Alzboun, Nidal et al, (2016). The effect of sustainability practices on financial leakage in the hotel industry in Jordan, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, volume 27, pp. 18-26.
Arhin, Albert A., Emmanuel Kumi, et Thomas Yeboah (2013). Can Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals Survive Neoliberalism? A Critical Examination of the Sustainable Development–neoliberalism Nexus in Developing Countries, Environment, Development and Sustainability, volume 16, n° 3, pp. 539-554.
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths et Helen Tiffin (2002). The Empire Writes Back, New York, Routledge, 283 pages.
Ashley, Caroline, Charlotte Boyd, et Harold Goodwin (2000). Pro-poor tourism: putting poverty at the heart of the tourism agenda, Natural Resource Perspectives, n° 51, pp. 1-6.
Ashley, Caroline, Oliver Bennett et Dylis Roe, « Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Elimination Study - A report to the Department for International Development ». URL :
Banque interaméricaine de développement, « Overview – Sector Framework ». URL :,18403.html.
Banque interaméricaine de développement, « Overview - Sustainable Tourism ». URL :,18353.html.
Banque mondiale, « Africa Region Tourism Strategy – Transformation through Tourism ». URL :
Britton, S., (1991). Tourism, Capital, and Place: Towards a Critical Geography of Tourism, Environment and Planning D, volume 9, n° 4, pp. 451-478.
Brown, Denise Fay (1999). Mayas and tourists in the Maya World, Human Organization, volume 58, n° 3, 295-304.
Brown, Wendy, (2006). American Nightmare Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, and De-Democratization, Political Theory, volume 34, n° 6, pp. 690-714.
Brown, Wendy, 2015. Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution, New York, Zone Books, 296 pages.
Butcher, Jim (2003). The Moralisation of Tourism – Sun, Sand… and Saving the World?, Londres, Routledge, 165 pages.
Cabezas, Amalia L. (2008). Tropical Blues: Tourism and Social Exclusion in the Dominican Republic, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 21-36.
Cañada, Ernest (2015). Prólogo - El turismo en las disputas por el territorio, dans Monterroso Salvatierra, Neptalí et Lilia Zizumbo Villareal (sous la direction de), La configuración capitalista de paisajes turísticos, Toluca, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, pp.13-20.
Caribbean Journal, « Barbados Sets Tourism Record, Topping 300,000 Arrivals in First Half ». URL :
Caribbean News Now, « Caribbean tourism sets new performance records ». URL :
Caribbean Journal, « Expedia and the Caribbean ». URL :
Caribbean Journal, « St Vincent Getting $5 Million Loan From Taiwan to Complete International Airport ». URL :
Cervantes, Juan (2013). Ideology, Neoliberalism and Sustainable Development, Human Geographies -- Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography, volume 7, n° 2, pp. 25-34.
Chok, Stephanie, Jim Macbeth, et Carol Warren (2007). Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation: A Critical Analysis of ‘Pro-Poor Tourism’ and Implications for Sustainability, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2-3, pp. 144-165.
de Kadt, Emanuel (1979). Tourism – Passport to Development?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 360 pages.
Fonds monétaire international, « From Ambition to Execution: Policies in Support of Sustainable Development Goals ». URL :
Fonds monétaire international, « IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with the Dominican Republic ». URL :
Fonds monétaire international, « IMF Report Looks at Growth Trends in the Caribbean and Recommends Fiscal Consolidation, Reforms to Boost Tourism ». URL :
Gmelch, George (2003). Behind the Smile – The Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 211 pages.
Goodwin, Harold (2008). Pro-poor Tourism:a response, Third World Quarterly, volume 29, n° 5, pp. 869-871.
Goodwin, Harold, (2008). Tourism, local economic development, and poverty reduction, Applied Research in Economic Development, volume 5, n° 3, pp. 55-64.
Goodwin, Harold (2009). Reflections on 10 years of Pro-Poor Tourism, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, volume 1, n° 1, pp. 90-94.
Goodwin, Harold, « Background paper - The Poverty Angle of Sun, Sea and Sand – Maximising Tourism’s Contribution ». URL :
Gursoy, Dogan, et Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh (2015). Imperialism and tourism: The case of developing island countries, Annals of Tourism Research, volume 50, pp. 143-158.
