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Adding a Novel Italian Treebank of Marked Constructions to Universal Dependencies

Teresa Paccosi, Alessio Palmero Aprosio and Sara Tonelli


In this paper we present a novel treebank developed to analyse marked constructions in Italian called MarkIT. The resource contains almost 1,300 sentences manually annotated with dependency relations following the Universal Dependencies paradigm. The sentences have been extracted from essays written by high-school students along several years, which accounts for the structure and the topic variability of the sentences. In this work, we detail the process to select the sentences, parse them automatically and then manually correct them. The resource covers seven types of marked constructions (839 sentences overall) plus some sentences, whose syntax can be wrongly classified as marked and which can serve as negative examples of markedness (453 sentences). We also present an evaluation of parsing performance, comparing a model trained on existing Italian treebanks with the model obtained by adding MarkIT to the training set.

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1. Introduction

1In recent years, the goal to develop robust frameworks for consistent annotation of syntactic dependencies across different human languages has led to the creation of Universal Dependencies (UD), an initiative covering nearly 200 treebanks in more than 100 languages. Since UD treebanks are then used to train syntactic parsers, it is important that they account for as many phenomena as possible that can be found in a language, and not only for canonical expressions typically written in news.

2As regards Italian, different genres have been included in the VIT treebank (Delmonte, Bristot, and Tonelli 2007) and in ParTUT (Sanguinetti and Bosco 2014), with the purpose to encompass the variety of language use. More recently, also syntactically annotated tweets have been included in the UD framework (Cignarella, Bosco, and Rosso 2019; Sanguinetti et al. 2018). Overall, seven treebanks are listed under the UD initiative for Italian.

3In this work, we contribute to this effort by presenting a novel treebank including syntactically annotated marked constructions, which we call MarkIT (MARKed structures Italian Treebank). The treebank is composed of around 65% of marked sentences and 35% of non-marked ones. The latter have been selected because they present a syntactic structure that may resemble marked ones and that could therefore be misleading for parsers. Both types of samples have been extracted from a corpus of students’ essays and to our knowledge represent the first effort to include in UD a repository of marked structures, which are typical of neo-standard language and are therefore more and more frequent in informal settings (D’Achille 2003). The sentences have been first syntactically parsed and then manually corrected, so that we were also able to analyse which kinds of mistakes are typically done by dependency parsers. The dataset was accepted under the release of Universal Dependencies 2.10 and it is freely available on Github at​dhfbk/​markit. While a first version of the resource was presented in (Paccosi, Aprosio, and Tonelli 2021), the latest release includes 1,292 sentences (around 400 more than the first release) and some adjustments of the first annotation guidelines have been performed.

2. Background

4In the last years, Universal Depedencies (UD) have become the most widely used standard for syntactic annotation (De Marneffe and Manning 2008) upon which treebanks for other languages have been built, including Italian. The first one has been the Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank or ISDT (Bosco, Montemagni, and Simi 2013). Other treebanks have been later built, covering a rich collection of different usages and genres. In particular, the VIT treebank (Delmonte, Bristot, and Tonelli 2007) is composed of several texts ranging from news to literature, while TWITTIRO (Cignarella, Bosco, and Rosso 2019) and PoSTWITA (Sanguinetti et al. 2018) are two treebanks composed of tweets. These Twitter-based treebanks represent an important resource in terms of documentation of the usage of non-standard Italian. We address the same topic in the present work, but instead of considering social-media data, we look at more formal writings, and in particular at the use of marked sentence constructions in students’ essays. To our knowledge, a UD treebank of grammar examples for Italian does not exist, and also in other languages there are only few examples. A treebank of grammar examples is a dataset of annotated trees sharing the same type of grammatical constructions, such as the English Pronouns treebank (Munro 2021), which is the most similar resource to ours. It was created to make independent genitive pronoun’s identification more accurate, by annotating only English sentences which display that construction. For what concerns marked structures in Italian, a comparative study on the distribution of the phenomenon of syntactic markedness has been presented in (Pieri, Brunato, and Dell’Orletta 2016), but the different structures were identified using automated tools.

