Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Schlagwortindex | Palabras claves | Ключевые слова | Słowa kluczowe | Parole chiave | Palavras chaves
- abbot of Rute
- abject body
- abortion
- Abstract Expressionism
- academic bios
- academic environment
- Academic FASP
- academic literacy
- academic prose
- academic prose conventions
- academic thriller
- academic writing
- acceptability
- acceptable quality
- acknowledgements
- Act of God
- Act of Man
- acting
- actionism
- activist art
- actualization
- adab
- adaptation
- adstrat
- adventure stories
- advertising
- advertising ethics
- aesthetic and identity appropriation
- Aesthetics
- Africa
- Africanfuturism
- Agamben
- Agência F4
- agency
- Agustín Fernández Mallo
- airlines
- Alaska
- alcohol
- Alejo Carpentier
- Alexander Krein
- Alexis de Tocqueville
- Alfonsina Storni
- Alfonsina Storni poetry
- Alfonso de Palencia
- Alicante
- Alice in Wonderland
- allophone and francophone students
- Alps
- alterization
- alternate economy
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- alternative history
- alternative languages
- alternative subjectivity
- Álvaro Pombo
- amateur artist
- America
- America’s conquest
- Amnesty law
- anarchists
- Anchoring
- anchoring
- ancient book restoration
- Ancient Rome
- and language task
- Andalusian Legacy
- André Mazon
- Andreas Schlüter
- Ángel de la Calle
- Anglicisms
- Anglo-Saxon mathematical approach
- Anglo-Saxon mathematics culture
- animals
- animated films
- Anne Weber
- annihilation
- anthology
- anthropo-ethics
- Anthropocene
- anthropology
- anti-Franco
- anti-Franco resistance
- anti-Semitism
- antifascism
- antifrancoism
- Antigypsyism
- Antoine Berman
- Antonio Machado
- Antonio Magliabechi
- Apocalypse
- apocalypse
- apocalyptic mode of fiction
- apocalyptic tone
- applied languages
- arab tourism
- Arabic
- Arabic language
- archetypes
- archivo de la Frontera
- Arctic
- Argentina
- Argentina post-dictatorship
- Argentine
- argentinean literature
- Argentinian writers
- argumentation
- Argumentum Model of Topics
- art and history
- art and nature
- art by the masses
- art of love
- art poetry
- Art Theory
- artificial intelligence
- artist on screen
- artistic circulation
- artistic historical book binding
- arts and politics
- astrophysics
- Asturian cinema
- attacks
- ATU 314 Goldener
- Auguste Comte
- austerity
- Australia
- Austria
- Austrian literature
- authentic document
- author-reader relation
- authorial self-replication
- authority
- author’s notion
- autobiography
- autofiction
- automated language analysis
- autonomous learning
- avant-garde
- axiology
- bad bank
- Balance of Terror
- Baldus
- Ballett
- Bank Annual Reports
- bard
- Bartís
- basque matriarcalism
- bats
- Battle of Bailén
- Beirut
- Belt and Road Initiative
- Ben Jelloun
- Beowulf (= Maximilian Kern)
- Berlin School
- Berthold Auerbach
- Biafran War fiction
- biblical symbolism
- Bibliothèque publique d’information (Bpi)
- bigamy
- bilingual parallel corpora
- bilingual textual terminology
- biopower
- biotechnology
- blended learning
- blog
- blog-novel
- blogs
- Bob Dylan
- body
- Bolaño
- Bolivia
- Bonapartism Revanche
- book circulation in Europe
- book collecting
- book trade
- book-as-object
- books and periodicals of Russian emigration
- books for the nobility
- border
- borders
- Borges
- Borges reception in France
- Borges translations
- Boris Tchitchérin
- Borja Martínez-Echevarría
- Božena Němcová
- brand
- Brasil
- Brazilian Portuguese
- brief forms
- Brincos
- Britain
- British Guiana
- British North America
- British press
- Broadbent
- Bruna Husky
- Bruskin
- bubble
- Buckfast tonic wine
- business
- Business English as a lingua franca
- business French
- business linguistics
- Cadalso
- Caesars Palace
- California High
- campaign
- Campanella Tommaso
- camps
- Campus novel
- Campus Novel
- Canada
- canon
- canon Episcopi
- capitalism
- cardinal points
- care
- Caribbean nineteenth century
- Carmen Gurruchaga
- Carolina Astudillo
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- cartography
- case study
- Casey
- casinos
- casticism
- CAT tools
- catharsis
- Catholic Europe
- censorship
- centenary of 1917
- centration on the learner
- certification
- Ceuta
- changes in conjugal roles
- Chant du monde
- character
- character of the witch/matchmaker
- Charles Salomon
