Presentation of the review
Interfaces, founded by Michel Baridon (Université de Bourgogne) in 1991, is a bilingual English/French review published under the aegis of the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA), the Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France, TIL EA 4182) and the Université Paris-Cité (France, LARCA UMR 8225). It is devoted to intermediality, the relationships between texts and images, literature and art, history and visual sources, as well as the history of the visual arts and the epistemology of images, in a comparative perspective between French- and English-speaking fields. Its publications are focused on contemporary theoretical advances (digital images and creation, theories of adaption, the evolution of theory, etc), and are gradually expanding to include under-represented geographical areas in these fields (Africa, South America, Asia).
Targeted audiences include specialists in these different fields of study in the humanities, but also certain science departments that offer courses on epistemology and the history of sciences, and connected fields such as publishing.
The transition to biannual publications was completed in 2018, in accordance with open digital publishing requirements. The review adheres to the recommendations presented in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), paying particular attention to recommendations n°6 (reducing emphasis on the journal impact factor as a promotional tool), and n°10 (mandating the citation of primary literature in favour of reviews).
The journal started to be circulated electronically on PREO in 2018. It then migrated to OpenEdition Journals in 2020. Issues 1 to 35 are available on the Persée website/portal. Interfaces is published with the support of InSHS and the Publishing / Open Publication department of the MSH in Dijon (UAR3516 CNRS-uB).
The journals is published by
The journal receives the support of