally figure in the main text as follows:
(Cardon P., 2010: 24, 2009a, 2009b)
(Heavey S. and S. Marsh, 2016)
Example that applies from three authors:
(Dutton S. et al., 2014)
Footnote numbers should be in Arabic numerals exclusively and be continuous throughout the document. In the text, the footnote number precedes punctuation (example12., not example.12). In the footnote, the automatically generated number is followed by a space and then the footnote itself.
In the online version, footnotes appear in the margin of the corresponding paragraph as well as at the end of the text. The total number of signs in footnotes should, in all cases, amount to less than 20 % of the number of signs in the text itself (excluding the list of works consulted).
The abbreviations ibid. and op. cit. should be used.
In the case of repeated reference to the same source, the complete bibliographical reference need not be reiterated.
1 - If the repeat reference concerns the same page, use ibid.
2 - If the repeat reference is to a different page, use ibid., p. 242.
However, where repeat references are not consecutive, the format should be:
1 - Friedman, 2005, op. cit. (where the page number is unchanged)
2 - Friedman, 2005, op. cit. p. 56 (where the page number is different)
1 Hagget, 2001.
2 Ibid., p. 7.
3 Tinker, 1997.
4 Hagget, op. cit.
5 Tinker, op. cit., p. 46.
6 Hagget, op. cit., p. 23.
If these are simple texts (glossaries, lexical lists, simple tables), they should be placed after the main text. Complex tables, maps, etc. should be provided in separate files.
All annexes must have titles and sources must be fully shown.
Images and graphs
Images and graphs must be provided separately, each with a title and numbered in relation to the place where they are to appear in the text. However, each illustration should also already be inserted in its proper place in the text (using menu item Insertion > Image exclusively, as opposed to copy and paste). If, for some reason, this is not the case, the name of the separate file should be shown in its place.
It is important to avoid any possible confusion in the place and order of figures. As required in the case of online documents, the title of the illustration must appear before the illustration. Any caption and the image credits are placed after the illustration. Credits must always be indicated. Images should be in .jpg format, with high (300 dpi) definition.
Photocopies are not accepted. Photographs should figure as high definition .jpg files. Graphs and tables should be sent in the format in which they were generated within a given program (not converted into .pdf format). Permission to reproduce must always be provided and images must not be bound by copyright. Originals or reproductions transmitted to IdeAs are returned to authors after publication of the issue concerned.
Simple tables should be generated within WORD (via Insertion> Table). Complex or oversize tables should be provided separately in .jpg format. Tables must have titles and sources must be fully shown.
The bibliography should be written in the language of the article itself. It must be placed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order of authors’ names. Any bibliographical entry presupposes a reference in the article. Conversely, any reference to a printed work or a website etc. in the article implies a corresponding entry in the bibliography. Examples of required presentation follow.
Works in print
Author’s name, first name, Title of Work, place of publication, publisher’s name, collection (if relevant), year of publication.
Hagget, Peter, Geography: A Global Synthesis, London, Pearson Education, 2001.
Chaunu, Pierre, Histoire de la Amérique latine, 16th edition, Paris, P.U.F, Que sais-je ?, 2009
N.B. In cases where there are more than three authors, quote the first three, followed by "et al.".
New editions in translation
The formulation in this case should be as follows:
Author’s name, first name, Title of work, translated from [language] by [author translation], [original edition, original title, original place of publication, original publisher], place of publication, publisher’s name, collection (if relevant), year of publication [year of original publication], number of pages.
Freyre, Gilberto, Maîtres et esclaves. La formation de la société brésilienne, translated from Portuguese (Brazil) by Roger Bastide, [orig ed. Casa-grande & senzala: formação da familia brasiliera sob o regime de economia patriarcal, Rio de Janeiro, Maia & Schmidt], Paris, Gallimard, La Croix du Sud, 1952 [1933], 552 p.
Extracts from works
Author’s name, first name, Title of work, place of publication, publisher’s name, collection (if relevant), year of publication, pages concerned (preceded by "p.", and not "pp.").
Poulain, Jean-Pierre, Manger aujourd’hui : attitudes, normes et pratiques, Toulouse, Privat, 2001, p. 45-67
Articles in print form, book chapters or parts of multi-volume works
Author’s name, first name, "Title of article", Title of Journal, issue number and volume (if relevant), date of publication, pages concerned (preceded by "p.", and not "pp.").
Renard, Marie-Reine, "Les idées religieuses de George Sand et l’émancipation féminine", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n° 128, 2004, p. 25-38.
De Saint Martin, Monique, "L’espace de la noblesse", Revue française de sociologie, vol. 35, n° 1, 1994, p. 147-149.
Articles in electronic form
Author’s name, first name, "Title of article", Title of Journal, issue number and volume (if relevant), date of publication, URL of internet page, date of consultation ("page consulted on…")
Miquel-Baldellou, Marta, "Caught Up In Between Doublets: Neo-Victorian (Trans)Positions of Victorian Femininities and Masculinities in Jane Eyre and Rebecca", Revue LISA/LISA e-journal, vol. 7, n° 4, 2009, p. 7,, page consulted June 6 2011.
Thomas, Isabelle, "Cartographie d’aujourd’hui et de demain : rappels et perspectives", Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie, March 7 2001,, page consulted July 5 2003.
Articles in edited volumes
Author’s name, first name, "Title of article or chapter", in first name and name of person or persons in charge of publication (with the indication (eds.) if there are several authors), Title of work, place of publication, publisher’s name, date, pages concerned (preceded by "p.", and not "pp.").