5According to (Haspelmath 2006), the intuitive shared sense of "markedness" is unusual or uncommon and the author provides twelve different meanings which have been assigned to the word "markedness" throughout time and in different linguistic subfields (such as phonetics, syntax or semantics). In the present paper, we adopt a notion of syntactical markedness which is situated between two of the senses proposed by (Haspelmath 2006): a deviation from default parameter setting and a specifically defined distribution opposed to a default one. More precisely, with marked sentences we refer here to those constructions which present a non-canonical order of constituents, assuming that in Italian the canonical order of the syntactic structure is S V+fin V-fin OX, where S is subject, V+fin is a finite verb or an auxiliary verb, V-fin is a non-finite verb, O is the direct object and X other complements. Marked structures are intended to focus on an element of the sentence by moving the focalized constituent in a different position from the one it occupies in a canonical sentence, for reasons that are phonotactic or bound to the whole meaning of the sentence (Benincà, Gianpaolo, and Lorenza 1988). In syntactical terms, we can say that marked structures operate a modification in the distribution of topic and comment with respect to the corresponding non marked structure (Cinque 1990). The notion of markedness has been quite discussed over time, especially in quantitative studies on word order (Merlo 2016; Futrell, Mahowald, and Gibson 2015), but we are not interested here in contributing to the debate on specific definitions of markedness. Instead, we adopt the notion that considers as marked those sentences presenting a specific deviation from the SVO order in Italian, distinguishing among different types of marked structures (see Section 4). (Delmonte 2016) already demonstrated that non-canonical sentences are very difficult to parse. The author tested in fact four parsers on a small dataset containing several examples of non-canonical structures, yielding a low accuracy in all the cases. For an example of wrong parsing output of a marked structure (dislocation), see Figure 1, where the object "La mamma" ("the mum") is labeled as nsubj. In the light of such findings, we argue therefore that it is crucial to make parsers more robust to this kind of constructions and, in general, to different syntactic structures. It is also important to agree on a standard way to annotate different marked structures in UD, which is part of our contribution presented in this work.

Figure 1: Wrong parsing output of dislocation (En: The mum, they greet her)

Figure 1: Wrong parsing output of dislocation (En: The mum, they greet her)

3. Sentence collection

6Our goal is to build a treebank of marked constructions that reflects actual usage of Italian, in particular of the neo-standard variant (Gateano Berruto 2012). We avoid to manually create sentences ourselves, given that a large number of marked structures could be found in the IPRASE corpus of written Italian (Sprugnoli et al. 2018). This corpus is comprised of students’ essays, which were collected by Istituto provinciale Trentino per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione educativa (IPRASE) with the goal to study the evolution of high-school students’ writing skills, taking into account essays spanning 15 years (from 2001 to 2016). The corpus contains more than 2,500 essays and almost 1.5 million tokens. The project tracked the presence of expressions and constructions typical of neo-standard Italian, requiring a pool of expert annotators, i.e. high-school teachers, to manually mark in essays a number of linguistic traits (Tonelli et al. 2020). Among others, annotators were asked to mark dislocated sentences, cleft sentences and hanging topics (see details in Section 4). So, we start from these annotated sentences and then revise them, adding also some types of markedness that were not initially foreseen. In this respect, students’ essays are a very interesting textual source to analyse: on the one hand, they were written in a formal educational setting by students who tried their best to explain their thoughts clearly and correctly, therefore the essays tend to be free from grammatical errors. On the other hand, they may reflect a still incomplete mastery of writing skills and include expressions that are admissible only in informal spoken language.

7We extract from the IPRASE corpus around 1,300 sentences and annotate them at syntactic level. The sentences are first automatically parsed using the TINT NLP Suite (Palmero Aprosio 2021) and then manually revised by a linguist to distinguish between the constructions of interest and other types of similar constructions. The essays were written in a time span of 15 years by different authors and dealing with a number of different topics, which guarantees a high variability of the sentence content and structure. Also different writing skills can be detected among the students.