- Chatrov
- Chaulet Georges
- child agency
- Child and Household Tales
- child of Nature
- children literature
- children’s choir
- children’s literature
- Children’s literature
- children’s literature of the Russian emigration
- children’s reading
- Chile
- Chili
- Chinese Confucian scholars
- Chinese influence
- Chinese Investments
- Chinese travel notes
- choir
- Cinema
- cinema
- cinema and history
- cinema and immigration
- cinematographic fiction
- circulation of books
- citizenship
- civil law system
- civilisation
- civilization
- classics
- clergy
- coalmining
- cocktails
- cognitive construal
- cognitive ergonomics
- Cold War
- Cold War cultural exchange
- collaboration
- collaborative writing
- collection
- collective intentionality
- collective memory
- collocational errors
- Colombia
- colombian poetry
- Colonial War
- colonial young adult novels
- colonisation
- color
- colouring book
- colours
- comic
- comics
- coming out video
- commemoration
- commemorative shows
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
- common law
- communication
- communication models
- communicative approach
- communism
- Communism
- community-based learning
- Como
- comparable corpora
- comparative study
- comparison
- compensation
- complex of ideas
- computational tools
- conceptions of time
- conceptual metaphor theory
- conceptualism
- confinement
- conflict
- conflicting sovereignties
- Conflicts
- constitutional law
- construction of historic narrative
- Consumer Society
- consumption
- contemporary anglophone literature
- contemporary art
- contemporary French theatre
- contemporary literature
- Contemporary Music
- contemporary reception
- contemporary Spanish novel
- contemporary Spanish poetry
- Contemporary Spanish Poetry
- context
- contradiction
- controlled languages
- coolie
- Copi
- corporality
- corporate citizenship
- corporate communication
- corporate communications
- corporate culture
- corporate discourse
- corporate social responsibility
- corporate translation
- corporate values
- corpus
- corpus analysis
- corpus linguistic
- corpus linguistics
- corpus-driven approach
- Corriere Della Sera
- cosmism
- cosmopolitanism
- Costa-Gavras
- costumbrismo
- counter-propaganda
- court-room drama extract
- Covid 19
- creation
- creative Space
- creative writing
- creativity
- crime
- crime against humanity
- crime fiction
- crime procedural and forensic fiction
- crisis
- crisis communication
- critical stance
- critical utopias
- cross-cultural
- crossing
- crowdsourcing
- Cuba
- culinary traditions
- cult of genius
- cultivation theory
- cultural diplomacy
- Cultural Industry
- cultural intertextuality
- cultural mediation
- cultural nationalism
- cultural policy
- Cultural Politics
- cultural studies
- cultural work
- culture
- culture and the Second Spanish Republic in exile in Mexico
- culture-bound terms
- curriculum and instruction
- curtain
- custom
- cyberculture
- Cyberpunk
- cycles of time
- Czechoslovak Army
- daily life
- dance
- danger
- Daniel Guebel
- Darriba
- data science
- David Lodge
- David Toscana
- De la Parra
- de-territorialisation
- death
- Death Proof
- deceptive intention
- decolonisation
- decolonization
- deconstruction
- Deleuze (schizo-analysis)
- delusion
- Democracy
- democracy
- democratic alternatives
- democratic transition
- democratization
- demonology
- denomination
- deontic power
- deportation
- deputy
- description
- Deseo de mundo
- designation
- desire
- Dessonnaz Georges
- Dessonnaz Zénaïde
- destape
- destruction esthetics
- detective
- deterritorialisation
- deterritorialization
- deterritorialize
- Detroit automobile industry
- Devil
- devolution
- DH project development
- Di Paola
- dialectal vocabulary
- diaspora
- diasporic narratives
- dictatorship
- dictionaries of science and technology
- didactics of German as a foreign language
- Diego de Silva y Mendoza
- Diego Vasallo
- Digital
- digital communication
- digital corpora
- digital discourses
- digital humanities
- digital identities
- digital literatura
- digital media
- digital medium
- dignity
- diplomacy
- diplomatic culture
- directed associative experiment
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discrimination
- discursive conventions
- discursive definition
- disobedience
- DisTrAs
- disunion
- diversity business communication
- Dobbs
- Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
- doctor-patient communication
- docufiction
- documentary
- documentary film
- documentary films
- domination
- dominican Republic
- Donal Ryan
- Doni Anton Francesco
- dramaturgy
- drawing
- dream
- dream metaphor
- dream narratives
- dream reports
- duchy of Milan
- duet of writers
- Duo Dinamico
- Dutch colonial empire
- Dutch Revolt (1568–1648)
- dystopia
- Dystopia
- e-learning
- e-learning paths
- Eastern Europe
- easy to understand language
- ecofiction
- ecology
- economic crisis
- economic field
- economic policy
- economically correct
- economics
- economics-related translation
- ecumenism
- editing Borges
- Edmundo Paz Soldán
- Édouard Detaille
- Education
- Edward Bond
- effects of torture
- Egypt
- Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg
- ekphrasis
- elasticity
- electoral strategies
- electronic media
- Èlim Meŝerskij
- El Greco
- El Lissitzky
- El Mundo
- emancipation
- emergent literacy
- emigration
- emigration (existential
- Emil Cooper
- emotion
- emotions
- empathy
- empirical knowledge in the 16th century
- employer branding
- end
- End of the World
- Endoxon
- engaged art
- English as a professional lingua franca
- English for Forensic Purposes
- English for Medical Purposes (EMP)
- English for Medical Purposes teaching
- English for Specific Purposes
- English for specific purposes
- English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
- English for Specific purposes (ESP)
- English language learning
- English Theater
- English-speaking press
- enigma
- Enlightenment
- entrepreneurial design
- entrepreneurial discourse and value creation
- entrepreneurial narration
- entrepreneurial network
- entrepreneurial story
- entrepreneurial storytelling
- environmental communication
- epistolary genres
- equivalence
- ergonomic assessment
- ergonomics
- ergonomics collaborative portal
- Erich Waschneck
- erudition
- escape
- ESP teaching
- España Peregrina
- espionage
- essay
- EST discourse
- ethics
- ethnomusicology
- Eugenie Marlitt
- euphemism
- euphemisms
- Europe
- European Portuguese
- European Union
- evaluative lexis
- exchange money
- exegetic/political/cultural context of the narrative
- exhibition
- Exhibitions
- exhibitions history
- exile
- exile studies
- existing speech
- exoticism
- expanded literature
- expeditions
- experimental language
- explicit
- exploration
- exploration writing
- exposure
- external intermediality
- extra-theatricality
- extractive industries
- extraterritoriality
- face to face
- faculty
- fairy tale
- fairy tales
- fairy-tales
- family
- fantastic literature
- fantasy
- Fantômette
- far-left
- farm novel
- fascism
- FASP narratives
- February Revolution
- federalism
- Félix Grande
- female author
- female indentured laborers
- female prototype
- female work
- feminine resistances
- Feminine Section of Falange
- femininity
- feminism
- feminisms
- feminization
- feodalism
- Fernando Sor
- Fesenko
- fiction
- Fiction
- fictional journalists
- fictional narration
- fictional representations
- fictomercials
- field experts
- Fiks
- filiational writing
- film adaptation of folklore
- film history
- finance
- financial communication
- financial crisis
- financial fraud
- First Nations / Native Americans
- flamenco
- Flamenco
- Florence
- Flowers for Algernon
- fluidity
- Folengo
- folk poetry
- folk song of the 20th Century
- folklore
- folklore mediatization
- folktale
- Fontane
- food
- foreign artists
- foreign language
- Foreign Policy
- foreign policy
- forensic experts
- forensic fiction
- forensic pathologist
- forgiveness
- Fortschrittlichkeit
- fossil fuel
- France
- France 19th Century
- France 20th Century
- Francisco Cerdá y Rico
- Francisco Fernández de Córdoba
- francoism
- Francoism
- Franquism
- Franz Liszt
- Franz Schubert
- Frawley
- free software
- freedom
- French cinema
- French Communist Party
- French for specific purpose
- French literature
- French Revolution
- French symbolism
- French with a specific objective
- French youth
- French-Russian relations
- French-speaking market
- Friede
- Friedrich Freksa
- friendship
- frontier
- frontier of Granada
- frontiers
- functions
- futuristic novel
- G8
- Galician
- gambling
- garden
- Gender
- gender
- gender equity
- gender history
- gender identity
- gender of discourse
- gender performances
