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Dossier Rongorongo Tablet Keiti: a discussion

Decipherment problems of Easter Island script: a discussion

p. 3-4

Texte intégral

1Last year the editors of the Journal de la Société des Océanistes received a manuscript of a paper by Rafal Wieczorek, submitted for the publication in the journal. According to the rules, it was sent for review to two specialists in the field. The opinions of referees diverged, ranging from “acceptable upon rewriting” to “completely unacceptable”. The author was informed of these comments and improved the manuscript, so that the editors considered it as a contribution that deserves a publication. However, the criticism voiced by two referees was considerable and addressed different aspects of the paper, so that it was decided to ask these referees (Paul Horley and Konstantin Pozdniakov) to supply detailed comments in critique of Wieczorek’s paper. In other words, the editors offered the space for an ample scientific discussion focused on fundamental problems of rongorongo studies, paying a special attention to crucial issues such as general structural analysis of the text and detection of repetitive patterns that may be associated with calendar-like information. We hope that the readers will enjoy these contributions, presenting different views and approaches tackling the same exciting problem – detailed analysis of the unique writing system of Easter Island. We also hope that publishing this discussion heralds a new turn in the decipherment history of rongorongo. As Konstantin Pozdniakov wrote in his paper,

« the appearance of so many papers dedicated to [a] … particular text can be interpreted as a positive signal marking the beginning of a new epoch in the studies of Easter Island script – when the times of individual “enlightening” and “revelations” are over, when the specialists finally started to talk with each other, sometimes even coming to an agreement. »

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Référence papier

« Decipherment problems of Easter Island script: a discussion »Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 132 | 2011, 3-4.

Référence électronique

« Decipherment problems of Easter Island script: a discussion »Journal de la Société des Océanistes [En ligne], 132 | 1er semestre 2011, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2011, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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