4. Overview of Marked Structures

8There are seven possible marked structures in Italian: sentences with postverbal subject, sentences with presentative "there”, sentences with left or right dislocation, hanging topic sentences, cleft sentences and pseudo-cleft sentences (Ferrari and Zampese 2016). Among the sentences from the IPRASE corpus originally marked as dislocated, cleft and hanging topic, we were able to find other types of marked structures, so that in the end all seven phenomena are present. We collect from the IPRASE corpus left and right dislocations, cleft, and some hanging topic sentences. As we said above, during the annotation process we found instances of other marked structures erroneously identified as cleft or dislocated. Below we report a brief description of the marked structures annotated in our treebank.

4.1 Left dislocated sentences

9Left dislocated sentences entail the displacement or anteposition of a specific syntagm to the left of the sentence. The dislocated element connects with the rest of the sentence thanks to an introductory preposition (1) or a pronominal reprise (2), for which a resumptive clitic pronoun pleonastically co-refers to the displaced nominal element (the topic). The clitic reprise is compulsory if the displaced element was the direct object, as long as it is in the positive form (Benincà, Gianpaolo, and Lorenza 1988).

(1) A questo evento (ci) partecipano soltanto artisti già noti
To this event (clitic) participate only artists already known
(2) Molto meno successo Eminem lo ha avuto quest’anno
Much less success Eminem it has had this year

Figure 2: Left dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation

Figure 2: Left dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation

4.2 Hanging topic sentences

10In hanging topic sentences, similarly to left dislocation, the dislocated element is moved to the left, at the beginning of the sentence. However, in this case, the displaced element is isolated at the beginning of the sentence, and it is not syntactically linked to the verb (D’Achille 2003). The main difference between the two structures is when the dislocated element is the direct object. In fact, since direct objects in Italian exclude prepositional government, only the non-clitic reprise allows the distinction between left dislocated sentences and hanging topics. In hanging topic constructions, the isolated element is always deprived of indicators for its syntactic function, and it is typically reprised in the following phrase by different anaphorical expressions such as atonic pronouns, possessive pronouns, adverbs, and by a whole nominal phrase (4). When there is no reprise of the dislocated element in the subsequent sentence (3), we refer to that as an example of anacoluthon (Ferrari and Zampese 2016).

(3) ma il cervello, senza non siamo niente
But the brain, without (it) we are nothing

(4) [...] ma il cervello, senza di esso non siamo niente
But the brain, without it we are nothing

Figure 3. Hanging topic annotated with parataxis relation

Figure 3. Hanging topic annotated with parataxis relation

4.3 Right dislocated sentences

11Right dislocated sentences operate a topicalization of the comment and, differently from left dislocated structures, the pronominal reprise is not compulsory when the dislocated element is the direct object. Nevertheless, since the non-marked position of the right dislocated elements is still in postverbal position (apart from the subject), it makes the presence of the anticipatory clitic (5) or of the comma compulsory.

(5) Sono sicuro che molti di voi non lo avevano mai fatto, questo ragionamento
I am sure that many of you do not it have never done, this reasoning

Figure 4: Right dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation

Figure 4: Right dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation

4.4 Cleft sentences

12Cleft sentences are typically composed of a main clause without a subject introduced by the verb "to be" in different forms, followed by the cleft constituent and by a subordinate clause introduced by "che" (that), whose function can be of relative pronoun (6) or relative conjunction (8). Sometimes, the subordinate clause can be introduced by "a" (to) + a verb in the infinite form (7), if the subject is the element to put into focus (Gaetano Berruto and Cerruti 2011). Besides the subject, cleft structures can focalize on several constituents, such as the object, prepositional constituents, adverbs and also verbs, especially in the infinitive form (Renzi 2001). The nature of the clause following "che" in cleft sentences is controversial. It has always been interpreted as a relative clause, but this interpretation holds true only when the dislocated element is the subject or the direct object. When the dislocated element is an adverbial element or a whole subordinate clause it is not easy to individuate the antecedent, and then the clause cannot be considered a relative (Quirk et al., 1985). We are not interested here in defining the nature of this structure, but we only want to put the accent on differentiating these two structures, as we have annotated them in two different ways (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).

