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Measuring the Correctness of Double-Keying: Error Classification and Quality Control in a Large Corpus of TEI-Annotated Historical Text

Susanne Haaf, Frank Wiegand and Alexander Geyken


Among mass digitization methods, double-keying is considered to be the one with the lowest error rate. This method requires two independent transcriptions of a text by two different operators. It is particularly well suited to historical texts, which often exhibit deficiencies like poor master copies or other difficulties such as spelling variation or complex text structures.

Providers of data entry services using the double-keying method generally advertise very high accuracy rates (around 99.95% to 99.98%). These advertised percentages are generally estimated on the basis of small samples, and little if anything is said about either the actual amount of text or the text genres which have been proofread, about error types, proofreaders, etc. In order to obtain significant data on this problem it is necessary to analyze a large amount of text representing a balanced sample of different text types, to distinguish the structural XML/TEI level from the typographical level, and to differentiate between various types of errors which may originate from different sources and may not be equally severe.

This paper presents an extensive and complex approach to the analysis and correction of double-keying errors which has been applied by the DFG-funded project "Deutsches Textarchiv" (German Text Archive, hereafter DTA) in order to evaluate and preferably to increase the transcription and annotation accuracy of double-keyed DTA texts. Statistical analyses of the results gained from proofreading a large quantity of text are presented, which verify the common accuracy rates for the double-keying method.

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Author's notes

We want to thank our proofreaders for their support in establishing a representative sample of proofreading pages.

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1. Introduction

1Among mass digitization methods, double-keying is considered to be the one with the lowest error rate. The double-keying method requires two independent transcriptions of a text by two different operators. The two resulting versions are compared in order to detect transcription errors. Since two human operators are unlikely to make the same mistakes, the double-keying method yields very high accuracy rates. It is particularly well suited to historical texts, which often exhibit deficiencies like poor master copies or other difficulties such as spelling variation or complex text structures. Therefore, for the digitization of large amounts of historical text, it is common to employ the method of double-keying rather than applying (semi-)automatic methods (see DFG 2009, 10–11). In addition to data entry, the double-keying process may also include an enrichment of the text with structural annotations. In such cases, the comparison of the double-keyed output texts may also reveal ambiguities in the underlying tag set.

  • 1 For example, the accuracy level of the digitized dictionary of J. H. Campe has been ascertained to (...)

2Providers of data entry services using the double-keying method generally advertise accuracy rates around 99.95% to 99.98%. The "DFG Practical Guidelines on Digitization" (DFG 2009, 11) even foresee accuracy rates of 99.997%, resulting in "virtually error-free texts." While we do not dispute that the accuracy rate of double-keying texts is very high, the advertised percentages are generally estimated on the basis of small samples, and little if anything is said about either the actual amount of text or the text genres which have been proofread, about error types, proofreaders, or other factors that might affect accuracy.1 Studies on accuracy rates and quality control have been undertaken for Optical Character Recognition systems (see, for instance, Furrer et al. 2011; Holley 2009a and 2009b; Tanner et al. 2009), whereas to our knowledge the double-keying accuracy has not yet been subjected to further research. But in order to develop quality control methods for the digitization of large amounts of (historical) text via double-keying, knowledge about typical error categories and their corresponding error rates leading to precise evaluations of text transcription and annotation approaches is crucial.

3In order to obtain significant data on this problem it is necessary to analyze a large amount of text representing a balanced sample of different text types, to distinguish the structural XML/TEI level from the typographical level, and to differentiate between various types of errors which may originate from different sources and may not be equally severe.

4This paper presents an extensive and complex approach to the analysis and correction of double-keying errors which has been applied by the DFG-funded project "Deutsches Textarchiv" (German Text Archive, hereafter DTA).2 Our aim was to evaluate and preferably to increase the transcription and annotation accuracy of double-keyed DTA texts. Statistical analyses of the results gained from proofreading a large quantity of text are presented, which verify the common accuracy rates for the double-keying method.