Hall, Michael C. (2007). Pro-Poor Tourism: Do ‘Tourism Exchanges Benefit Primarily the Countries of the South?, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2‑3, pp. 111-118.
Harrison, David, (2008). Pro-poor Tourism: a critique, Third World Quarterly, volume 29, n° 5, pp. 851-868.
Harvey, David (2007). A brief history of neoliberalism, New York, Oxford University Press, 256 pages.
Hawkins, Donald E., et Shaun Mann (2007). The World Bank’s Role in Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research vol. 34, nº 2 pp. 348-363.
Juarez, Ana M., (2002). Ecological degradation, global tourism, and inequality: Maya interpretations of the changing environment in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Human Organization, volume 61, n° 2, pp. 113-124.
Kai, Ulrich (2015). The perceived impacts of all-inclusive package holidays on host destinations - A Consumer Survey, Londres, Tourism Concern, pp. 1-26.
Kambites, Carol Jill (2014). “Sustainable Development”: the “Unsustainable” Development of a Concept in Political Discourse, Sustainable Development, volume 22, n° 5, 336-348.
León, Yolanda M. (2007). The impact of tourism on rural livelihoods in the Dominican Republic’s coastal areas, Journal of Development Studies, volume 43, n° 2, pp. 340-359.
Ley 158-01 que establece la Ley de Fomento al Desarrollo Turístico para los polos de escaso desarrollo y nuevos polos en provincias y localidades de gran potencialidad, y crea el Fondo Oficial de Promoción Turística (2001).
Medina, Laurie Kroshus (2003). Commoditizing culture: Tourism and Maya Identity, Annals of Tourism Research, volume 30, n° 2, pp. 353-368.
Mize, Ronald L., et Alicia Swords (2008). Beyond Tourist Gazes and Performances: U.S. Consumption of Land and Labor in Puerto Rican and Mexican Destinations, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 53-69.
Murray, Grant, (2007). Constructing Paradise: The Impacts of Big Tourism in the Mexican Coastal Zone, Coastal Management, volume 35, n° 2/3, pp. 339-355.
Nygren, Anja (2014). Eco-imperialism and environmental justice, dans Fisher, Dana R., Stewart Lockie et David A. Sonnenfeld (sous la direction de), Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change, New York, Routledge, pp. 58-69.
Organisation internationale du tourisme social, « Déclaration de Montréal - Pour une vision humaniste et sociale du tourisme ». URL :
Organisation mondiale du tourisme (1999). Code mondial d’éthique du tourisme, Rés AG 406(XIII), Doc off AG OMT, 13e sess.
Organisation mondiale du tourisme, « Faits saillants OMT du tourisme – Édition 2015 ». URL :
Pattullo, Polly (2005). Last Resorts, Londres, Latin America Bureau, 274 pages.
Sandals, « The Sandals Difference ». URL :
Sandbrook, Chris G., (2010). Putting leakage in its place, Journal of International Development, volume 22, n° 1, pp. 124-136.
Scheyvens, Regina (2007). Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2‑3, pp. 231-254.
Société financière internationale, « About IFC – Overview ». URL :
Société financière internationale, « Tourism: Enhancing Economic Growth in Emerging Markets ». URL :,+Retail+and+Property/Sectors/.
Tourism Concern (2013). The impacts of all-inclusive hotels on working conditions and labour rights in Barbados, Kenya & Tenerife, Tourism concern, pp. 1-24.
Wilson, Tamar Diana (2008). Economic and Social Impacts of Tourism in Mexico, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 37-52.
Haut de page
Organisation mondiale du tourisme, « Faits saillants OMT du tourisme – Édition 2015 ». URL :, à la p.2.
Ibid, p. 4.
Ibid, p. 4.
Caribbean News Now, « Caribbean tourism sets new performance records ». URL :
Caribbean Journal, « Barbados Sets Tourism Record, Topping 300,000 Arrivals in First Half ». URL :
Caribbean Journal, « Expedia and the Caribbean ». URL :
Caribbean Journal, « St Vincent Getting $5 Million Loan From Taiwan to Complete International Airport ». URL :
[« basic requirement for the development of a modern society »] Ibid.
