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Information for authors

Write for “Images du travail, Travail des Images”

Articles, posts or proposals for the notebook or magazine “Images du travail, Travail des Images” and more generally any correspondence, should be sent to imagesdutravail[at]

Next to the article itself, it is necessary to indicate the first and last names of the author(s), as well as their title, function and institution. Proposals for contributions and responses to calls for papers must not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces) and must include a summary of around ten lines (in English and French) as well as few key words in both languages.

Articles must be anonymized. No name must appear in the document properties neither (to be checked in the word processor in File> Properties> Details> Author; the fields must be empty). The text must not contain any mention of the type “cf. my other work”, including in the footnotes.

The articles, made anonymous by the editorial staff, are distributed by the editorial board to two specialists in the subject responsible for evaluating them. The proofreaders can be members of the editorial board, the scientific council or the reading committee, and they will write an anonymous report which announces if the article is publishable or not and any modifications to make it publishable. In the case of contradictory reports, a third report is requested.

Bibliographical references

In the body of the text, the references are noted (Durkheim, 1893) or (Durkheim, 1893, 43), or in a sentence when we speak about a work by Durkheim (1893, 43). In a note containing only the reference, there are no parentheses.

For the end-of-article bibliography:

  • Milliot, V. (1995) The “Cris de Paris” or The transvestite people: representations of small Parisian trades (16th-18th centuries), Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne.

  • Bloncourt G. and Lallaoui M. (2004) Les prolos, through the photographic testimony of Gérald Bloncourt, Paris, Edition Au nom de la mémoire.

  • Géhin J-P. & Stevens H. (dir.) 2012, Images du travail, travail des images, Rennes, PUR.

  • Proust J. (1973) "The image of the people at work in the plates of the Encyclopedia", Images of the people in the 18th century, Paris, A. Colin, p. 65-85.

  • Épiphane D. (2007) “My tailor is a man… The representation of trades in children's books”, Travail, Genre et Sociétés, n ° 18, p. 65-85.

  • Maillot P. (2012) "The cinematographic writing of film sociology. How to think as a sociologist with a camera? », La Nouvelle Revue du travail [Online], 1-2012, posted on December 10, 2012, consulted on July 20, 2014. URL:

General presentation of the texts

  • Texts should be in .docx if possible or equivalent. No .pdf

  • The different levels of title of the text must be clearly indicated, using numbering (1, then 1.1, then 1.1.1.). Maximum three levels of titles.

  • Please do not use tabs or bold.

  • Provide the images in a separate file in .jpg or .tif format, minimum 300 dpi.

  • Each image should be numbered and have a title (above). It also needs to mention a source and / or a copyright below.

  • Notes are footnotes in Arabic numerals.

Common abbreviations

  • 1st, 1st ________ (and not 1st)

  • 2nd, 3rd _________ (and not 2nd or 3rd)

  • XXth century ______ (and not XXth or XXth or 20th)

  • chap. _________ (and not ch.)

  • eds ___________ editors

  • etc. __________ (and not etc. ...)

  • p. ____________ (and not pp.)

  • M., MM. _____ (and not Mr)

  • Ms., Ms.

  • Miss, Miss


  • The quotes are delimited by French quotation marks: "example".

  • The quotes are French with spaces before and after: "example".

  • English double quotes, without spaces, are used only in the case of a nested citation: "" example "".

  • For quotes longer than four lines, the quote is taken out, indented to the left and in a lower body character.


  • The dates are indicated in long format: November 12, 1955.

  • To separate two dates (and more generally two numbers), we exclusively use the hyphen, without spaces: 1939-1945 and not 1939 - 1945, (and p. 35-42 and not p. 35 - 42).

  • We do not abbreviate a vintage or an interval: we write "the war of 1914-1918" and not 1914-18, 1914/1918 or 1914/18.

  • Expressions such as “the twenties”, “the thirties”, etc. are written in letters.

  • Note the spelling of the following periods, eras and events: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Hundred Years War, Wars of Religion, Great War, First World War, Second World War, Cold War, Grand Siècle, Golden Century, Century lights, Modern times, Belle Époque, Roaring Twenties.


Italics should be reserved for Latin terms

Image rights

Image copyright authorization could be downloaded in appendix.


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