In vino veritas ? Autobiographie et stratégie marketing
This article examines the role played by an entrepreneur’s autobiography in building the company’s marketing strategy. It is based on the example of Robert Mondavi’s autobiography, Harvests of Joy. The article first focuses on the theoretical principles pertaining to the autobiography as a literary genre followed by a brief overview of the main characteristics of wine marketing. It then goes on to consider the book as a means by which the brand gains a foothold in time and space, thus superseding both soil and tradition. The autobiography appears, as such, as part of the company’s implicit discourse.
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Bibliographical reference
Séverine Wozniak, “In vino veritas ? Autobiographie et stratégie marketing”, ILCEA, 9 | 2007, 203-219.
Electronic reference
Séverine Wozniak, “In vino veritas ? Autobiographie et stratégie marketing”, ILCEA [Online], 9 | 2007, Online since 09 June 2010, connection on 07 December 2024. URL:; DOI:
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