Pour une réflexion à ce sujet, voir en particulier les vastes écrits de la théorie postcolonialiste. Par exemple, dans notre cas à l’étude, cet extrait guide une réflexion en ce sens : « Post-colonial societies have taken up the ‘civilizing’ benefits of modernity, only to find themselves the ‘barbaric’ instigators of environmental damage. In such ways the dynamic of imperial moral power is maintained globally. » Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths et Helen Tiffin (2002). The Empire Writes Back, New York, Routledge, 283 pages, p. 213.
Harvey, David (2007). A brief history of neoliberalism, New York, Oxford University Press, 256 pages, à la p. 3. Cet ouvrage offre un historique politico-économique du néolibéralisme largement acclamé.
Pour une réflexion sur les liens entre le tourisme et la dynamique d’accumulation capitaliste, cette analyse est significative : Britton, S., (1991). Tourism, Capital, and Place: Towards a Critical Geography of Tourism, Environment and Planning D, volume 9, n° 4, pp. 451-478, p. 451.
Notons d’emblée notre désaccord avec l’utilisation du terme « pauvres » pour identifier un groupe de personnes; plutôt qu’une identité, il s’agit à notre sens d’une situation dans laquelle une personne se trouve, qui ne la définit pas. Nous préférons l’utilisation du terme personne en situation de pauvreté. Nous reconnaissons également que l’utilisation du terme « pro-pauvres », en tant que traduction de « pro-poor », plutôt que par exemple « en faveur des pauvres », ne constitue pas un usage linguistiquement élégant. Toutefois, nous en avons sélectionné l’utilisation afin de maintenir une cohérence entre le terme original anglophone et les références qui y sont faites dans la littérature francophone. L’utilisation des guillemets représente le bémol symbolique et linguistique que nous mettons de l’avant par rapport à l’utilisation de ce terme.
Il s’agit du terme utilisé par Wendy Brown, emprunté à Michel Foucault, signifiant « a specific form of normative political reason organizing the political sphere, governance practices, and citizenship » : Brown, Wendy, (2006). American Nightmare Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, and De-Democratization, Political Theory, volume 34, n° 6, pp. 690-714, p. 693.
Ibid, p. 694.
Brown, Wendy, 2015. Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution, New York, Zone Books, 296 pages.
Organisation mondiale du tourisme (1999). Code mondial d’éthique du tourisme, Rés AG 406(XIII), Doc off AG OMT, 13e sess.
Hawkins, Donald E., et Shaun Mann (2007). The World Bank’s Role in Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research vol. 34, nº 2 pp. 348-363, p. 350.
Ibid, pp. 353-355.
de Kadt, Emanuel (1979). Tourism – Passport to Development?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 360 pages.
Ibid, p. v.
Hawkins et Mann, supra note 18, pp. 355-356.
Ibid, pp. 356-357.
Ibid, pp. 357-358.
Ibid, p. 357.
Société financière internationale, « About IFC – Overview ». URL :
Hawkins et Mann, supra note 18, p. 360.
Société financière internationale, « Tourism: Enhancing Economic Growth in Emerging Markets ». URL :,+Retail+and+Property/Sectors/.
Alzboun, Nidal et al, (2016). The effect of sustainability practices on financial leakage in the hotel industry in Jordan, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, volume 27, pp. 18-26, p. 18.
Scheyvens, Regina (2007). Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2‑3, pp. 231-254, p. 239.
Sandbrook, Chris G., (2010). Putting leakage in its place, Journal of International Development, volume 22, n° 1, pp. 124-136, p. 125.
Gmelch, George (2003). Behind the Smile – The Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 211 pages, p. 11.
Cabezas, Amalia L. (2008). Tropical Blues: Tourism and Social Exclusion in the Dominican Republic, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 21-36, p. 25.
Banque mondiale, « Africa Region Tourism Strategy – Transformation through Tourism ». URL :
Ibid, à la p. 3.
Ibid, à la p. 11.
Ibid, à la p. 9.
Pattullo, Polly (2005). Last Resorts, Londres, Latin America Bureau, 274 pages, p. 53.