(6) Ed è proprio il raggiungimento di sfide che sembrano impossibili che causa una maggiore felicità
And it really is the achievement of challenges which seem impossible that provides a greater happiness
(7) Non è dunque l’ottica dell’utilità e del guadagno a guidare verso la felicità
It is not then the view of utility and profit to guide to happiness
(8) È con questo spirito che si sta progettando una nuova missione
It is with this spirit that we are planning a new mission

Figure 5: Cleft sentence with relative clause (acl:relcl)

Figure 5: Cleft sentence with relative clause (acl:relcl)

Figure 6: Cleft sentence with obl relation (oblique nominal)

Figure 6: Cleft sentence with obl relation (oblique nominal)

4.5 Pseudo-cleft sentences

13Similar to the cleft structure, the pseudo-cleft sentence is characterized by two core units: one usually introduced by the relative pronoun "chi" (who) or by the "demonstrative+that" construction which contains the verb, and the other introduced by the copula and containing the new element we want to emphasize and put into focus (De Cesare 2005).

(9) Ciò/quello che distingue gli ultimi due episodi rispetto ai primi è il silenzio
What (that) differentiates the last two episodes from the early ones is the silence

(10) Chi ha mangiato la torta è Giorgia
Who ate the cake is Giorgia

Figure 7: Pseudo-cleft sentence

Figure 7: Pseudo-cleft sentence

4.6 Sentences with presentative there

14The "presentative there" is a structure which is composed by "there+verb to be", introducing a nominal element followed by a pseudorelative (which is a fundamental component of the presentative structure). This structure is different from other constructions having "there" at the beginning of the clause because of its focalizing property. In fact, several constructions with the structure "there+verb to be" exist but only the "presentative there" puts into focus the nominal element of the clause and it is then considered marked. Sentences such as "C’è Lucia" ("There is Lucia") or "Ci sono i pinguini al polo sud" ("There are penguins at the South Pole") have respectively an existential and a locative function. Even if they are very similar to the "presentative there"’s structure, the difference is that the element in these cases is introduced but not focalized. We choose to use the "presentative there" label instead of the one used in (De Cesare and Ferrari 2007) ("focalizing there") because it is traditionally more recognizable than this new label but we consider only the case in which this structure is marked, as in (Gaetano Berruto 1986).

(11) C’è una canzone che mi ha fatto particolarmente riflettere da quando l’ho sentita
There is a song that made me particularly reflect since I heard it

Figure 8. Presentative there sentence

Figure 8. Presentative there sentence

4.7 Dislocation of the subject

  • 1 EN: "Lucia, (atonic pronoun of you) is not able to say no"
  • 2 EN: "It is an ambitious project for sure, that of searching the mechanisms of brain"

15The dislocation of subject presents some issues because it is difficult to be recognized in the written form. In fact, while prosodic information marks the topicalization of the dislocated element in the oral form, in the written form intonation and pauses, which usually allow the reader to recognize whether it is dislocated or not, are not present. The literature on subject dislocation is very rich, and it crosses different frameworks (Cardinaletti 2018; De Cesare 2014), but we are interested here in selecting the more intuitive methodology to determine if a subject is dislocated or not. For what concerns the left dislocation of the subject, the difficulty is given by the fact that the subject is already placed before the verb in the canonical form. In order to recognise whether a subject is dislocated or not, we therefore choose to follow the intuition in (Ferrari and Zampese 2016), according to which a subject can be generally dislocated to the left when it is separated from the verb by other syntactic material, such as another dislocated element ("Giulio, la macchina, me l’ha prestata”), or some other elements in incidental position. In some cases, it is possible to focus on the subject through a tonic pronominal reprise ("Lucia, te proprio non sai dire di no")1 or through a demonstrative ("È di certo un progetto ambizioso, quello di andare alla ricerca dei meccanismi del cervello”)2.