2. Large-Scale Double-Keying for the DTA

  • 3 For further information about the DTA project, see Geyken et al. (2011).

5Since 2007, the DTA has been compiling a steadily growing, balanced corpus of German historical texts of different genres ranging from the late 18th to the end of the 19th century.3 About 260,000 full-text digitized pages corresponding to more than 400 million characters have already been digitized by various methods, among which transcription by non-native speakers via double-keying is the most important one (175,151 pages and about 298 million characters).

6As part of the double-keying process, structural annotations were added to the transcribed texts by the typists using a simplified pseudo-XML tag set. These XML tags were then converted (semi-)automatically into the DTA base format, a subset of the TEI P5 annotation standard. The DTA base format consists of about 80 elements within <text> and a stable set of attribute-value pairs. It has been applied consistently over the entire DTA corpus in order to preserve intertextual coherence on a structural level.4 Furthermore, use of the DTA base format may serve to raise the degree of interoperability among TEI-annotated historical texts.5

3. Methods of Quality Control at the DTA

  • 6 For further information on the quality assurance methods applied in the DTA project, see Geyken et (...)

7In order to ensure both transcription and annotation accuracy, various quality control methods are applied before and after text recognition.6

8Generally, data typists are provided with guidelines specifying the basic encoding format as well as transcription rules (hereafter referred to collectively as DTA guidelines).7 In addition, the DTA provides special information about each book to the typists to support the transcription and annotation task, e.g. information about special cases and exceptions of the source text as well as structuring examples. The latter are added as labels to the images provided of each book (see figure 1), using the DTA ZOT ("zoning tool"), which was developed specifically for this task.8

Figure 1. Structuring examples for a DTA image (Frank Wedekind, Frühlings Erwachen, [Zürich: Groß, 1891], 3)

  • 9 For example, for orthographic standardization purposes some DTA texts are compared based on string (...)

9Even though these precautions improve the textual and structural adequacy of text transcriptions considerably, errors cannot be avoided completely in advance. Not only are transcription problems still likely to occur, but tagging errors may occur as well because of underspecifications in the tag set. Automatic methods may help to systematically identify typical transcription and printing errors,9 but proofreading remains indispensable for detecting individual exception cases. Therefore, the DTA employs word-by-word proofreading by native speakers, especially philologists, of historical texts with high degrees of both structural complexity and spelling variation.


10To support the proofreading task, the quality assurance platform DTAQ10 has been developed, a web-based collaboration tool which allows distributed proofreaders to review DTA texts page by page with reference to the source images. After data entry and conversion of the text into XML/TEI, each book is integrated in DTAQ.

11Along with their metadata, books are presented in various ways via a customizable web front end. To provide different views of the source images together with their corresponding TEI transcriptions, each book is split up into single page files, using the <pb> element as a separator (the separation process is reversible, so that these single files can be merged together to get the original TEI document back).

  • 11 For example, diacritical characters like the "combining Latin small letter e" (U+0364), or the "Lat (...)

12The DTAQ GUI is highly customizable. Users can set up the workspace according to their screen resolution, and there are various ways to present special Unicode characters, even if there is no font available on the client side to display them in a satisfactory way.11 Furthermore, there are options to adjust the presentation of facsimiles according to the user's particular preferences when proofreading: facsimiles can be zoomed into, and they may be moved individually within their frame to get a better look at a particular text passage. The transcription itself is offered either as raw XML/TEI, as rendered HTML using customized XSLT stylesheets (see figure 2), or as plain text which is searchable via a GUI wrapper using the egrep(1) command.

Figure 2. DTAQ, parallel view (image and rendered HTML)

  • 12 Cascaded Analysis Broker; see Jurish (2012).

13A fourth mode of text presentation is provided in DTAQ, showing the results of the linguistic analyses associating each token with a normalized modern orthographic word form using CAB12 (see figure 3).

