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Submit a Manuscript

Please read the manuscript instructions carefully below and follow them to ensure that the review of your manuscript is as efficient and quick as possible. The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions or outside the scope of the journal. All material to be considered for publication in the International Review of Public Policy should be submitted in electronic form via the journal’s online submission system.

The Editors acknowledge receipt of papers and aim to obtaining referees’ reports within 60 days. Submissions and peer reviews are anonymous.

Instructions for Submission

To submit, you first need to create an account in the IPPA system – if you do not already have one. Both the main author and ALL the co-authors must have an IPPA account (which is totally free of charge).

To initiate the submission process, please login and click on “Submit an Article” ( Then, follow the instructions.

  1. Regular or Special Issue or Forum: You must indicate if your manuscript is for a Regular or a Special Issue. You can submit to a “Special Issue” only if the guest editor has notified you to do so. In this case, the editors of the special issue will give you the name of the Special Issue. If you click on “Special Issue”, you need to indicate the title of the Special Issue

  2. Title: You must indicate the title of your manuscript (this may include a subtitle)

  3. Co-Authors: You must indicate the email of ALL your co-authors who must have created their IPPA account first

  4. Keywords: Indicate up to ten keywords (use keywords that maximise visibility in searches and databases)

  5. Abstract: Enter an abstract (200 words maximum)

  6. Anonymous File: Upload your manuscript for consideration in WORD version (10,000 words maximum, all included; allowed formats: doc, docx). Make sure that the file is anonymised, i.e. delete name of author(s), acknowledgements, thank you notes and self-references. If you need to make a reference to your own work list it as (Author, year) without indicating the title

  7. Annex File: You can upload an optional annex document

Manuscript Instructions

Please read the guidelines below then visit the Journal’s submission webpage to upload your manuscript. Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines will be returned.

a) Authorship 

By submitting your manuscript to the IRPP, you guarantee that it is original and it is your own work. All researchers involved in the study are either listed as authors or given proper credit. Principal authorship, authorship order, and other publication credits should be based on the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved not on their status. Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria can be mentioned in the Acknowledgments once the manuscript is accepted for publication.

b) Formatting and Length

Only electronic files conforming to the journal’s guidelines will be accepted. Manuscripts must be submitted in one of the accepted formats and they should be written in a standard font (size 12). All text, including abstract, footnotes, citations, and appendix material should be double spaced while tables and graphs should be single-spaced and each on a separate page. Do not format your text in multiple columns. Include page numbers. The hierarchy of sections should be limited to 3 heading levels sections and sub-sections. Make sure heading levels are clearly indicated in the text.

Abbreviations should be defined at the first occurrence and introduced only where multiple use is made. Authors should not use abbreviations in headings.

All tables should be on separate pages and accompanied by a title, and footnotes where necessary. The tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Units in which results are expressed should be given in parentheses at the top of each column and not repeated in each line of the table. Ditto signs are not used. Avoid overcrowding the tables and the excessive use of words. The format of tables should be in keeping with that normally used by the journal; in particular, vertical lines, coloured text and shading should not be used.

c) Abstract 

The manuscript Abstract must not exceed 200 words. The Abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper, and reference citations must be avoided.

d) Reference style

Full references should be provided. International Review of Public Policy follows the APA reference style. Citations should follow the Seventh Edition of APA Reference Style (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.).

The APA referencing style follows an "author-date" format, requiring citations in the text to include the author(s) and the year of publication enclosed in round brackets. In this style, only the surname of the author(s) should be mentioned, followed by a comma and the publication year. If necessary, you may include specific page, chapter, or section numbers when quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing.

  • In text-citation: (Author, Year); or (Author, year, p. XX) or (Author, year, pp. XX-XX).

  • The full details of the source are given in a reference list at the end of the document.

  • Book and journal titles should be in italics.

  • Spell out all acronyms in the first instance.

Example of book reference:

  • Zittoun, P. (2014). The political process of policymaking: A pragmatic approach to public policy. Palgrave Macmillan.

Example of journal reference:

  • Peck, J., & Theodore, N. (2010). Mobilizing policy: Models, methods, and mutations. Geoforum, 41(2), 169-174.

Example of chapter within edited / multi-authored publication:

  • Zahariadis, N. (2014). Ambiguity and Multiple Streams. In P. Sabatier & C. Weible (Eds.), Theories of the policy process (3rd ed.) (pp. 25-59). Westview Press.

Example of website reference:

  • National Association of Social Workers. (2005). NASW standards for clinical social work in social work practice.

e) Plagiarism

International Review on Public Policy seeks to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted manuscripts will be checked with duplication-checking software. Whenever a manuscript is found to have plagiarised other works or included third-party’s copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or whenever the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); withdrawing the article; or taking appropriate legal action.

f) Manuscript review

Peer review is at the core of the journal’s approach to publication. It is the policy of the journal that submitted manuscripts will in the first instance be reviewed by the editors and then if appropriate forwarded anonymously for peer review. Manuscripts are blind reviewed by at least two experts in the field. IRPP websystem enables authors to track their manuscript - once it has been accepted - through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their manuscripts online.

g) Copyright

Once a manuscript is accepted, the author must complete the Copyright Assignment Form and submit it via email to IRPP to publish the manuscript.

Forum Section & Book Review

The Forum is a section of the International Review of Public Policy which allows scholars to contribute to the main scientific debates on Public Policy. The debates can be theoretical (on specific concepts or approaches), historical or methodological. They can also contribute to these debates using a specific policy topic or a geographical area.

The forum debates are based on a major contribution proposed by a scholar in an article in which he/she argues a position or a perspective. Based on the state of the art, it offers an opportunity to identify new approaches, new concepts, new hypotheses, or to update the knowldege about them. All of those who wish to contribute to this exercice must propose an original contribution, from 4000 to 8000 words, with a strong argumentation to justify their position, important references to explain the originality and the relevance of the position compared to literature.

All articles for the forum must be submitted through the IRPP platfom of submission. On the first section, you must click on “Forum section”. The article will be evaluated and the discussion will be organised by the forum editors. The forum editors will mobilise one or two scholars to write a short reaction to this proposal that engages the debate.

The forum is also open to book reviews in two formats. A short format (1500-2000 words) in which someone proposes to review a book or in a longer format, when someone wants to engage an important debate pertaining to a book (3000-4000 words). In the second case, the forum section will organise a debate with the authors.

To propose an article for the forum section, please log in to your account and click the “Submit a new article” button then choose the “Forum section”. After validation from the forum editor, your article will be evaluated before receiving an answer.

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