16In Italian, dislocated subject on the right does not present explicit traits of dislocation, which makes it difficult to distinguish between a dislocation or a postverbal explicit subject. The postverbal position of subject does not entail that this is the result of a dislocation. Therefore, we adopt the syntactic distinction criterion, for which if the subject is separated by the verb by a comma or by other constituents, which must be possibly placed in the first left position (Benincà, Gianpaolo, and Lorenza 1988), the subject is right dislocated (12), otherwise it is explicit (13) (what we have called postverbal subject in Table 1).

(12) È così magnificamente astratto, il limite che divide l’individuo dalla società
It is so wonderfully abstract, the limit which divides the individual from society

(13) A questo ordigno accenna anche Heisenberg
To this device refers also Heisenberg

Figure 9: Right dislocated subject marked with nsubj relation and labeled "right dislocation"

Figure 9: Right dislocated subject marked with nsubj relation and labeled "right dislocation"

Figure 10: Explicit subject with postverbal position marked with nsubj relation and labeled "postverbal subject"

Figure 10: Explicit subject with postverbal position marked with nsubj relation and labeled "postverbal subject"

5. MarkIT annotation and Statistics

17Marked structures are very difficult to parse, since they belong to non-standard Italian constructions. In order to annotate them syntactically, we therefore need to follow a semi-automatic approach, by analysing them first with a dependency parser and then manually correcting them. The selected marked constructions from the IPRASE corpus were processed with the TINT parsing module (Palmero Aprosio 2021), which is built following Universal Dependencies guidelines (De Marneffe and Manning 2008), and trained on the Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank, ISDT (Bosco, Montemagni, and Simi 2013). The dependency trees parsed by TINT are then manually corrected by a linguist using the CoNLL-U Editor (Heinecke 2019). CoNLL-U editor is a very comprehensive tool for the manual annotation of dependency trees. We correct the dependencies pre-processed by TINT using both the flat graph and the tree graph forms and we use the comment section to label the type of marked structure represented in every sentence, as displayed in Fig. 11.

Figure 11: Screenshot of CoNLL-U Editor

Figure 11: Screenshot of CoNLL-U Editor

18Concerning dislocated sentences, the main issue with TINT is that it assigns to the pronoun the role of direct object and treats the dislocated element as the subject, as in the example shown in Figure 1. The sentence was manually corrected by marking the dislocated element with the dislocated relation and the pronoun of reprise with the core argument relation which it represents (obj or subj), as we can see in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. We do not use the dislocated label to mark right dislocation of the subject without pronominal reprise (see Fig. 11). The distinction between right dislocation of the subject and postverbal explicit subject is maintained only in the label used in the comment section.

Figure 12: Dependency tree with right dislocated sentence (En: Does he see it, the artwork?)

Figure 12: Dependency tree with right dislocated sentence (En: Does he see it, the artwork?)

Figure 13: Dependency tree with left dislocated sentence (En: The happiness, I always compared it with the climb towards the top of the mountain)

Figure 13: Dependency tree with left dislocated sentence (En: The happiness, I always compared it with the climb towards the top of the mountain)

19As previously mentioned, hanging topics differ from left dislocated sentences because the element to the left is not syntactically linked to the verb and there is no clitic reprise of the lexical element. Since there is a sort of isolation of the topicalized element, we choose to use the parataxis relation to link it to the head of the sentence, given that parataxis is defined as a relation between a word and other elements, without any explicit coordination, subordination, or argument relation with the head word (usually the verb). An example is reported in Figure 14. Parataxis is mostly used in Italian for reported speech or parenthetical clauses, but in ISDT and in PoSTWITA corpora it is possible to find some examples of this relation used also for structures similar to hanging topics, even without an explicit focalization.