Figure 3. DTAQ, CAB view (modernized spelling)

14Finally, there is the option to obtain the part-of-speech analysis corresponding to each single token of a page.

15This way, users of DTAQ can analyze the digital image together with a chosen representation of the corresponding transcription page by page, in order to compare them and flag erroneous pieces. If errors are found, proofreaders can report them as "tickets" (as in a software bug-tracking system), providing information about the type and location of the error, as well as the correct form. The information comprised by each ticket may be modified or supplemented by any user. Tickets—as well as information about all changes made to them—are stored in the database back end; various RSS feeds as well as severity and priority levels are provided, too.

16The back end of DTAQ is built upon many open source packages. Using Perl13 as a glue language, the system runs on Catalyst14 and connects to a PostgreSQL15 database via the DBIx::Class16 ORM, and the web pages are built with Template Toolkit.17 The front end makes heavy use of jQuery18 and Highcharts JS19 to create a very interactive and responsive user interface.

17Using only Open Source technologies and a robust web application framework along with modern Javascript libraries, no complicated setup is required, so that collaborators have easy access to DTAQ and benefit from the various possibilities that modern web sites can provide.

18Quality assurance via proofreading using DTAQ began in April 2011. During 10 months of work with DTAQ (through January 2012), more than 15,000 different pages were proofread.

5. Error Types

19During the first examinations of our texts with regard to the overall text quality, several typical error sources resulting in characteristic error categories were identified. These categories include violations of the DTA guidelines, printing errors (i.e. textual anomalies of the source text), and errors arising during the transformation of our simplified pseudo-XML format to TEI P5. The first error category can be further subdivided into transcription errors, annotation (structuring) errors with regard to the DTA base format, and HTML rendering problems (which may in turn necessitate changes to the tag set). This analysis therefore results in five different error types:

  1. Transcription error
  2. Annotation error (XML)
  3. Representation error (HTML)
  4. Workflow error
  5. Errata (in corrigenda, certain, uncertain, semantic)

20These error types were used to categorize errors during the text proofreading process of our case study, which is presented in the next section.

6. Measuring the Correctness of Double-Keying: A Case Study

21Between August 2011 and January 2012, we conducted a case study at the DTA, during which a considerable amount of text drawn from the DTA corpus was proofread. The goal of this proofreading case study was twofold. First, we intended to measure the error rates of double-keying on the basis of a larger text sample by means of a careful proofreading process using the DTAQ platform. Second, we tried to take advantage of the proofreading results to improve our quality assurance methods in the DTA workflow and thus our ability not only to correct, but also to prevent, errors.

22The study was carried out in two phases lasting three months each. For each phase, a sample was extracted from the DTA corpus and provided to the proofreaders. Twenty-two persons took part in the proofreading process, which consisted of checking the transcribed texts for errors by comparing them to the corresponding images using DTAQ. Errors were reported as tickets and classified according to the error types listed above.

23Texts were chosen by genre and typeface on the one hand (science/Fraktur, science/Antiqua, fiction/Fraktur, functional literature/Fraktur) and by vicennium (twenty-year period) on the other hand (1780–1799, 1800–1819, 1820–1839, 1840–1859, 1860–1879, 1880–1899), which led to 24 different categories. Thus, we aimed at getting a wide cross-section of our corpus based on the assumption that varying degrees of difficulty are encountered in text transcriptions and annotations depending on the above-mentioned properties: time of publication, genre, and typeface (see figure 4).

Figure 4. Reviewed characters by category

24In addition, the selection of text samples was based on as many works as possible, since transcription and annotation quality may depend on factors such as the condition of the master copy, the structural complexity of the source text, and the presence of foreign language material.20 More precisely, the following constraints were imposed on each category: A minimum length of 27,000 characters and a maximum length of 100,000 characters21 for each source text was required. Within one source text, only consecutive pages were considered, generally taken from within the <body> element of the respective TEI document to avoid an abundance of title pages, tables of contents, indices, and the like. Nevertheless, a limited number of examples for the aforementioned structures was taken into account as well. Furthermore, in order to minimize category bias due to sample selection, each category had to be represented by at least 300,000 but not more than 500,000 characters, drawn from at least three different sample texts.

