Submission of papers
This document sets out the ISS style. Please ensure that your paper conforms to the ISS style before submitting. If you submit with an alternative style your work will be returned, unread, for style correction.
Papers are submitted to an evaluation committee for a double blind peer review. The author or authors will receive written comments from the committee. Some papers might be selected for publication pending corrections or revisions. Please note that the corrections or revisions must be undertaken within the stipulated time frame. If an author exceeds this time frame the offer of publication could be withdrawn.
Papers must be submitted in electronic form, written in software compatible to MS Office (MS Word), in one of the ICOM working languages: English, French or Spanish. Text must be saved as .doc or .docx. Papers should be sent by e-mail – in an attached file – to the address: saved as follows: Surname_Name_ISS+IssueNumber (Smith_John_ISS46)
Papers should be no more than 6000 words, including the main text, references, keywords and one abstract (the other language abstract can be added to the total number of words). The abstracts should be between 100 and 150 words, and written in both the language of the paper and at least one of the other two ICOM languages. If the article and abstract are in French or Spanish, English is the best choice for the second abstract. Do not forget to translate the title of the abstract. Each manuscript should have 4 to 6 keywords at the end of each abstract.
ICOFOM cannot provide editing or translations. The most frequent reason for a paper being rejected is that the text is unclear or poorly expressed. If the authors are not writing in their mother tongue, they must take care to have editorial and translation assistance from a native language speaker for both the text of their essay and for the abstracts.
Body texts and abstracts must be written in font Arial size 11; justify both left and right margins.
Leave a space of one line between paragraphs.
Do not indent paragraphs.
Italicize foreign language words, followed by a translation or explanation in parentheses.
Long quotations: A quotation of more than 40 words should be set in its own paragraph, without quotation marks, and be indented by 1.25cm on both margins. If the quote is a translation, the reference must be to the text in translation. If the author has done the translation from a reference in another language, this should be noted in a footnote.
Footnotes should appear at the foot of the relevant page.
New Trends in Museology
John Smith
Fine Arts Museum – Middlemarch, United Kingdom
A museum is a place where one should lose one's head
Renzo Piano
There are several new trends in museology, words, words, words, etc. (100 – 150 words)
Key words: Museology, key word, key word, key word
Nouvelles tendances en muséologie.
Il existe plusieurs nouvelles tendances en muséologie, mots, mots, mots, etc. (100 – 150 mots)
Mots clé : Muséologie, mot clé, mot clé, mot clé
* * *
Main text begins here.
The ISS reference style is APA, using in-text references in brackets (see guidelines below).
Footnotes should not be used for bibliographical information, but should contain content such as explanations or tangential discussions.
All references should be listed at the end of the paper. Only works cited in the body of the text should be included in the list —all other references will be deleted.
Guidelines for Citations and Reference Lists
ICOFOM style guides can be found online in English, French, and Spanish.
Additional assistance with APA style can be found at and, or at