- gender representation
- generic masculine
- generic subversion
- genre
- genre analysis
- genre awareness
- genre painting
- genre-based pedagogies
- genre-based pedagogy
- genres
- geo-politics
- geographic information systems (GIS)
- geographical colours
- geography
- geography of art
- geolinguistics
- Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt
- geostrategic stakes
- German automobile industry
- German car culture
- german unification
- Germany
- Germany 1890–1933
- Giovanna Rivero
- glass mountain
- global experienced user of the English language
- globalization
- goddess Diana
- gothic
- goyaesque
- graffiti
- graphic design
- graphic novel
- graphic novels
- graphic silence
- grass-snake
- gray goo
- Grebenchchikov
- Greece
- Green Chartreuse
- Grimm
- Grimm Brothers
- growth
- guarantees of non-repetition
- Guebel
- Gulag
- Gulliver
- Hannibal’s oath
- harmony
- Harry Potter
- hashtags
- Hassan II
- Hate Speech
- health care
- health complaints
- healthcare professionals
- Hector Gutierrez Ruíz
- hedge fund
- Herbert Maisch
- heritage
- heritage and places of remembrance
- Hernán Casciari
- hero
- heroism
- high impact practices
- Hilarion Remezov
- Hispanic Community of Nations
- hispanic literature
- Hispanism
- historical
- historical consciousness
- historical fantastic story
- historical film
- historical materialism
- Historical Memory
- History
- history
- History and Memory
- history education
- history of art exhibitions
- history of cinematic techniques
- history of mentalities
- history of photography
- history of seeing
- history textbooks
- holocaust
- home
- homeland
- homosexuality
- horizon
- horizon of expectation
- horizons
- hospitality
- Host-state
- hostility
- hosting
- house
- human rights
- humanities
- Humanities
- hybridity
- hypermedia
- hypermnesia
- hypertext
- Ian Rankin
- iconography
- iconotext
- ideal
- identity
- identity search
- ideological struggle
- ideology
- illegal immigration
- illustration
- illustrations
- image
- image construction
- image of the enemy
- image promotion
- imagery of the Other and colonial discourse
- imaginary
- immigrants
- immigration
- impeded research
- imperial propaganda
- imperialism
- implicit
- implicit discourse
- implicit in advertising
- implicit message
- implicit messages
- implicitness
- impressionism
- impunity
- inclusive corporate culture
- inclusiveness
- incomplete storytelling
- indentureship
- India
- Indian literature
- Indian policies
- Indian women
- indigenous
- Indigenous people
- individual memory
- individualization
- Indonesia
- Indonesian War of Independence (1645–1949)
- inertia of the State
- influencers
- informal economy
- Informalism
- information
- information and communication technologies
- information selection
- initiation tale
- injunctions of Amnesty International
- Inquisition
- inquisitor manuals
- insiders/outsiders of Ukrainian culture
- installation
- Institute of Slavic Studies (Paris)
- institution
- integral reparation
- intellectual history
- intellectual networks
- intentional approach
- inter-discourse
- inter-war period
- interactional linguistics
- interactive practice
- intercultural
- intercultural communication
- intercultural competence
- intercultural experts
- intercultural knowledge
- interdisciplinarity
- interdiscursivity
- intermediality
- international cooperation
- international management
- Internet
- Internet meme
- interpretation
- Intersectionality
- intertextual approach
- intertextuality
- intuition
- invasions
- investment
- invisibility of migrant women
- Irish contemporary literature
- Irishness
- Iron John (Eisenhans)
- Isabel Pérez Montalbán
- Italian literature
- Italian Renaissance
- Italian Renaissance comedy
- italian school
- Italy
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
- Japanese wine culture
- Javier Piqueras de Noriega
- Jean-Louis Aubert
- Jesuits
- Jesús Sánchez Adalid
- Jewish tradition
- Joan Agut
- John Stuart Mill
- joint construct text/image
- Jorge Carrión
- Jorge González
- Jorge Luis Borges
- José Bergamín
- journal
- journalism
- journalism FASP
- journalist
- journalistic discourse
- Juan Bautista Arriaza
- Juan David García Bacca
- Juan Villoro
- Juca Martins
- judaism
- judicial branch
- Juego del Legajo
- Jules Ferdmann
- Junta de Cultura Española
- justice
- justice or revenge?
