Index | Keywords
- aboriginal claims
- acculturation
- action
- Adam (Lucien)
- administration
- administrative community
- adoption
- aerophone
- aesthetics
- affect
- affinity
- affirmative action
- African American cultures
- Africanity
- Afro-American identity
- Afro-American religions
- Afro-Cuban religions
- Afro-Cuban societies
- Afro-descendants
- Afro-descendents
- agency
- agrarian reform
- agricultural rites
- agricultural techniques
- agriculture
- Alcida Rita Ramos
- Alcide d’Orbigny
- Alfred Métraux
- Algonquian languages
- All Saints’ Day
- All Souls’ Day
- alliance
- alterity
- Amazon
- Amazonia
- Amazonian collections
- America
- americanism
- Amerindian churches
- Amerindian navigation
- Amerindian politics
- Amerindians
- Amerindians and Europeans relations
- analogies
- analogism
- ancestor worship
- ancestors
- ancient Maya
- Andean archeology
- Andean cosmology
- Andes
- animals
- animism
- anthropological collections
- anthropological traditions
- anthropology of Christianity
- anthropology of the senses
- anticipation
- Antilles
- antropólogas
- apotropaic use
- Araweté
- archaeological collecting
- Archaeology
- archaeology
- archaeometry
- archaeothanatology
- Archaic Age
- architectural mask
- architecture
- Arikaras
- arrow
- art
- Ashaninka
- assemblage
- assembly
- authenticity
- auto-construction
- ayahuasca
- ayllu
- Ayoreo
- Aztec
- ballgame
- Baniwa
- Bará
- Barry (Laurent)
- beating
- beauty contest
- beauty contests
- beauty pageants
- beauty/ugliness
- beer
- beer festival
- beings of the pre-solar time
- belief
- beliefs
- Berta Gleizer Ribeiro
- Bible
- bifacial point
- biography
- bird
- bird with a hand in the mandible
- bird with a mirror on the forehead
- birds
- black identities
- body
- body painting
- body techniques
- Bolivia
- Bolivian Amazonia
- bone
- Bora
- borderland
- Borgia Group
- bow
- Brazil
- Brazilian ethnology
- built environment
- bureaucracy
- butterflies
- cabildos
- caboclos
- caciques
- Calakmul
- calendar
- calendrical adjustment
- Canada
- Cañaris
- candomblé
- canidae
- cannibalism
- canonical formula of myths
- capacocha
- cardinal directions
- cardinality
- Caribbean
- Caribbean area
- causation
- census
- Central and Southern Maya Lowlands
- Central Andes
- Central Mexico
- central nucleus
- centralization
- ceramic
- ceramic technology
- ceramics
- ceremonial dialogues
- ceremonial pukara
- cervidae
- Chachapoyas
- Chaco
- Chaco languages
- CHAN logogram
- Chané
- change
- chieftaincy
- Chilam Balam
- Chiriguano
- Choctaw
- Cholón
- christianism
- christianity
- christianization
- Christmas
- Christmas carols
- Christmas pageants (pastorelas)
- chroniclers
- Ch’orti’
- ch’ullpa
- cinnabar
- Čipaya
- civil war
- clan
- clandestine relationships
- Classic Maya
- Classic Maya elite
- Classic Maya titles
- classifications
- clothing
- cluster
- Coast Salish
- codex
- codex of the Borgia Group
- coffee-orchards
- Collasuyu
- Collection Mexicain of the BNF
- collection “Mexicain” of the BnF
- collections
- collective memory
- Colombia
- Colombian Amazon
- colonial America
- colonial codices
- colonial history
- colonial linguistics
- colonial Maya
- Colonial Maya religion
- colonial period
- colonial queros
- Colonial times
- colonial times
- colonialism
- colonization
- colossal heads
- commensality
- commercial contacts
- commitment
- communal feasts
- communication
- community
- comparative analysis
- complex societies
- complex temporality
- comput
- concept of schemata
- conception and measurements of time
- conceptions of disaster
- concepts of time
- conflicts
- Conquest
- Conquista
- consanguine marriages
- context
- control
- Copan
- copy
- corporal techniques
- corporality