Figure 14: Dependency tree with hanging topic sentence (En: But the brain, without it we are nothing)

Figure 14: Dependency tree with hanging topic sentence (En: But the brain, without it we are nothing)

20As we have seen above, the "che" (that) before a subordinate clause can be a relative pronoun introducing a relative clause or a relative conjunction, followed by a structure whose nature is controversial. A relative clause is an instance of clausal modifier acl, which takes the specific name of acl:relcl, where the noun can be omitted or substituted by a relative pronoun, relative conjunction, or an adverb. As regards cleft sentences, we initially chose to use the same relation in two different ways, in order to distinguish between the case in which the cleft sentence comprehends a relative clause or an unspecified subordinate clause, in the following way. When the dislocated element is the subject or the direct object (substituted by a relative pronoun) we use the acl:relcl relation, selecting the role of "che" (see Fig. 5). Instead, if there is no dislocation of the subject or the object, we used the acl relation, initially considering that it always modifies a nominal element (even if introduced by a preposition). However, we do not select the function of "che", treating it as a mere introducer for the subordinate clause with the mark relation (Fig. 15). We annotated in fact the nominal element introduced by a preposition as a copula+predicative form and the "subordinate clause" with acl. During a second revision, we actually decide that, given the controversial nature of the clause introduced by "che", we consider as the root the verb of the clause following the prepositional one and we mark with the obl relation the clause introduced by the preposition, as represented in Fig. 16.

Figure 15: First version of the annotation of cleft sentence with acl relation (adnominal clause) (En: It is trough philosophy that most people look for a possible explanation)

Figure 15: First version of the annotation of cleft sentence with acl relation (adnominal clause) (En: It is trough philosophy that most people look for a possible explanation)

Figure 16: New annotation of the same cleft sentence in Fig. 15 annotated with obl relation (oblique nominal)

Figure 16: New annotation of the same cleft sentence in Fig. 15 annotated with obl relation (oblique nominal)

21Furthermore, we include in the "False marked" category the structures which resulted challenging to tag for the annotators and which are not marked. "False Marked" includes in fact those structures which usually present an explicit subject in the main clause and are erroneously identified as cleft, for example the following sentence:

(14) L’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) è l’organizzatrice di questa nuova missione che sembra creare grandi aspettative verso Marte
The European Space Agency (ESA) is the organizer of this new mission that seems to create great expectations towards Mars.

22The elements such as "l’organizzatrice di questa missione" were erroneously identified as the focalized element of the cleft structure but they actually are the predicates nominative of the subject (in this example, "l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea"). This error in the identification of marked sentences by IPRASE annotators is the most common and it represents the majority of structures in the set of "False marked".

Figure 17: Dependency tree with false marked with explicit subject and acl:rel relation

Figure 17: Dependency tree with false marked with explicit subject and acl:rel relation

23"False Marked" includes also passive clauses, which were originally tagged as right dislocated because of the postverbal position of the subject:

(15) Il 6 e il 9 agosto del 1945 furono sganciate le due bombe atomiche americane su Nagasaki e Hiroshima
On August 6th and 9th 1954, the two American atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

24Sentences in this last category are particularly challenging both for parsers and for human annotators, given that they were wrongly classified even by IPRASE experts (i.e. high-school teachers) and have been assigned the correct label only after our revision.

25We report in Table 1 a summary of the sentences belonging to the eight categories contained in MarkIT. "Cleft sentences" is the most frequent category in the treebank, followed by "Left" and "Right dislocated sentences". This may be due to the fact that these were the categories originally included in the IPRASE corpus, together with hanging topic. It is interesting to note that "False marked" is well-represented in the resource, providing the possibility to have a good number of extremely challenging negative examples to train a system for marked structures recognition.

Table 1: Number of examples annotated for each category in MarkIT






Cleft sentences





Left dislocated





Right dislocated





Postverbal subject





Presentative "there"










Hanging topic





False marked










Total (tokens)





6. Parsing Evaluation

26As already mentioned in Section 1, the lack of marked structures in treebanks used to train syntactic parsers may affect the robustness of existing systems, since structures which are not represented in the training data tend to be poorly analysed. In order to measure the impact of our novel treebank on the dependency analysis of marked structures, we compare the performance of the parser included in TINT, part of Stanford CoreNLP (Manning et al. 2014) by testing it on the new annotated sentences after training it on different datasets. In particular, we first split our novel treebank into training, dev, and test, respectively 50%, 25%, and 25%, proportionally with respect to the categories listed in Table 1. When the number of examples is tiny, we include a minimum of two examples for each class in each split, therefore test and dev set contain two examples of hanging topic each, leaving three sentences for the training set.