Dematteis Giuseppe, "Towards a Unified Metropolitan Urban System in Europe: Core Centrality versus Network Distributed Centrality", in Denise Pumain and Thérèse Saint-Julien (eds.), Urban Networks in Europe, Paris, INED and John Libbey Eurotext, 1996, p. 5
Gérando, Joseph-Marie (Baron de), "Des Maisons d’aliénés", in Jules Renouard, De la bienfaisance publique, Paris, 1839, vol. 4 p. 394-457.
Author’s name, first name, Thesis title, discipline, University and (if possible) department, year defended.
Ruhlmann, Sandrine, Le partage des prémices et du fond de la marmite. Essai d’anthropologie des pratiques alimentaires chez les Mongols Xalx (Khalkha), Thesis in Social Anthropology and Ethnology, EHESS, 2006.
When using an electronic version of a thesis, URL and date of consultation should be added ("page consulted on…").
Connally, Michael, Les « bonnes femmes » de Paris : Des communautés religieuses dans une société urbaine du bas Moyen Age, Thesis in History, Université Lumière, Lyon 2, 2003,, page consulted October 9 2013.
Lectures, individual and collected conference papers, symposia
Author’s name, first name, "Title of paper" in first name + name of convener(s) (ed. or eds.), Title of conference, symposium, etc., place, date of event, publisher, city, year of publication, (collection; n° in collection), pages concerned (preceded by "p.", and not "pp.").
Agudelo, Carlos, "Le comportement électoral des populations noires en Amérique Latine. Un regard à partir du cas colombien", in Jean Michel Blanquer, Hélène Quanquin, Willibald Sonnleitner et al (eds.), Voter dans les Amériques, Paris, November 27 and 28 2003, Éditions de l’Institut des Amériques and Éditions de l’Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine, Paris, 2005, p. 319-327.
If an electronic version exists, URL, date consulted, ("page consulted on…").
Dash, Michael, "Haïti première république noire des lettres", in Musée du quai Branly and Bibliothèque nationale de France, Littératures noires, Colloque international de littérature, Paris, January 29-30 2010, Les actes de colloques du Quai Branly, Paris, 2011,, page consulted November 26, 2013.
Research Reports
Author’s name, first name, Title of Research Report, "Research report", n° of report, place of publication, name of scientific publisher, year of publication (where there are more than three authors, quote the first three, followed by "et al.").
Warren, Annabelle, Delphine Rolland and Isabelle Laurion, L’eutrophisation des plans d’eau sur le territoire du Séminaire de Québec : Sources de perturbation, impacts associés à l’exploitation forestière, mesures de protection et de restauration, qualité de l’eau et risque associé aux cyanobactéries, Research report, n° 1202, Quebec, INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 2010.
Author’s name, first name, "Title of article", Title of Periodical, volume and number (if relevant), place of publication, date of issue, pages concerned (preceded by "p.", and not pp.").
Thibaudeau, Marc, "Plus instruites mais moins rémunérées : le sexisme perdure sur le marché du travail", La Presse, Montréal, August 15 1999, p. A1
Where the article is online, note URL and date of consultation:
Surowiecki, James, "House of Cards", The New Yorker, March 16 2009,, page consulted March 17 2009.
Where author’s name is unknown, the name of the periodical replaces it.
The Economist, "Off Their Trolleys", The Economist, London, May 6 2009, http://www/, page consulted May 7 2009.
Manuscripts and archives, etc.
Archive deposit, place (if not already stated in archive title), reference n°, designation of document, date of document.
New Orleans Notarial Archives, Notarial Records [henceforth NONARC], Notary Onesiphone Drouet, 1856, 12, act 245, sale of slave by Sr. L. Trinchant to J. Benito, December 5 1856.
CAEF fonds Cabinet, 1A032, Paris, note n° 2.023 du directeur du Budget (Gourdin) pour le ministre des Finances (Cathala), May 11 1942.
Arquivo Nacional do Rio de Janeiro [henceforth ANRJ], I6 467, Africanos – Cartas de libertação e mapas de falecimento, 1831-1863; ANRJ, IJ6 468, Oficios do Chefe de Policia e Casa de Correção sobre africanos, 1834-1864.
When the text is printed:
AUTHOR, Title, Official record, n° of Official record, date of publication, pages.
MINISTÈRE DE L’ÉCOLOGIE DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE, DU TRANSPORT ET DU LOGEMENT, Décret n° 2011-1948 du décembre 2011, relatif à l’aide à l’insonorisation des logements des riverains des aérodromes mentionnés au I de l’article 1609 quatervicies A du code général des impôts, Journal officiel, n° 0299 du 27 décembre 2011, p. 22289.
When the text is available in electronic form:
AUTHOR, Title [as given online], Official record, n° of Official record, date of publication, URL, date consulted.
MINISTÈRE DE L’AGRICULTURE ET DE LA PÊCHE ET LE MINISTÈRE DU TRAVAIL, DES RELATIONS SOCIALES, DE LA FAMILLE ET DE LA SOLIDARITÉ, Arrêté du 8 décembre 2008 portant homologation de la décision n° 2008-DC-0110 de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire du 28 septembre 2008 relative à la gestion du risque lié au radon dans les lieux de travail [online], Journal officiel, n° 0293 du 17 décembre 2008,, consulted January 5 2012.
Documents annexes
How to submit your article to IdeAs through OJS (application/pdf – 538k)
How to receive evaluations and submit new version of the article on OJS (application/pdf – 237k)
IdeAs journal Evaluation form EN (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 79k)
Contrat de cession de droits IdeAs (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 205k)