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Note de fin
1 For the sake of privacy, people and institutions have been renamed.
2 Todd Gitlin, “Public Sphere or Public Sphericules?,” in Media, Ritual and Identity, ed. Tamar Liebes and James Curran (London: Routledge, 1998), 169–173.
3 Russel King, Anthony Barnes and Allan Williams, Sunset Lives: British Retirement to the Mediterranean (Oxford: Berg, 2000).
4 Michaela Benson, and Karen O’Reilly, “Lifestyle Migration: Escaping to the Good Life?” in Lifestyle Migration: Expectations, Aspirations and Experiences, ed. Michaela Benson and Karen O’Reilly (Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate, 2009), 621.
5 ACIDI, List of migrants’ and minorities’ media. Lisbon: unpublished (provided upon the researcher’s request), 2008; José Bastos, Maria João Rego, Rui Lopes, André Sendin, António Belo, and Carlos Andrade, Caracterização do Sector da Radiodifusão Local (Lisbon: Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social, 2009); Alexandra Figueiredo, “Mapping Minorities and their Media: The National Context – Portugal,” London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Dept. of Media, Program EMTEL II Research - Diasporic Minorities and their Media in the EU: a Mapping, 2003, accessed March 15, 2014,; Isabel Câmara Salim, Os meios de comunicação étnicos em portugal (Lisbon: ACIDI – Observatório da Imigarção, 2008).
6 The directory is available online, at, accessed January 15, 2014. For this project, I considered only stations that operate in FM and, provided the limited financial resources and time, in continental Portugal.
7 Failure to contact the remaining operators derived from incorrect contact information in the latest version of the database (e.g. outdated phone numbers) and inability to reach directors, coordinators or practitioners able to provide information.
8 This task was impossible in the case of shows addressing Eastern Europeans solely in their languages.
9 Numbers in parentheses designate the number of stations included in the indicated group.
10 Reynald Blion, “Europe’s Ethnic Media and Diversity Media: Beyond Mere Visibility,” in Media on the Move. Migrants and Minorities and the Media. 4th Symposium Forum Medien und Entwicklung (ME), ed. Christoph Dietz and Petra Stammen (Aachen: Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), 2009), 68–69.
11 RDP África is a public service channel broadcasting from Lisbon to lusophone African countries.
12 Maria Ioannis Baganha, “Imigrantes em Portugal: uma Síntese Histórica,” Ler História 56 (2009).
13 A total of 16 such programs started and ended between 2003 and 2009. The programs were discontinued because there was no perceived need for them (after initial support for newcomers and as other support structures to ease further settling in emerged) or because people left to seek better living conditions elsewhere due to the effects of the economic crisis.
14 Daniel Dayan, “Particularistic Media and diasporic communications,” in Media, Ritual and Identity ed. Tamar Liebes and James Curran (New York: Routledge, 1998), 103–113.
15 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (London: Verso, 1983; rev. repr. 1991).
16 Blion, “Europe’s Ethnic Media and Diversity Media”, 68.
17 Homi Bhabha, “The Postcolonial and the Postmodern: The Question of Agency,” in The Cultural Studies Reader, ed. Simon During (London: Routledge, 1999).
18 Bhabha’s theory on the articulation of cultural difference was developed in discussions on post-colonialism, which is not always the context framing migrants’ experiences in Portugal. Yet, the notion is useful because it emphasizes the position from which people articulate their cultural selves and the process of contingently translating and re-arranging cultural references.
19 Myria Georgiou, Mapping Diasporic Media across the EU: Addressing Cultural Exclusion. Political Science (London: EMTEL II, Media@LSE, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2003); Isabelle Rigoni, and Eugénie Saitta, “Democratizing the Public Space? Ethnic Minority Media in a Glocal Context,” in Mediating Diversity in a Globalised Public Space, ed. Isabelle Rigoni and Eugénie Saitta (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012); Roger Silverstone, and Myria Georgiou, “Editorial Introduction: Media and Minorities in Multicultural Europe,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31(3) (2005).
20 Susana Trovão, and Sónia Ramalho, Repertórios Femininos em Construção num Contexto Migratório Pós-Colonial: Dinâmicas Familiares, de Género e Geração, Vol. 1 (Lisbon: ACIDI, 2012).
21 Dynamics happening off air can be as (or more) significant than broadcasted narratives provided that local radio is but one forum of public visibility for these populations. For instance, Trovão and Ramalho (2012) identified initiatives such as Plataforma Gueto, a civic intervention project led by young African descendants, which actually recently started its own online station. In other words, dissatisfaction among migrant populations with under- and misrepresentation on mainstream media, as well as with generalized prejudice, does exist and has been documented by, respectively, Brites et al. (2009: 231–284) and Carvalheiro (2006: 73–93). Not (re)acting through the local radio programs may result from various factors (e.g. reluctance to antagonize the stations’ hosting them, or divided opinions on integration matters which, as, Rigoni and Saitta (2012: 3) note, may trigger insurgent initiatives only in particular, situated instances).
