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For an open, critical and engaged Anthropology

L’Association Française des Anthropologues (AFA) is a generalist anthropologist association. It was founded in 1979 with the aim of “promoting the development of anthropology and relations between anthropologists, informing the public on anthropology, representing French ethnology in international forums, and enlightening anthropologists on their responsibilities”.

Sensitive to debates on emerging objects and issues relative to our societies, l’AFA wields anthropology as a tool to understanding the globalised world.

Its activities place it at the crux of tensions arising in the disciplinary field, such as the intervention of social sciences in public debate, the defence of higher education and research or concern for the future of young graduates:

  • Publications by Journal des Anthropologues

  • Seminar Anthropology, psychoanalysis and politics

  • Symposiums and workshops

  • Coordination with various collectives

To find out more, join the AFA and subscribe to the Journal []

L’AFA belongs to the collective “Revues en lutte” [] as well as the IUAES (the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences). Additionally, the AFA is a member of the WCAA (the World Council of Anthropological Associations) and a founding member of the AFEA (Association Française des Ethnologues et Anthropologues).

It collaborates with various University laboratories, the “Bistrot des Ethnologues” and the Voluntary Sector’s French Institute.

L’AFA is supported by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Foundation, le Centre National du Livre, le CNRS and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

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