- Cortesian
- cosmology
- cosmovision
- Count of Cancelada
- Count of Revillagigedo
- counts of Cancelada
- couvade
- creativity
- cree-innu-naskapi-atikamekw continuum
- crushers
- Cuba
- cuisine
- cultura
- cultural conflict
- cultural delimitation
- cultural distinction
- cultural heritage
- cultural marker
- cultural property
- cultural reformulation
- cultural revitalization
- cultural transmission
- culture
- curing chants
- cyclic time
- dance
- Day of the Dead
- dead
- death
- death by dogs
- decolonisation
- decolonization
- deer
- dehumanization
- deities
- descent
- desert
- Dewey (John)
- diachronic linguistics
- diaspora
- dictionary
- digital repatriation
- digital restitution
- digital return
- digitization
- directional symbolism
- discursive genre
- discursive strategy
- dog sled
- domestic chicken
- domestic space and time
- Don Francisco de Montejo Xiu
- dreams
- dualism (social organization)
- Dutch colonization
- dyadic kinship terms
- dynasty Kan
- Dzibanché
- E-Group
- Early Ceramic Age
- early Classic
- eclipse of the moon
- ecological representations
- Ecuador
- edible plants
- education
- Élisée Reclus
- elites
- eloquent instant
- El Mirador
- embodiment
- emotions
- Enawenê-nawê
- enemies
- Enlhet
- enthronment
- Epiclassic
- epistemic
- Erland Nordenskiöld
- eschatology
- Esther Jean Langdon
- ethnic identity
- ethnic names
- ethnic style
- ethnic-religious identities
- ethnicity
- ethnicization
- ethno-archaeology
- ethnoarchaeology
- ethnobotany
- ethnogenesis
- ethnographic collections
- ethnographic expedition
- ethnographical collecting
- ethnography
- ethnohistorical sources
- ethnohistory
- ethnology
- ethnonyms
- ethnonymy
- etiology
- etnohistory
- evangelical churches
- evangelization
- event-type
- excess
- exchange
- exchange networks
- exchanges
- exemplum
- exoterica
- experience
- experimental archaeology
- exploration
- factionalism
- failure
- familiarization
- fasting
- Feathered Snake Pyramid
- featherwork
- feeding
- femininity
- fertility
- figurines
- Flavio Chigi
- flaying
- Florentine Codex
- folk studies
- football
- forest
- Formative
- Formative Period
- foundation
- free people of colour
- French Guiana
- French in Brazil
- frontier
- funerals
- funerary practices
- funerary rituals
- future
- haab’
- Haiti
- hammock
- Hamy (Ernest Théodore)
- hanal pixan
- hierarchy of persons
- highlands
- historic recording
- historical corpus
- historical ethnomusicology
- historical lexicography
- history
- History
- history of anthropology
- history of archaeology
- Hohokam
- holy war
- homicide
- hot/cold polarity
- House
- house
- Howard (Victoria)
- human body
- human figure
- human physiology
- human sacrifice
- Humbold (Wilhelm von)
- hunter-gatherers
- hunters-gatherers
- hunting
- hybridity
- Hymes (Dell)
- hyper-transitivity
- iconographic denotation
- iconography
- identification
- identity
- ideology
- idolatry processes
- imagery
- images
- imaginary beings
- inalienability
- Inca
- incantation
- Indians
- indigenism
- indigenous art
- Indigenous groups
- indigenous health
- indigenous knowledge
- indigenous language
- indigenous movements
- indigenous people
- Indigenous peoples
- indigenous peoples
- indigenous youth
- infield agriculture
- influences
- infrastructure
- initiation ritual
- inscriptions
- inter-ethnic relations
- interaction
- intercultural relations
- interdisciplinary work
- interethnic conflicts
- interethnic relations
- internal armed conflict
- intersubjective
- intersubjectivity
- Inuit
- invention of tradition
- investment in the sacred
- La Vaulx (Henry de)
- Lacandon Maya
- ladino
- Lafone Quevedo
- Lakandon Maya
- land conflicts
- land of the dead
- land of the death.