- L2 writing
- labor migration
- Ladies from the Outside
- land
- landowner
- landscape
- language
- language academy
- language assessment
- language competence for professional purposes
- language corpus
- language planning
- language proficiency
- language technology
- languages for specialized purposes
- late Qing China (late nineteenth century - early twentieth century)
- Latin America
- Latin American dictatorships
- latin american novel
- Lausanne
- Lausanne 20th century
- law
- Law and Literature
- law and literature
- law from down
- law from top
- Law on the Expiration on the Punitive Claims
- Lawrence Durrell
- lawyer-authors
- learner
- learner corpora
- learner corpus
- learning-teaching L1 and L2
- Lebanon
- legal archive
- legal drama
- legal English
- legal FASP
- legal translation
- legal writing
- Legère comme un papillon
- legislation
- legitimacy
- legitimacy of power
- legitimation of Holocaust
- legitimation of war
- leisure class and sport
- Leñero
- Lengua madre solo hay una
- León de Aranoa
- León de Greiff
- Leone Ginzburg
- Leopoldo de Medici
- let things go their own way
- Lev Tolstoy
- levels of metaphor
- lexical relations
- lexicography
- Leysin
- LGBT community
- LGBTQ+ sensitive marketing
- liberal
- liberalism
- Libertella
- librairies
- libraries
- libraries abroad
- library
- library science
- Lied
- Liedertafel
- life strategies
- lift-the-flap book
- liminality
- linguistic competence
- linguistic landscape
- linguistic migration
- linguistic strategies
- linguistic variation
- linguistics
- linguistics database
- liquor
- literary creation
- literary criticism
- literary discourse
- literary fairy tale
- literary genres
- literary history
- literary performances
- literary technique
- literary testament
- literary theory
- literature
- literature and show
- literature for young people
- localization
- Logroño
- Lombardy
- longitudinal approach
- look
- loss
- love
- ludology
- Luis de Góngora
- lyrics
- Lyubimov
- machine translation
- madness
- magic
- magician
- main work
- male choirs Germany
- man-machine interface
- managerial argumentation
- manga
- manipulation
- manipulation strategies
- manual for inquisitors
- Manuel Puig
- Maori
- mapping
- Mara Nanni
- margin
- marginalia
- Mariana Enriquez
- maritime English
- marketing
- marketing of sport
- Marta Sanz
- masculinity
- Mass Media and Music
- mass mobility
- master
- Mateo Gutierrez
- Matisse
- Mauricio Rosencof
- Max Haushofer
- Maxim Gorky
- Mayakovsky
- media convergence
- media discourse
- media hybridisation
- Media Literacy
- media strategies
- media translation
- mediated expression of trauma
- mediation
- mediatisation of scientific discourse
- mediatized discourse
- medical examiner
- medical FASP
- medical language
- medical LSP
- medical students
- Medieval Inquisition
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Sea
- Mediterranean world
- Melilla
- meme
- memoir
- memoirs
- Memorial to disappeared-detainees
- memory
- memory places
- memory studies
- memory work
- memory-function
- mésocosmos
- meta-theatre
- meta-theatrical
- metalepsis
- metaliterature
- metamorphosis
- metaphor
- metaphors
- methodology
- methods
- mexican literatura
- mexican literature
- Mexican literature
- Mexico
- Meyerhold
- mezouzah
- Michael Crichton
- Michel Houellebecq
- Michel Lafon
- Michela Marzano
- micropoetic
- micropolitical detotalization
- migration
- migration crisis
- migration process
- migrations
- Miguel Rio Branco
- Minaev
- minilect
- minutes
- miscegenation
- mission statements
- mobile data collection
- mobile devices
- mobile stage
- model region
- modern art
- modernisation
- modernity
- modernization
- Mondavi
- monolingualism
- monster
- monuments
- Morocco
- Morosow Michel
- mortgage
- Moscow
- mother
- mother goddess
- motion picture terminology
- mountain writing
- mountains
- move analysis
- movie
- Mujeres Argentinas (music album)
- multi-cultural propositions
- multi-ethnic mixing
- multi-level governance
- multidirectional memory
- multidisciplinary
- multilingualism
- multimedia
- multimodal discourse
- multiple correspondence analysis
- Münchhausen
- muruwwa
- museum
- music
- musical show
- musical tale
- Muwaššā
- myth
- mythologem
- mythological figures
- mythologisation
- mythology
- N. Scott Momaday
- naive art
- naming
- nanosciences
- nanotechnologies
- nanotechnology
- Napoleon
- Napoleonic iconography
- Napoleonic legend
- Napoleonic myth
- narration
- narrative
- narrative book design
- narrative sequence
- narrative techniques
- narratology
- Natalia Ginzburg
- nation
- Nation
- national
- national identities
- national identity
- national movement
- national sentiment
- National Socialist propaganda
- nationalism
- Native American literature
- native language
- natural poetry
- naturalism
- Naval English
- Naval fiction
- Nayeri
- Nazi cinema
- Nazi Cinema
- Ned
- needs analysis
- negative fictional images of lawyers
- negociation
- neighbourhood assembly
- neo-colonialism
- neo-liberalism
- Neo-Thomism
- neoliberal capitalism
- neoliberalism
- neologism
- New Silk Road
- new wave in German cinema
- New Zealand
- Newbery
- newsreel
- New York Stock Exchange
- Nicolaï Semenov
- Nicolas Minsky
- Nikolaj Rubakin
- Nikolaj Ul'ânov
- Nikolaj Ul’ânov
- Nina Berberova
- nineteenth century
- nobility
- Noble.