25The resulting text sample consisted of more than 9.9 million characters on 7,208 pages taken from 170 books. Table 1 shows the distribution of books and characters over categories.

funct. literature/
1780–1799 357,609 (9) 341,464 (5) 293,757 (7) 426,130 (9) 1,418,960 (30)
1800–1819 396,308 (8) 434,112 (8) 465,459 (6) 305,677 (4) 1,601,556 (26)
1820–1839 485,709 (9) 501,483 (10) 344,919 (9) 399,993 (6) 1,732,104 (34)
1840–1859 393,898 (7) 350,118 (4) 310,060 (5) 494,828 (6) 1,548,904 (22)
1860–1879 501,619 (9) 481,593 (7) 405,302 (5) 500,461 (6) 1,888,975 (27)
1880–1899 502,353 (10) 501,856 (12) 438,729 (6) 302,283 (3) 1,745,221 (31)
total 2,637,496 (52) 2,610,626 (46) 2,258,226 (38) 2,429,372 (34) 9,935,720 (170)

Table 1. Characters (books) per category

7. Results

26The first major result of our case study was that the proofreading conducted on the sample corpus (7,208 pages) yielded only 2,758 tickets. In other words, only one error was reported for every three full pages proofread. This outcome already supports claims of high accuracy rates for the double-keying method. Further analysis of the results of our study—namely the proportions of annotation and transcription errors, as well as of errors which go beyond the level of double-keying errors in a strict sense—is presented in the remainder of this section.

7.1 Annotation Errors

27Annotation errors are not only a problem for the semantic structuring of texts; they almost always result in presentation errors as well, so they may have a considerable impact on the outcome of the text digitization process at different levels. As mentioned above, the annotation of the transcribed text is part of the double-keying process, so that annotation errors may be taken into account for the calculation of double-keying accuracy. However, certain parts of the text annotation are carried out during other stages of the digitization process as well.

28Our study yielded several typical sources for annotation errors, such as uncertainties regarding the correct application of the DTA guidelines during image preparation in advance as well as during text transcription, or even during proofreading. Furthermore, some annotation problems were the result of automatic processes which had been applied for the conversion of the pseudo-XML tagged texts to TEI P5.

29Nevertheless, based on the data from our proofreading task, we were able to identify annotation error types which usually emerge during the text recognition process:

  1. Changes between different typefaces
  2. Difficulties regarding to structuring across page breaks
  3. Misinterpretation of paragraphs

7.1.1 Changes Between Different Typefaces

30Concerning typographical particularities, the recognition of a change between different Fraktur typefaces seems to cause most difficulties.

Example 1. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (1)

Example 1. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (1)

[excerpt from​sailer_selbstmord_1785/​36]


<p>[...]heit lernet der Men&#x017f;ch natürlicher Wei&#x017f;e nur <lb/> aus den 
  Kra&#x0364;ften &#x017f;eines Ko&#x0364;rpers, nur <hi rendition="#fr">aus<lb/>der 
  Natur der Dinge</hi> kennen. Wir ha-[...]</p>


<p>[...]heit lernet der Men&#x017f;ch natürlicher Wei&#x017f;e nur <lb/> aus den 
  <hi rendition="#fr">Kra&#x0364;ften &#x017f;eines Ko&#x0364;rpers,</hi> nur 
  <hi rendition="#fr">aus<lb/>der Natur der Dinge</hi> kennen. Wir ha-[...]</p>

31Nevertheless, misinterpretations of the typographical conditions of the text source did occur on other levels as well. For example, in some cases increased letter-spacing was erroneously applied to text parts, where no change of letter-spacing had been intended by the printer.