27We then compare two models: the original neural transition-based parser model used by TINT, which is trained using ISDT, VIT, and ParTUT together (see Section 2), and the model obtained by adding to the above training data also the training set of MarkIT. We choose not to include the other Italian datasets available from Universal Dependencies (i.e. the ones derived from Twitter) because their particularly informal language is very different from MarkIT sentences, where we would not find hashtags, abbreviations, user mentions, etc. In both cases, we use the concatenation of the development sets of the four datasets as development set during the training phase. We also compare the models by testing them on the original test sets belonging to ISDT, VIT, and ParTUT (concatenated).

28Following the standard evaluation used in dependency parsing, we compute unlabeled attachment score (UAS) and labeled attachment score (LAS) in the two tests.

Table 2: Parsing performance of the model without (1) and with (2) MarkIT in the training set. We compare the results on two test sets: MarkIT and ISDT+VIT+ParTut.

Training set



















29Results in Table 2 show that on the one hand adding MarkIT to the training set improves the classification of marked structures, but on the other hand performance gain is limited. This may be due to the fact that, compared to the other treebanks (more than 23k sentences in total), the number of training instances coming from MarkIT is small (around 650 sentences). More generally, the presence of both marked and not marked sentences in the MarkIT test set represents a challenge for parsers, since very similar constructions are labeled differently, see for example the presence of comma to mark right dislocated elements. Indeed, both parsing models perform consistently worse on MarkIT structures than on the other test set. Results in Table 2 suggest also that the performance of the parser does not drop when adding MarkIT to the training set, and the increased performance on MarkIT alone is not simply due to a slightly bigger training set.

30In order to have better insights into the above results, we perform a second evaluation comparing the performance of the two models introduced in Table 2 on the different sentence types in MarkIT as separate test sets. Results are reported in Table 3.

Table 3: Parsing performance without (1) and with (2) MarkIT added to the training set on the different sentence types. Values in "Num" column refer to the number of instances in the test set.










Cleft sentences






Left dislocated






Right dislocated






Postverbal subject






Presentative "there"












Hanging topic






False marked






31As expected, performance improves adding MarkIT to the training set for the categories that are represented by more examples in the treebank, as in the case of cleft sentences, left dislocated and postverbal subject. Right dislocated sentences represent an exception, and we argue that a lower accuracy when MarkIT is added to the training set (2) is due to the existence of two possible annotations of the right dislocated element. In fact, in this category we include both dislocations of the subject on the right, according to the criteria illustrated in Section 4.7, which we annotated with the nsubj relation, and pronominal reprise, labeled with the dislocated relation (Sec. 4.3). In the case of pesudo-clefts and hanging topics, the instances in the training set are not enough to have a real impact on the performance of the model, and we argue that this is the same reason why "presentative there" has no improvement. We also hypothesize that a slight drop in accuracy for this latter category can derive from the existence of several structures similar to the "presentative there" (having then "there+verb to be" as we have seen in 4.6) in the training set. Considering false marked sentences, even if there is a good number of instances, we argue that a better accuracy with training (1) is due to the fact that these structures are better parsed if a model is trained without marked structures. When MarkIT is added to the training set, the system is less likely to distinguish between marked and unmarked structures. The relatively poor performance of the parser trained without MarkIT can be also explained by the fact that there are some differences in the annotation scheme we adopt for this treebank (see Section 5). The present study enlightened the need for a more homogeneous treatment of the annotation of non-canonical structures of Italian. We think that treebanks built on specific grammatical constructions represent a step forward in this direction. Further investigation is needed in the future to determine to which extent consistency in annotation plays a role in evaluating parsers.