22 Kira Kosnick, “Ethnic Media, Transnational Politics: Turkish Migrant Media in Germany,” in Transnational Lives and The Media: Re-imagining Diaspora ed. Olga Guedes Bailey, M. Georgiou, and R. Harindranath (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 165.
23 Ibid.
24 To be sure, Kosnick examines Turkish programs in German commercial, public and open (community-like) channels to question the idea that voices simply need forums to be heard. Although the discussion revolves around situations and processes operating very differently from those considered in this paper (e.g. the interference of governmental subsidies in the limits of assertion of “Otherness”), the author’s reasoning is relevant to the extent that it underlines the complex relationship between cultural production, categorical identities and power.
25 Myria Georgiou, “Diasporic Media Across Europe: Multicultural Societies and the Universalism–Particularism Continuum,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31(3) (2005): 489.
26 Cited in Nabil Echchaibi, “(Be)longing Media: Minority Radio between Cultural Retention and Renewal,” The Public 1 (2002): 39.
27 Mohammed ElHajji, “Rio de Janeiro – Montreal: Conexões Internacionais/Ruídos Interculturais,” in Diásporas, migrações, tecnologias da comunicação e identidades transnacionais = Diásporas, migraciones, tecnologías de la comunicación e identidades transnacionales = Diaspora, migration, communication technologies and transnational identities, ed. Denise Cogo, Mohammed ElHaji and Amparo Huertas (Bellaterra/Barcelona: Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012).
28 Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, and Catherine Drew, Brits Abroad: Mapping the Scale and Nature of British Emigration (London: Institute for Public Policy Research, 2006).
29 Kate Torkington, “Defining Lifestyle Migration,” Dos Algarves 19 (2010).
30 Michaela Benson, and Karen O’Reilly, “Lifestyle Migration: Escaping to the Good Life?” In Lifestyle Migration: Expectations, Aspirations and Experiences, ed. Michaela Benson and Karen O’Reilly (Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate, 2009).
31 Nabil Echchaibi, “(Be)longing Media: Minority Radio between Cultural Retention and Renewal,” The Public 1 (2002); Matthew Matsaganis, Vikki Katz, and Sandra Ball-Rokeach, Understanding Ethnic Media: Producers, Consumers and Societies (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011): 15–16.
32 George Marcus, “Ethnography in/of the World System,” Annual Review of Anthropology 24 (1995): 95–117.
33 Debra Spitulnik, “Anthropology and Mass Media,” Annual Review of Anthropology 22(1) (1993): 293-315.
34 One such field revolved around efforts of social mobilization for various social causes (see David and Rosales, 2014).
35 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) – Strategic Information Service, Migration: An Overview (vol. 45) (Geneva: European Broadcasting Union, 2011).
36 The British Consul further estimated another 30,000 people who variably stay in the region as second-home owners and long-stay visitors.
37 Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), I. P. Censos 2011 Resultados Definitivos – Algarve (Lisbon: INE, 2012).
38 Kate Torkington, “Defining Lifestyle Migration,” Dos Algarves 19 (2010): 99–100.
39 European Broadcasting Union (EBU) – Strategic Information Service, Migration: An Overview (vol. 45) (Geneva: European Broadcasting Union, 2011), 21.
40 Maria Ioannis Baganha, “Imigrantes em Portugal: uma Síntese Histórica,” Ler História 56 (2009).
41 Isabel Ferin, Clara Almeida Santos, and Willy Filho, Media, Imigração e Minorias Étnicas 2005–2006 (Lisbon: ACIDI – Observatório da Imigração, 2008): 114.
42 Ibid.
43 EBU, Migration: An Overview, 19; Raquel Huete Nieves, Alejandro Mantecón Terán, and Tomás Mazón Martinez, “Analysing the Social Perception of Residential Tourism Development,” in Proceedings of the IASK International Conference: Advances in Tourism Research, ed. Carlos Costa and Pedro Cravo (Aveiro: IASK, 2008): 158–160; Allan M. Williams, and C. Michael Hall, “Tourism, Migration, Circulation and Mobility: The Contingencies of Time and Place,” in Tourism and Migration: New Relationships between Production and Consumption, ed. C. Michael Hall and Allan M. Williams (Dordrecht: Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V, 2002): 34–35.
44 Madeleine McCann was seven years old when she disappeared during her family holiday in Portugal, in May 2007. Inconclusive attempts to find her over the years have triggered much speculation, which Portuguese, British and international media have widely reported on.