Example 2. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (2)

Example 2. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (2)

[excerpt from​dohm_juden02_1783/​16]


Sache halten, ern&#x017f;thaft zu bewei&#x017f;en, <hi rendition="#g">daß</hi> es<lb/>
keine Hexen gebe; aber ha&#x0364;tte jener ewig


Sache halten, ern&#x017f;thaft zu bewei&#x017f;en, daß es<lb/>
keine Hexen gebe; aber ha&#x0364;tte jener ewig

7.1.2 Difficulties Regarding Structuring Across Page Breaks

32Because of the image-oriented (and therefore page-oriented) preparation of the source texts, difficulties are encountered regarding structuring across page breaks. Typists sometimes decided wrongly whether a certain structure (e.g. a paragraph) did or did not finish at the end of a page.

7.1.3 Misinterpretation of Paragraphs

33Sometimes, a single paragraph containing a block insertion was erroneously transcribed as several separate paragraphs.

Example 3. Paragraph containing a block insertion

Example 3. Paragraph containing a block insertion

[excerpt from​anthus_esskunst_1838/​39]


<p>Durchaus findet &#x017f;ich bei <hi rendition="#g">Homer</hi> kein gekochtes 
  Flei&#x017f;ch,<lb/>&#x017f;ondern immer Braten. Die Worte:<lb/></p>
<p>„Schnitten behend in Stu&#x0364;cken das Flei&#x017f;ch und &#x017f;teckten’s an 
  Spie&#x017f;e,<lb/>Brieten &#x017f;odann vor&#x017f;ichtig und zogen es alles 
  herunter“<lb/>&#x017f;ind in der Iliade und Ody&#x017f;&#x017f;ee gleich 
  &#x017f;tereotyp, und wie-<lb/>derholen &#x017f;ich unza&#x0364;hlige Male. 
  Ein merkwu&#x0364;rdiger Um&#x017f;tand!<lb/></p>


<p>Durchaus findet &#x017f;ich bei <hi rendition="#g">Homer</hi> kein gekochtes 
  Flei&#x017f;ch,<lb/>&#x017f;ondern immer Braten. Die Worte:<lb/>
  <cit><quote>„Schnitten behend in Stu&#x0364;cken das Flei&#x017f;ch und
  &#x017f;teckten’s an Spie&#x017f;e,<lb/>Brieten &#x017f;odann vor&#x017f;ichtig 
  und zogen es alles herunter“<lb/></quote></cit>
  &#x017f;ind in der Iliade und Ody&#x017f;&#x017f;ee gleich &#x017f;tereotyp, 
  und wie-<lb/>derholen &#x017f;ich unza&#x0364;hlige Male. Ein merkwu&#x0364;rdiger 

7.2 Transcription Errors

34Regarding the double-keying accuracy in the DTA corpus, transcription errors are of special interest, since they are really only a matter of correct text recognition by the typists. In addition to pure characters, we considered recognition errors involving line breaks as transcription errors as well, because they have a direct effect on the number of characters in the raw text transcription. In contrast, for example, missing ornamental elements were regarded as a matter of annotation, even though they entail a loss of source-text material, since they are indicated only through XML elements and therefore don’t have any influence on the number of characters in the raw text.

35Following these rules, the 7,208 pages of our text sample contained 830 transcription errors.

7.2.1 Characteristics of Transcription Errors

36The analysis of the transcription errors found in our proofreading sample brought to light some interesting facts. Obviously, some letters caused more recognition difficulties than others, leading to pairs of letters typically and frequently causing transcription errors (see table 2).

source text transcription example source example transcription
and vice versa
f ſ (long s) tiefſter
occurs in Fraktur and Antiqua
u n Abſcheu
occurs mostly in Fraktur
b h erhellt
occurs in Fraktur and oblique Antiqua
r t neigten
occurs in Fraktur
V B Vetter
occurs in Fraktur
l i eilig
occurs in Fraktur and Antiqua

Table 2. Pairs of letters frequently causing transcription errors

37Other, less frequent transcription problems involved the letters ſ/s, c/e, r/x, t/i, o/e, C/T, J/I (capital i), N/R, e/c, m/n, a/u, and k/t.