Ley 158-01 que establece la Ley de Fomento al Desarrollo Turístico para los polos de escaso desarrollo y nuevos polos en provincias y localidades de gran potencialidad, y crea el Fondo Oficial de Promoción Turística (2001).
Scheyvens, supra note 30, p. 239.
Brown, supra note 14, p. 694.
Mize, Ronald L., et Alicia Swords (2008). Beyond Tourist Gazes and Performances: U.S. Consumption of Land and Labor in Puerto Rican and Mexican Destinations, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 53-69, p. 56.
Juarez, Ana M., (2002). Ecological degradation, global tourism, and inequality: Maya interpretations of the changing environment in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Human Organization, volume 61, n° 2, pp. 113-124, pp. 113-114.
Murray, Grant, (2007). Constructing Paradise: The Impacts of Big Tourism in the Mexican Coastal Zone, Coastal Management, volume 35, n° 2/3, pp. 339-355, p. 339.
Ibid, p. 346.
Juarez, supra note 43, p. 117.
Mize et Swords, supra note 42, p. 57.
Murray, supra note 44, p. 346.
Ibid, à la p. 348.
Voir par exemple Juarez, supra note 43, p. 117 et Wilson, Tamar Diana (2008). Economic and Social Impacts of Tourism in Mexico, Latin American Perspectives, volume 35, n° 3, pp. 37-52, p. 47.
Wilson, supra note 50, p. 48.
Ibid, à la p. 45.
Cabezas, supra note 33, p. 29.
Ibid, à la p. 30.
León, Yolanda M. (2007). The impact of tourism on rural livelihoods in the Dominican Republic’s coastal areas, Journal of Development Studies, volume 43, n° 2, pp. 340-359, p. 350.
Sandals, « The Sandals Difference ». URL :
Chok, Stephanie, Jim Macbeth, et Carol Warren (2007). Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation: A Critical Analysis of ‘Pro-Poor Tourism’ and Implications for Sustainability, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2‑3, pp. 144-165, p. 158.
Cabezas, supra note 33, p. 25.
León, supra note 56, p. 349.
Voir pour un résumé des débats dans le contexte des Mayas : Medina, Laurie Kroshus (2003). Commoditizing culture: Tourism and Maya Identity, Annals of Tourism Research, volume 30, n° 2, pp. 353-368.
Voir par exemple Brown, Denise Fay (1999). Mayas and tourists in the Maya World, Human Organization, volume 58, n° 3, 295-304.
Brown, supra note 14, p. 699.
Ibid, p. 696.
Brown, p. 705.
Cervantes, Juan (2013). Ideology, Neoliberalism and Sustainable Development, Human Geographies -- Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography, volume 7, n° 2, pp. 25-34, p. 32.
Arhin, Albert A., Emmanuel Kumi, et Thomas Yeboah (2013). Can Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals Survive Neoliberalism? A Critical Examination of the Sustainable Development–neoliberalism Nexus in Developing Countries, Environment, Development and Sustainability, volume 16, n° 3, pp. 539-554, p. 540.
Ibid, à la p. 543.
Fonds monétaire international, « IMF Report Looks at Growth Trends in the Caribbean and Recommends Fiscal Consolidation, Reforms to Boost Tourism ». URL :
Fonds monétaire international, « IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with the Dominican Republic ». URL :
Précisément: « Sustaining strong economic growth and making it more inclusive will require concerted reform efforts. The authorities’ reforms in education, strengthening social safety nets, and in promoting financial inclusion should help boost growth and improve social outcomes. ». Ibid.
Fonds monétaire international, « From Ambition to Execution: Policies in Support of Sustainable Development Goals ». URL :
Ibid, p. 4.
Ibid, p. 11.
Ibid, pp. 12-13.
Ibid, p. 22.
Neuf au Brésil, deux en Argentine, un au Belize, un en Bolivie, un en Haïti, un au Nicaragua, un au Paraguay, un en République dominicaine, un au Salvador, et un en Uruguay. Banque interaméricaine de développement, « Overview - Sustainable Tourism ». URL :,18353.html.
Banque interaméricaine de développement, « Overview – Sector Framework ». URL :,18403.html.
