Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power (New York: PublicAffairs, 2004), 34 and 75.
Nye, Soft Power, X and 5.
As pointed to by the many debates on the question of film censorship since cinema’s inception.
The original quotation reads: “Le cinéma, en tant que produit social, ne peut se développer contre la société qui le produit; en tant qu’industrie commanditée par les plus grands groupes financiers américains, il ne peut également qu’être solidaire de leurs intérêts, économiques et idéologiques.” Anne-Marie Bidaud, Hollywood et le rêve américain (Paris: Masson, 1994), 4.
Nye, Soft Power, 47 and 17.
In 2018, in a pre-covid era, the top 10 cinema markets represented 7 954 million admissions, i.e. a 4.5% growth over 5 years (European Audiovisual Observatory, Focus 2019, 13. <accessed on March 16, 2021>), while in 2019 Charles H. Rivkin, chairman and CEO of the MPA proudly wrote in the MPA Theme Report that “for the first time ever, the combined global market for theatrical, home, and mobile entertainment has topped $100 billion […] The global box office in 2019 climbed to $42.2 billion, besting the previous year. Home/mobile entertainment, which includes streaming at home or on the go, grew by an astonishing 14 percent worldwide.” MPA Theme Report 2019, 3. <accessed on April 27, 2021>.
Peter Bolan and Kelly Davidson, “Film Induced Tourism in Ireland: Exploring the Potential” (in A. Bushe, “Projecting a Cinematic Boost for Tourism,” The Newsletter, June 13, 2005), and Sue Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism (Clevedon: Channel View Publications, 2005), 4.
Sue Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism, 4.
Graham Busby and Julia Klug, “Movie-induced Tourism: the Challenge of Measurement and other Issues,” Journal of Vacation Marketing, 7, 4, (October 2001): 317.
Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism, 11.
Stefan Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists (Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2009), 6.
Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, 8.
Sarah Kelley, “Tourism, Cinema and TV Series Conference,” Transatlantica, Issue 2, 2018. <accessed on June 30, 2021>.
Though it became a box office hit in many countries, the film was not very successful in Austria nor in Germany. Joan Barthel, “Biggest Money-Making Movie of all Time - How Come ? ”, The New York Times, November 20, 1966. <accessed on July 12, 2021>.
Salzburg Panorama Tour, <accessed April 24, 2021>, and Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, 113.
For more on this topic, see for example Daniel Steinhart, Runaway Hollywood (Oakland: University of California Press, 2019).
Château de La Roche Goyon/ Fort La Latte. and <accessed on April 14, 2021>. <accessed on July 12, 2021>. <accessed on July 12, 2021>.
Warner Bros. Studio Tour-The Making of Harry Potter. <accessed on February 10, 2021>.
Peter Bolan and Lindsay Williams, “The role of Image in Service Promotion : Focusing on the Influence of Film on Consumer Choice within Tourism,” International Journal of Consumer Studies 32, (2008): 385.
Busby and Klug, “Movie-induced Tourism: the Challenge of Measurement and other Issues,” 318.
Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, . <accessed on July 13, 2021>. <accessed on July 13, 2021>.
Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, 3.
Much to the dismay of some French people, politicians and union leaders who wanted “Mickey, [to] go home” among other things. Lauren A. Newell, “Mickey Goes to France: A Case Study of the Euro Disneyland Negotiations,” The Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 15, no. 193 (2013): 205-216. <accessed on July 13, 2021>.
For more on this see Janet Wasko, Understanding Disney (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2001).
Though the access of foreign films to the Chinese screens is still very much limited.
MPA, Theme Report 2019, 11 and 13. <accessed on April 27, 2020>.
Sue Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism, 2nd Edition, Kindle edition, (Bristol: Channel view publications, 2016), 19.
Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism (2005), 11.
Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, 7-8.
Roesch, The Experience of Film Location Tourists, 7.
Beeton, Film-Induced Tourism, 2nd Edition, Kindle edition, 24.
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