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Call for papers for the online sections of the Journal de la Société des Océanistes

Academic research in the social sciences and humanities in Oceania has seen a diversification of approaches in recent decades, a rebalancing that takes into account the multiplicity of existing voices, perspectives and viewpoints. Indigenous researchers and authors have paved the way for the recognition and the legitimization of their epistemologies and modes of accessing and constructing knowledge to serve as the basis for research conducted with their communities. While the need to explore and include alternative modes of knowing, in particular those based on Pacific knowledge and values, has been understood, epistemologies originating from Europe have increasingly been appropriated and discussed locally in Oceania. Today, as the – often asymmetrical – relational configurations of research are challenged, there is a necessity to reflect upon new methodologies that allow for more cooperative and trust-based work.

This proposal of online sections for the Journal de la Société des Océanistes aims to reflect its commitment to participate in the decolonization of methods and to contribute to the recognition and valorization of local knowledge, by embracing their plurality. These online sections thus intend to propose diversified spaces of expression in order to contribute to the sharing of knowledge about Oceanian societies and cultures and to give them more visibility in the French-speaking world.

The texts can be accompanied by an iconography proposed by the authors or which may be sought in collaboration with the section editors. Other formats, including audio-visual, are also welcome. Contributions will be assessed anonymously by two reviewers. The final decision will be made by the editorial board of the journal’s online sections.

The format of the texts should not exceed 50,000 characters (spaces included), including references and notes. They may be published in French and English, with the possibility of proposing a version in an Oceanic language. For general indications on the formatting of the texts, see

Please feel free to send your paper proposals anytime to the section editors.


Coordination: Estelle Castro-Koshy (, Aurélie Condevaux ( et Jessica De Largy Healy (

This section welcomes contributions exploring diversified modes of knowledge and knowing, which draw on the imaginary, orality and literature as well as on social sciences. The contributions may take the form of literary or knowledge-related essays, short stories, narratives, poetry, songs, annotated translations, texts mobilizing Indigenous or alternative modes of writing, and reflections on epistemologies or methodologies used in academic work.


Coordination: Marie Durand (, Hélène Guiot (, Stéphanie Leclerc-Caffarel (

We invite authors to propose contributions on “tangible and intangible heritages” – which are not always easily distinguishable in the Pacific, and on museum cultures that may be associated with them. This section is intended to be a place for expressing critical and contemporary views on the history of current and past manifestations of these heritages and the ways they are variously categorized. The contributions can take various forms: texts (interviews, essays, articles), visual productions, podcasts...


Coordination: Miriama Bono (, Sébastien Galliot (, Sean Mallon (

This section intends to give visibility to contemporary artistic productions while offering readers a critical approach of these artistic proposals. Because today these productions take a multitude of forms, from painting to choreography to tattooing or digital arts, this section is therefore polymorphous and relays the words of authors as well as that of academics through (among others) artist biographies, commented works, surveys and academic analyses (among others).

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