- nocturnal flight
- nomadic subject
- Nomadism
- nomadism
- non-specialized television series
- non-verbal
- norm
- norm-setting
- North and South
- North West Passage
- Northern Ireland
- notices
- Noticiero ICAIC
- novel
- Numb3rs
- Nuremberg Laws
- obesity
- Observatorio Luz Ibarburu
- October Revolution
- ocular
- office ergonomics; behavioural prevention; contextual prevention; vertical mouse; posture; active sitting; physical activity; well-being; internal focus; external focus; self-responsibility; standing workstation; variation
- official history
- oil industry
- Okorie
- olfactory memory
- omission
- online campaign
- online comments
- online community
- Online Dispute Resolution
- online reviews
- ontological security
- opacity
- open data
- open ending
- Open Source
- opposition
- oral comprehension
- orality
- Order of Preachers (Dominican Order)
- organisational ergonomics
- Organización Negra
- organizational ergonomics
- orientalist
- origins
- ornamental motives
- orthodox theology
- Osmolovsky
- otherness
- Oulianoff Nicolas
- Ovid
- Paco de Lucía
- page-turning event
- pain; grieving process; melancholy; ambivalent conflict; delusion of insignificance; suffering body
- pangenetic utopia
- Paolo Cossi
- parallel corpus
- paratext
- Paris (France) 19th century
- Parker
- parody
- participation
- pass
- past repairs
- Patricia Cornwell
- Patriotic Poems
- patriotism
- Paul Ricœur
- Paul Verlaine
- peasant
- peasant corporation
- peasant reform
- peasantry
- peasants
- pedagogical contents
- pedagogy
- Pedro de Valencia
- Pedro Díaz de Rivas
- Pedro Páramo; trauma; unspeakable; crypt; ghosts; creativity; psychoanalysis
- Peninsular War
- perception
- perestroika
- performance
- performative documentary
- performativity
- perfume
- periodization
- periodization of the history of the State and the law
- peritextual analysis
- Peronist renovation
- Perrault
- persecution
- personal index
- personal webpages
- persuasion
- persuasion strategy
- Peru
- Pëtr Čaadaev
- Petr Semenov-Tian-Chanski
- phenomenographic approach
- philanthropy
- philistine
- philosophy
- phonographe
- photography
- phraseology
- phrenology
- physical ergonomics
- physiognomy
- piano
- picture
- picture-book
- picturebook
- Pieds-Noirs
- Pierre de Lancre
- Pierre Ménard
- Pierre Menard
- Pierre Ménard — author of the “Quixote”
- Pinochet
- Pinochet case
- piquetero
- Piraeus
- Pittsburgh University
- place
- play
- playwriting
- plebs
- poem “Chanson d’automne”
- poetic rewritings and memorials
- poetic)
- poetical subjectivity
- poetics
- poetry
- poetry of experience
- Pogodin
- Polish
- Polish literature
- Polish women
- political art
- political cinema
- political correctness
- political discourse
- political elites
- political incorrectness
- political modernisation
- Political Myth
- political myths
- political organization of Germany (1806–1952)
- political party
- political theory
- political violence
- politically correct
- politically correct social use
- politically incorrect
- politics
- politics of Oblivion
- polycoloniality
- polyglossia
- Polynnye skazki
- Pop music
- popular background
- popular culture
- popular press.
- popular science
- popular song
- popularisation of science
- popularization of legal discourse
- populism
- Portuguese Revolution
- positive memory of the Spanish republic
- post-colonial migrations
- post-crisis
- Post-dictatorship
- Post-dictatorship Theatre
- post-editing
- post-Soviet artist
- post-Soviet children’s literature
- post-Soviet culture
- Post-Soviet Russia
- post-Soviet Russia
- postapocalyptic scenarios
- postcolonial literature
- postdigital aesthetics
- postdramatic theatre
- postmemory
- postmodern theatre
- postmodernism
- potential space
- power
- practices of democracy
- pragmatic texts
- pragmatics
- pragmatism
- Prague
- press
- press conference
- press corpus
- press releases
- Price Music Hall
- Prince Bajaja
- Princesas
- print press
- privacy
- private libraries
- private library
- product placement
- profession-based fiction
- professional adstratum
- professional competence
- professional culture
- professional environment
- professional reasoning
- professional substratum
- professional task
- professional translation
- Professional-based fiction
- professionalisation
- professionally-based fiction (FASP)
- Professionally-based fiction (FASP)
- progressivism
- proletarian
- Proletkult
- promotional discourse
- propaganda
- propaganda art
- proper
- property
- prophetic revelation
- prostitution
- prototypicality
- Provence
- Prussia
- Psycho
- psychoanalysis
- psychocriticism
- psycholinguistics of comprehension
- Psychology
- psychotherapy and reparation
- public debates
- public policies
- public space
- Public understanding of science
- publishers
- punctuation
- Putin
- Putin Vladimir
- Putin Vladimir
- Pyrenees
- radical left
- radicant aesthetics