38Often (in 124 cases), punctuation marks (such as . , : ! ? / ( ) [ ] { } ‚‘ „") were affected, or spaces and line breaks were wrongly omitted or inserted. Such errors would not affect corpus searches for word forms, but may influence the results of the tokenization and consequently of many linguistic analyses based on it.

39Occasionally, transcription errors resulted in "false friends," i.e. valid word-forms which were however lexically distinct from the correct transcription. In such cases the incorrect words would be found via corpus search, whereas the correct forms would not. Examples for such false friends were:

40Questions about false friends arising from transcription errors, the parts of speech affected, and word accuracy in general are of interest in other contexts (see Nartker et al. 2003; Tanner 2009). For us, however, character accuracy remains the foremost concern, since many DTA-corpus usage scenarios require correct transcriptions of the source text on the character level.

7.2.2 Transcription Accuracy

41After evaluating all transcription error tickets, each error was assigned the appropriate Levenshtein distance d (where insertion, deletion, and substitution are each assigned a cost of 1; see Levenshtein 1965). In most cases, one error per ticket was found. Nevertheless, there were cases in which d turned out to be greater than 1 (see table 3).

42To calculate the length of the transcribed text in total, each Unicode character that occurred (excluding combining diacritical marks, but including line breaks) was counted as 1 character. After the correction of each error, the accuracy (correctness) c of the transcribed text T with respect to the original source S was calculated as:

source S transcription T |S| |T| d c
als als 3 3 0 1
Luft Luſt 4 4 1 0.75
neceſſariis neceſſarns 11 10 2 0.82
ſchwangern ſchroangern 10 11 2 0.82
nun mm 3 2 3 0

Table 3. Examples for the calculation of transcription correctness

43We calculated transcription correctness for each category as well as in total. Not surprisingly, transcription accuracy tended to decrease with increasing age of the texts (see table 4).

vicennium transcription accuracy
1780–1799 99.9719%
1800–1819 99.9858%
1820–1839 99.9943%
1840–1859 99.9976%
1860–1879 99.9975%
1880–1899 99.9966%

Table 4. Transcription accuracy by vicennium

44Reasons for the increasingly poor transcription accuracy of the older texts may include the comparatively poorer condition of older prints, as well as the fact that older Fraktur typefaces usually are more ornate than newer ones.

45Concerning text genre, it turned out that contrary to our hypothesis, fictional texts were not easier to transcribe than non-fictional scientific texts (see table 5).

genre transcription accuracy
fiction 99.9886%
functional literature 99.9916%
science 99.9916%

Table 5. Transcription accuracy by genre

46Interestingly, in contrast to OCR output (see Furrer et al. 2011, 97) the typeface did not have any notable effect on the accuracy rate (see table 6).

typeface transcription accuracy
Antiqua 99.9918%
Fraktur 99.9906%

Table 6. Transcription accuracy by typeface

47Table 7 shows the accuracy rates for each of our defined categories.

functional literature/
1780–1799 99.9771% 99.9751% 99.9493% 99.9805% 99.9719%
1800–1819 99.9816% 99.9841% 99.9951% 99.9794% 99.9858%
1820–1839 99.9961% 99.9948% 99.9904% 99.9952% 99.9943%
1840–1859 99.9987% 99.9986% 99.9955% 99.9974% 99.9976%
1860–1879 99.9964% 99.9985% 99.9990% 99.9962% 99.9975%
1880–1899 99.9956% 99.9988% 99.9934% 99.9993% 99.9966%
total 99.9915% 99.9918% 99.9886% 99.9916% 99.9909%

Table 7. Transcription accuracy by category

48The overall accuracy rate for our text sample was 99.9909%, that is, 91 transcription errors in one million characters. Hence, it exceeded the accuracy rates of 99.95%–99.98% advertised by double-keying companies (see the introduction above). In addition, the guaranteed accuracy rates were obtained for 23 of 24 categories.