- land rights
- land titles
- language
- language family
- language revitalization
- languages’ classification
- lapidary technology
- Las Casas (Bartolomé de)
- Late Ceramic Age
- Late Preclassic
- Late-Terminal Classic
- latifundio
- La Plata Museum
- leadership
- learning
- legitimization
- Lévi-Strauss (Claude)
- lexical typology
- life-history
- liminality
- linguistic anthropology
- linguistic documentation
- Linguistic documentation
- linguistic politics
- linguistic relativity
- liturgy
- Long Count
- Lorenzo Boturini
- low-density cities
- Lowlands
- lowlands
- lukumisation
- lullaby
- Madiha (Kulina)
- magic
- magic stone
- magical beliefs
- magical song
- maize
- Maní
- manioc beer
- manoplas
- marine and terrestrial invertebrates
- maritime societies
- marka
- Martyr d’Anghiera (Pierre)
- masks
- mastery/ownership
- Matacoan
- material culture
- materiality
- materials
- Matsigenka
- Maya
- maya
- Maya area
- Maya calendar
- Maya cities
- Maya Classic society
- Maya epigraphy
- Maya iconography
- Mayan Codex
- Mayan languages
- Mayas
- Mbya
- meat sharing
- Mebengokré
- Mebêngôkre (Kayapó)
- memory
- menstruation
- mental representation
- merchandise
- mercury
- Mesoamerica
- mestizo
- metaculture
- metallurgy
- metamorphosis
- metaphor
- metaphors
- Métis
- Métraux
- Métraux (Alfred)
- Mexica
- Mexico
- Mexico-Tenochtitlan
- migration
- millenarianism
- mimesis
- mining
- Mintz (Sidney)
- Mireille Guyot
- missionaries
- Missionaries
- Mixtec
- Mixtec codices
- Mixteca-Puebla
- Mixteca-Puebla tradition
- mobility
- Mochica
- modern rites
- Momostenango
- money
- monkey
- monument relocation
- monumental discourse
- mood
- morphology
- mortuary monuments
- mortuary rites
- mortuary ritual
- mortuary rituals
- mosaic
- mounds
- ms Mexicain 374
- Ms. Aubin Nº 20
- Ms. Mexicain 20
- Ms. Mexicain 21 (copy by León y Gama)
- Ms. Mexicain 88-4 (copy by Pichardo)
- multiculturalism
- multinaturalism
- mural painting
- Murui-Muina
- museums
- music
- musical iconography
- myth
- myth-ritual relationship
- mythology
- Mythology
- myths
- pajelança
- panaca
- panafricanism
- pantomime
- Paraguay
- pastoralism
- patrimonialization
- patrimony
- patronage
- peasant communities
- peasants
- pentecostalism
- People of the Center
- performance
- performance studies
- performativity
- personhood
- perspective
- perspectivism
- Peru
- Peruvian Amazon
- pets
- phenomenal field of utterance
- philology
- philosophy of language
- pictography
- pigments
- Pigorini Museum
- pilgrimage
- pilgrimages
- pinkuyllu
- place
- placemaking
- Plains
- Plains Indians
- plant
- Plurinational State
- poetry
- poison
- policía cristiana
- political field
- political independence
- political organization
- politics
- polygyny
- population movements
- possession
- Post (Frans Janzsoon)
- posthole
- pottery
- power
- power relations
- pragmatic
- pragmatism
- pre-Columbian
- pre-Columbian art
- pre-Columbian museum collections
- pre-Hispanic codices
- Preclassic
- prehispanic rites
- prehispanic worship
- prehistory
- prehistory of Uruguay
- Preuss (Konrad Th.)