- rainbow-washing
- Ramón Gómez de la Serna’s Theater
- Ramon Lluis Bande
- reader
- reader expectations
- reading
- Real Academia Española
- real and imaginary territories
- realism
- Realism
- Reality and Fiction
- receiving viewers
- reception
- recession
- reflexivity
- reform of the serfdom
- reformulation
- refugee
- refugee literature
- refugees
- regional identities
- regionalism and literature
- regionals schools
- reparation
- reparations to victims
- reparation or obedience or revolt
- repatriated
- repatriation
- reported speech
- reports
- Representation
- representation
- representations
- representations of the Soviet era
- repression
- reproductive rights
- research
- research library
- resistance
- restricted language
- revision
- revolts
- revolution
- Revolution
- revolution from top
- revolution of 1905
- revolution of 1848
- revolutionary agitation
- revolutionary syndicalism
- rewriting
- Reyes Calderón
- Richard Wagner
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio de la Plata
- Rio Olympics
- Rivais Yak
- river
- Robert Neumann
- Robert Schumann
- robots
- rock poetry
- Rodari Gianni
- Roe
- Roger Wolfe
- Rohinton Mistry
- role play
- Roman Catholicism
- Romans
- romantic
- romantic comedy
- romanticism
- romantism
- roots
- Rosa Montero
- Roslavec
- Rothschilds
- round theatre
- Rowling J. K.
- RSI (repetitive strain injury)
- Rudy Wiebe
- Russia
- Russian
- Russian and French poetry (the late 19th century – early 20th century)
- Russian anti-utopia
- Russian Avant-Garde
- russian children’s and juvenile literature
- russian children’s literature
- Russian contemporary art
- Russian contemporary youth literature
- Russian cultural specificity
- Russian emigration
- russian emigration in France
- Russian formalism
- Russian intellectual history
- Russian intelligentsia
- Russian libraries
- Russian libraries abroad
- Russian library
- Russian Library in Lausanne
- Russian Orthodox Church in France
- Russian political authorities
- Russian refugees
- Russian Revolution
- Russian rock
- Russian television series
- Russian utopia
- Russian women historians
- Russian women-writers
- Russian-speaking emigration in Switzerland
- Sabbath
- Sabolo
- saint-Simonianism
- sales & marketing
- salons (exhibition)
- Santiago Serrano
- satire
- Savelij Ruzer
- Scandinavian countries
- scenarios
- scene
- scenery
- scenography
- scholarship
- school (of painting)
- Schwarzwald Village Tales
- science fiction
- Science fiction
- science narrative and science fiction
- science-fiction
- scientific knowledge economy
- scientific life in exile
- scientific racism
- scientific terms
- scientific thrillers
- scientific vulgurization
- Scotland
- Scottish literature
- sea
- sea naming system
- Sebastião Salgado
- second degree
- Second World War
- secret
- securitization
- sedition
- seduction
- Ségur
- self-censorship
- self-fictional literature
- self-translation
- semiotics
- Semprun
- Séneca
- sense of guilt
- Sephardic Jews
- September 11
- Serbia
- serfdom
- serfs
- sexism
- sexual maturity
- Shabelnikov
- sharing economy
- sharing of household tasks
- shelter
- Shevchouk
- Shklovsky
- short story
- Siberia
- simulation
- sin industries
- sites of memory
- skaz
- Slavic library
- slavistics
- slogan
- smell
- Snow-white
- social democrats
- Social Media
- social media
- social media marketing
- social memory
- social movement
- social networks
- social norms
- social reality
- social reproduction
- Social Spanish cinema
- social suffering
- social trauma
- socialist revolutionaries
- société des artistes français
- société nationale des beaux-arts
- Société russe de bienfaisance de et à Leysin
- society
- socio-cultural space
- sociocognition
- sociolinguistics
- sociology
- sociology of translation
- sociology of work
- solicitation
- solicited speech
- song
- Sorolla
- sots-art
- source study
- sources
- South Africa
- Soviet art
- Soviet children’s cinema
- Soviet children’s literature
- Soviet culture
- Soviet discourse
- Soviet music
- Soviet philologists
- Soviet Theatre
- Soviet visual culture
- sovietism
- space and writing
- Spain
- Spain sixties
- Spanish art
- Spanish democratic transition
- Spanish for negotiation
- spanish for special purposes
- Spanish Inquisition
- Spanish Monarchy
- Spanish painting in the change of centuries
- spanish publishing sector
- Spanish social transformation
- Spanish theatre
- Spanish-American theatre
- spatial humanities
- specialised culture
- specialised discourse
- specialised encyclopaedia
- specialised fiction
- specialised fiction (FASP)
- specialised intentionality
- specialised language
- specialised varieties of English
- specialist translation
- specialized corpus
- specialized discourse
- specialized economic lexicon
- specialized language
- specialized language competence
- specialized lexicon
- specialized translation
- speech acts.