7. Release

32Although the IPRASE corpus is not available because of copyright issues, the sentences in MarkIT have been extracted without any additional information related to the authors or the textual context, and they can therefore be freely distributed. MarkIT is released under CC BY 4.0 license,3 and can be downloaded from Github.4 Starting from version 2.10, MarkIT is also included in the official release of Universal Dependencies.

8. Conclusions

33In this work, we present the final release of MarkIT, a treebank composed of almost 1,300 sentences with syntactic annotation of both marked and non-marked (but challenging) structures. The former include seven types of marked sentences, which we annotate manually after defining some guidelines to label their syntactic relations consistently. We also perform a parsing evaluation on two different test sets, comparing a dependency parser performance with and without MarkIT in the training data.

34Our results show that the configuration with MarkIT yields some slight improvements, which are probably due to the small size of the treebank compared to other existing ones. Indeed, the marked structures that are more frequent in MarkIT are also those that are parsed more correctly. The treebank is made available to the research community, being included in the release of Universal Dependencies 2.10. Our goal is to make dependency parsers more robust to the different syntactic structures present in Italian, in particular in the neo-standard variant, but also to contribute to a standardisation of syntactic annotation of markedness phenomena.

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1 EN: "Lucia, (atonic pronoun of you) is not able to say no"

2 EN: "It is an ambitious project for sure, that of searching the mechanisms of brain"



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List of illustrations

Title Figure 1: Wrong parsing output of dislocation (En: The mum, they greet her)
File image/jpeg, 29k
Title Figure 2: Left dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation
File image/jpeg, 94k
Title Figure 3. Hanging topic annotated with parataxis relation
File image/jpeg, 100k
Title Figure 4: Right dislocated sentence annotated with dislocated relation
File image/jpeg, 109k
Title Figure 5: Cleft sentence with relative clause (acl:relcl)
File image/jpeg, 92k
Title Figure 6: Cleft sentence with obl relation (oblique nominal)
File image/jpeg, 91k
Title Figure 7: Pseudo-cleft sentence
File image/jpeg, 116k
Title Figure 8. Presentative there sentence
File image/jpeg, 117k
Title Figure 9: Right dislocated subject marked with nsubj relation and labeled "right dislocation"
File image/jpeg, 112k
Title Figure 10: Explicit subject with postverbal position marked with nsubj relation and labeled "postverbal subject"
File image/jpeg, 78k
Title Figure 11: Screenshot of CoNLL-U Editor
File image/jpeg, 152k
Title Figure 12: Dependency tree with right dislocated sentence (En: Does he see it, the artwork?)
File image/jpeg, 87k
Title Figure 13: Dependency tree with left dislocated sentence (En: The happiness, I always compared it with the climb towards the top of the mountain)
File image/jpeg, 110k
Title Figure 14: Dependency tree with hanging topic sentence (En: But the brain, without it we are nothing)
File image/jpeg, 111k
Title Figure 15: First version of the annotation of cleft sentence with acl relation (adnominal clause) (En: It is trough philosophy that most people look for a possible explanation)
File image/jpeg, 90k
Title Figure 16: New annotation of the same cleft sentence in Fig. 15 annotated with obl relation (oblique nominal)
File image/jpeg, 103k
Title Figure 17: Dependency tree with false marked with explicit subject and acl:rel relation
File image/jpeg, 115k
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Electronic reference

Teresa Paccosi, Alessio Palmero Aprosio and Sara Tonelli, “Adding a Novel Italian Treebank of Marked Constructions to Universal Dependencies”IJCoL [Online], 9-1 | 2023, Online since 01 August 2023, connection on 07 December 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Teresa Paccosi

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via Sommarive 18, 38123 Trento, Italy; University of Trento, Trento (Italy). E-mail:,

Alessio Palmero Aprosio

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via Sommarive 18, 38123 Trento, Italy. E-mail:

Sara Tonelli

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via Sommarive 18, 38123 Trento, Italy. E-mail:

By this author

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The text only may be used under licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. All other elements (illustrations, imported files) are “All rights reserved”, unless otherwise stated.

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