Kambites, Carol Jill (2014). “Sustainable Development”: the “Unsustainable” Development of a Concept in Political Discourse, Sustainable Development, volume 22, n° 5, 336-348, p. 346.
Cervantes, Juan, supra note 67, p. 26.
de Kadt, supra note 20, p. xii.
Goodwin, Harold (2008). Pro-poor Tourism: a response, Third World Quarterly, volume 29, n° 5, pp. 869-871, p. 869.
Ashley, Caroline, Oliver Bennett et Dylis Roe, « Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Elimination Study - A report to the Department for International Development ». URL :
Ibid, à la p. 6.
Ashley, Caroline, Charlotte Boyd, et Harold Goodwin (2000). Pro-poor tourism: putting poverty at the heart of the tourism agenda, Natural Resource Perspectives, n° 51, pp. 1-6, pp. 5-6.
Harrison, David, (2008). Pro-poor Tourism: a critique, Third World Quarterly, volume 29, n° 5, pp. 851-868, p. 858.
Scheyvens, supra note 30, p. 244.
Goodwin, Harold, (2008). Tourism, local economic development, and poverty reduction, Applied Research in Economic Development, volume 5, n° 3, pp. 55-64, p. 57.
Goodwin, Harold (2009). Reflections on 10 years of Pro‐Poor Tourism, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, volume 1, n° 1, pp. 90-94, p. 90.
Butcher, Jim (2003). The Moralisation of Tourism – Sun, Sand… and Saving the World?, Londres, Routledge, 165 pages.
Une phrase conclusive de son post-scriptum est indicative à cet égard : « Tourism need only be about enjoyment, and requires no other justification. As for the moralising about tourist behaviour, how people choose to enjoy themselves is a matter for them. » Ibid, p. 142.
Ibid, p.56. À noter que professeur Butcher critique également directement le tourisme « pro-pauvres » en ces termes : « Rather than constituting an attempt to liberate people from the constraints of their environment, pro-poor tourism organises around these constraints. » Ibid, p. 129.
Goodwin, supra note 93, p. 55.
Ashley, Bennett et Roe, supra note 88, p. 11.
Goodwin, supra note 86.
Harrison, supra note 91, à la p. 865.
Hall, Michael C. (2007). Pro-Poor Tourism: Do ‘Tourism Exchanges Benefit Primarily the Countries of the South?, Current Issues in Tourism, volume 10, n° 2‑3, pp. 111-118, p. 116.
Ashley, Bennett et Roe, supra note 88, p. 12.
Ibid, p. 37.
Harrison, supra note 91, p. 863
Ashley, Boyd et Goodwin, supra note 90, à la p. 5.
Ibid, à la p. 3.
Goodwin, supra note 93, à la p. 59.
Goodwin, Harold, « Background paper - The Poverty Angle of Sun, Sea and Sand – Maximising Tourism’s Contribution ». URL :, p. 2.
Goodwin, supra note 86, pp. 869-870.
Nygren, Anja (2014). Eco-imperialism and environmental justice, dans Fisher, Dana R., Stewart Lockie et David A. Sonnenfeld (sous la direction de), Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change, New York, Routledge, pp. 58-69, p. 58.
Kai, Ulrich (2015). The perceived impacts of all-inclusive package holidays on host destinations - A Consumer Survey, Londres, Tourism Concern, pp. 1-26, p. 6.
Gursoy, Dogan, et Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh (2015). Imperialism and tourism: The case of developing island countries, Annals of Tourism Research, volume 50, pp. 143-158, p. 153.
Tourism Concern (2013). The impacts of all-inclusive hotels on working conditions and labour rights in Barbados, Kenya & Tenerife, Tourism concern, pp. 1-24, p. 2.
Cañada, Ernest (2015). Prólogo - El turismo en las disputas por el territorio, dans Monterroso Salvatierra, Neptalí et Lilia Zizumbo Villareal (sous la direction de), La configuración capitalista de paisajes turísticos, Toluca, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, pp.13-20, p. 18.
Organisation internationale du tourisme social, « Déclaration de Montréal - Pour une vision humaniste et sociale du tourisme ». URL :
Ibid, à l’article 6.
Ibid, à l’article 4 de l’Addendum d’Aubagne.
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