- speech analysis
- speech genres of the enemy
- spelling
- Spirituality
- sponsoring
- stage adaptation
- stage directions
- staging
- Stalinism
- Standard English
- standards
- Stankevitch
- State
- State Duma
- state socialism
- State terrorism
- state-building processes
- stepmother
- steppe
- stereotype
- stereotypes
- storying
- storyteller
- storytelling
- straight talk
- strategy of discourse
- street drinking
- street-art
- strong man
- student engagement
- student perceptions
- students
- stylistic adaptation
- stylistics
- St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute
- Suárez
- subaltern feminism
- subalterns
- subjectivation
- subliminal advertising
- subprime
- Subsaharian migrations
- substrat
- superstition
- suprematism
- survey
- Susana Thénon
- Swift
- Switzerland
- sworn translator
- symbolic reparation
- symbolism
- Symbolism (literary movement)
- symbols
- syncretism
- TACATrad
- tale
- Tanz
- Tarantino
- task based language learning (TBLL)
- task-based approach
- Tass Is Authorised to Declare...
- taste
- tasting notes
- Tat’âna Suhotina-Tolstaâ
- teaching
- teaching French for academic purposes
- technical and instrumental competence
- technical document.
- technical translation
- techno-thriller
- teens’ literature
- television series
- temporality
- terminology
- territory
- terrorism
- testaments
- testimonial literature
- testimony
- text
- text genre
- text linguistics
- textbooks for German as a foreign language
- textometry
- textual correlations
- textual genre
- textual sequences
- textual terminology teaching
- The Australian
- The Childhood of Liova
- the Cold War
- The Genius of Judo
- The Globe and Mail
- the imaginary
- the Renaissance epic
- The Spanish Transition
- The Times
- the unsaid
- The Wall Street Journal
- The War Plays
- the “Indian problem”
- theater
- theater and magic in the 16th century
- theatre
- theatre practice
- theatre workshop
- theatrical adaptation
- theft of cultural property by the Nazis
- theological modernism
- There is only one mother-tongue
- thoughtful perspective
- thresholds
- thriller
- time travel plot
- toads
- Tochi Onyebuchi
- Tolcachir
- Tolstoy
- toponymy
- Torres Molina
- torture
- tourism
- toxic assets
- trader
- tradesmen
- tradition
- tradition and modernity
- traditional song and “son”
- tragedy
- training
- transdisciplinary collocations
- transgenerational responsibility
- transgression
- transgression(s)
- transhumanism
- transition
- transitional justice
- transitional politics
- translation
- translation errors
- translation memories
- translation memory systems
- translation methodology
- translation norms
- translation pedagogy
- translation processes
- translation quality assessment
- translation service provider
- translation studies
- translation tool
- translation-based studies
- translation/translator competence
- translator
- translator network
- translator training
- transmodalisation
- transnational intellectual history
- transnationalization
- transposition
- trauma
- trauma studies
- travel
- travel writing
- travels
- trial
- tribute
- Trinidad
- trip
- truth
- Turgenev Library in Paris
- TV series
- Twain
- twentieth century
- twitterature
- type of discourse
- types of activity
- typing
- typography
- values
- vanguard
- vanguardism
- Veblen
- Venezuela
- Vera Nossenko
- verbal behavior
- verbatim report
- viewer
- violence
- violence and sport
- violence literature
- virtual networks
- Vishnevsky
- visibility
- vision
- visual anthropology
- Visual Arts
- visual semiotics
- Vladimir Tukalevskij
- Vladimir Vyssotski
- vlogs
- vocabulary of crisis
- voices
- völkisch
- Vorbehaltsfilm
- vulgarisation
- vulgarization
- Wall Street
- war
- war narrative in Ukrainian songs
- War Girls
- Waššā’
- Water War
- web
- Wes Anderson
- widowhood
- wiki
- wine
- wine advertising
- wine aromas
- wine descriptors
- wine language
- wine marketing
- Wisconsin
- witch
- witchcraft
- Witchcraft
- witches
- woman
- women
- women in migration
- women scientists
- women writers
- women’s clothing
- women’s daily life
- women’s history
- word association
- work
- work content
- work station
- workplace
- works
- world fairs
- World War One
- World War II
- worldconception of Turgenev
- world’s fairs
- writing
- writing in collaboration
- written press