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ICOFOM Study Series is the journal of the International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM). The committee analyses the main trends in contemporary museology, the specific functions of museums, and their position in society. Created in 1982 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the journal explores diverse points of view from around the world on general topics (“Collecting for tomorrow today”, “Museology and art”), and provides a synthesis of these perspectives. Published in French, English and Spanish, the contributions are produced by professionals or researchers.

Latest issue
52-2 | 2024
Legacy and impact: Latin American and Caribbean museology today

Legado e impacto: La museología latinoamericana y caribeña en la actualidad
Héritage et impact : La muséologie latino-américaine et caribéenne aujourd’hui
Edited by Luciana Menezes de Carvalho and Ana Carolina Gelmini de Faria
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