45 Alexandra Noronha, “Governo lança programa ‘reforma ao sol’”, Jornal de Negócios, August 2, 2011, accessed March 15, 2014,
46 The program Reforma ao Sol (Retirement in the Sun) was designed in 2009 (as established in Decree-Law 249/2009, published in Diário da República, 1st series – Nr. 185 – 23 September 2009) but came into full effect only in 2013, in the specifications for the approval of the government budget (see Law nr. 66-B/2012, published in Diário da República, 1st series – Nr. 252 – 31 December 2012). Creating the exceptional category of “non-habitual residents” and exempting individuals from taxes over pensions received from another state is a strategy to make Portugal competitive among destinations with warm climates for retirees.
47 LUSA, “Vantagens fiscais tornam Portugal numa ‘Florida da Europa’,” SOL, September 15, 2013, accessed March 15, 2014,
48 Elsa Marujo, “Uma Família Inglesa,” Linha da Frente (RTP, March 7, 2012),
49 Vítor Rodrigues Oliveira, “Em Busca da Flórida Perdida,” Antena Aberta (Antena 1, November 26, 2012), accessed March 15, 2014,
50 Ana Serafim, “Reformados Europeus Podem Render 2 Milhões de Euros a Portugal,” SOL, August 3, 2011, accessed March 15, 2014,
51 As the author notes, these images accompanied the growth of mass tourism and second-home ownership among the British who settled, namely, in Spain. Documentaries, TV dramas, comedy sitcoms and news reports were frequent in the 1990s and have since become scanter provided the lack of novel sensationalist aspects to explore. See Karen O’Reilly, “‘Blackpool in the Sun’: Images of the British on the Costa del Sol,” in Media and Migration: Constructions of Mobility and Difference, ed. R. King and N. Wood (London and New York: Routledge, 2001).
52 King et al., Sunset Lives, 127–156; Torkington, “Defining Lifestyle Migration”, 99–100.
53 King et al., Sunset Lives, 137.
54 Myria Georgiou, “Diasporic Media Across Europe”, 491–492; Kosnick, “Ethnic Media, Transnational Politics: Turkish Migrant Media in Germany”, 150–151; Stephen Harold Riggins, “The Media Imperative: Ethnic Minority Survival in the Age of Communication”, in Ethnic Minority Media. An International Perspective, ed. Stephen Riggins (Los Angeles: Sage, 1992): 276.
55 Steven Vertovec, “Fostering Cosmopolitanisms: A Conceptual Survey and a Media Experiment in Berlin,” ESRC Transnational Communities Research Program, Working Paper Series, WPTC-2K-06, 2000, accessed May 6, 2014,, p. 276.
56 Torkington, “Defining Lifestyle Migration”, 100; Williams and Hall, “Tourism, Migration, Circulation and Mobility”, 6–8; King et al., Sunset Lives, 34–37.
57 Boaventura Sousa Santos, “Estado e sociedade na semiperiferia do sistema mundial: o caso português,” Análise Social XXI (87–89) (1985).
58 While it is important to highlight what is a structuring relation, the point is not to sustain trickle-down ideas apparent in globalization theories. A number of authors have highlighted alternative circuits, hegemonic references and situated points of view, as the titles of their works often suggest (e.g. “Travelling Sounds: Whose center, Whose periphery?” (Chambers: 1993) or “Indian Films and Nigerian Lovers: Media and the Creation of Parallel Modernities” (Larkin: 1997)). Yet, this case sheds light on a singular aspect of the most commonly discussed configuration interrelating centers and peripheries: the presence of dominant references not because of appropriation by locals (who access them through mediascapes), but because of the cultural reproduction practices among dislocated people coming from a center.
59 Williams and Hall, “Tourism, Migration, Circulation and Mobility”.
60 Myria Georgiou, Mapping Diasporic Media across the EU, 63; Salim, Os meios de comunicação étnicos em portugal, 53–56.
61 Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 1996).
62 Katz Matsaganis and Ball-Rokeach, Understanding Ethnic Media, 139; Silverstone and Georgiou, “Editorial Introduction: Media and Minorities in Multicultural Europe”.
63 Law nr. 54/2010, published in Diário da República, 1st series – Nr. 248, December 24, 2010.
64 Karim H. Karim, “From Ethnic Media to Global Media: Transnational Communication Networks Among Diasporic Communities,” ESRC Transnational Communities Research Program, Working Paper Series, WPTC-99-02, 1999, accessed May 6, 2014,, p. 8.
65 See, for instance, Filomena Silvano, Marta Rosales, and Sónia Ferreira, “Gente da Nossa: Uma construção mediática da ideia de ‘comunidade Portuguesa’,” Portuguese Studies Review 20(2) (2012).
66 Michal Bilig, Banal Nationalism (London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1995).
67 Fieldnotes, November 13, 2011.
68 Paddy Scannell, “For-Anyone-as-Someone Structures,” Media, Culture and Society 22 (2000): 19.
69 Bilig, Banal Nationalism.
70 Scannell, “For-Anyone-as-Someone Structures”.
71 Benson and O’Reilly, “Lifestyle Migration: Escaping to the Good Life?”, 9–11.
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