- Preuss (Konrad Th.)
- Primeros Memoriales
- private space
- property
- prophecy
- prospective
- Prospero Lambertini
- proto-Maya
- public policies
- public space
- purgatory
- race
- racial taxonomies
- racialization
- racism
- radio
- rainy season
- rap
- re-semantization
- reafricanization
- recorder
- reflexivity
- reform
- relations between body and soul
- relations between Indians and Whites
- religion
- religious plurality
- religiousness
- repatriation
- replacement
- representation
- representations
- residential sibling group
- residential space
- resistance
- rhetoric of images
- Río Bec
- ritual
- ritual activation
- ritual activities
- ritual cargo
- ritual chants
- ritual complexity
- ritual deposit
- ritual hunt
- ritual objects
- ritual practices
- ritual relations
- ritual singing
- ritual song
- ritual songs
- ritual speech
- ritual uses
- rituals
- Rivet (Paul)
- royal court
- Royal House of Geography
- rubber boom
- rulers
- sacred bundles
- sacred flutes
- sacred image
- sacred sites
- sacred spaces
- sacrifice
- Sáenz Garza (Moisés)
- saints
- Salesians
- santería
- santeria
- Santería
- Sanumá
- Sapir (Edward)
- savagery
- scanning electron microscopy
- scientific expedition
- scientific expeditions
- scientific internationalism
- sculpture
- sculpture integrated into architecture
- secondary burial
- sedentarisation
- sedentary settlement
- seduction
- segmentation
- self image
- self-sacrifice
- semiotics
- senses
- sensorial perceptions
- sequence
- settlement pattern
- settlement patterns
- settlement units
- sexuality
- shamanic initiations
- shamanic recompositions
- shamanic ritual
- shamanic tourism
- shamanism
- shapeshifting
- shifters
- Shipibo-Konibo
- Siona
- Siona Indians
- Sioux
- Sioux and Algonquian families
- sky band
- slavery
- smell
- social changes
- social construction of race
- social morphology
- social movements
- social networks
- social organization
- social reproduction
- social structure
- social valuables
- sociality
- Société Américaine de France
- Société de Géographie de Paris
- Société des Américanistes de Paris
- Société d’Ethnographie
- socio-ontological frontiers
- socioeconomic organization
- sociopolitical organization
- solar cycle
- soul
- souls
- sound
- sound symbolism
- sources of lexicalisation
- South America
- south celestial pole
- Southern Peru
- space
- spatial symbolism
- spatiality
- spectacle
- spirit presence
- spirits
- split-intransitivity
- sports
- St. Bartholomew
- St. Francis of Assisi
- stelae
- stèles
- story
- string figure
- string figures
- structural analysis
- structuralism
- subjectification
- subsistance economy
- substance
- suicide
- sun dance
- Suruí of Rondônia
- sustainable development
- swallow potters
- symbolic classification
- symbolic efficacy
- symbolic system
- symbolical numbers
- symbolism
- synchrony
- syncretism
- system of cargo
- Takiwasi
- technical system
- temporal frame
- temporalities
- temporality
- Tenochtitlan
- Teotihuacan
- Tepiman connection
- Terminal Classic
- territorial organization
- territoriality
- territorialization process
- territory
- textile
- textual critics
- textuality
- the Borgia group
- theater
- time
- time-space
- Tlazolteotl
- toad
- Toba (Qom)
- Tobas
- Tobas of Western Formosa
- Tonina
- tool marks
- toro-tinku
- totemism
- Totemism
- toztli
- tradition
- traditionalism
- transfiguration
- transformation
- transgender
- transgression
- transition
- Transitional Period
- translation
- Tro-cotesian
- Troano
- Trocortesian Codex
- trumpets
- Tseltal
- Tukano
- tunnel
- Tunupa
- Tupinambá
- tutelary hill
- Tututepec
- typology