8. Errors Beyond Double-Keying Correctness

49Knowledge about workflow errors and presentation errors is important in order to improve our text quality and quality assurance methods, as well as the presentation of our texts. Nevertheless, these kinds of errors generally do not arise from double-keying. Therefore, they were reported during the proofreading process but were not taken into account for measuring the double-keying correctness of our texts.

50Printing errors (errata) are properly a matter of text revision after data entry, since non-native speakers would not be able to annotate printing errors and offer the correct form. However, they sometimes are accompanied by transcription errors, for example in cases where they were inadvertently corrected by the typists.

Example 4. Transcription problems with printing errors (1)

Example 4. Transcription problems with printing errors (1)

Wrong transcription:

von den Geheimni&#x017f;&#x017f;en des For&#x017f;tes

Right transcription:

von den Geheimni&#x017f;&#x017f;en drs For&#x017f;tes

[excerpt from​fouque_undine_1811/​19]

51Such corrections of printing errors or illegible letters may also lead to misinterpretations, thus introducing new errors.

52Finally, printing errors may result in mistranscriptions of surrounding characters because of instructions in the DTA guidelines.

Example 5. Transcription problems with printing errors (2)

Example 5. Transcription problems with printing errors (2)

[excerpt from​campe_theophron01_1783/​36]

According to the DTA guidelines, the Fraktur capital letter "J" should be transcribed either "I" (before consonant) or "J" (before vowel), since there is usually only one letter for these two phonemes in Fraktur typefaces. Here, it was accordingly transcribed "J" instead of "I", because of the printing error "u" for "n". Such problems transcribing "I" vs. "J", which were brought to light through our study, led us to change the above-mentioned transcription rule: The Fraktur letter "J" will henceforth be transcribed as "J", irrespective of its context.

53All such cases were classified as transcription errors. In contrast, printing errors of the text source that were silently reproduced by the typists were not taken into account in measuring the transcription accuracy, since as far as the equivalence of the transcription with the source texts is concerned, the affected words were transcribed correctly.

9. Prospects

54The DTA corpus is currently being extended in two ways. First, in the course of the second phase of the DTA project, earlier texts dating from 1600 to 1780 are being digitized. Second, in the course of the subproject DTAE (DTA Extensions),22 our corpus is being extended by texts from all time periods represented in the DTA that have themselves been digitized by other projects. This way, we provide a basis for comparative corpus research by offering a balanced historical core corpus as well as specialized sub-corpora focusing on particular discourses. In addition, DTAE represents a platform for publication of digitized historical texts which would otherwise not be available to a broader scientific public.

55The older our texts get, the more likely we will have to deal with transcription and annotation difficulties. For example, text structuring layouts in the master copies will become more and more complex, texts will increasingly contain special characters or foreign language material, and German text material generally will appear in Fraktur typeface with a large variety of decorated letters.

56Therefore, the knowledge about potential error sources and frequencies of error types that we gained through our study will enable us to periodically adjust our quality control methods. For example, in DTAQ, all ticket information (i.e. information about the errors that were found through proofreading) is stored in a database and therefore available for further analysis. Based on these data, potential error sources in particular texts (e.g. changes between typefaces within one text, similar appearance of different letters) can be anticipated and avoided by providing typists with representative examples. In addition, lists of frequent errors can be communicated to the typists in order to attract special attention to similar cases. Subsequent to text recognition, new texts can be searched for erroneous strings that occurred repeatedly in the proofread texts and that are uncommon in the German language (see example 6).

Example 6. Uncommon string "cb" due to transcription error

Example 6. Uncommon string "cb" due to transcription error

Wrong transcription:


Right transcription:


[excerpt from​moser_politische01_1796/​102]

57Therefore, based on the results of our study, we compiled a large list of certainly erroneous words or strings, which may be applied regularly to the DTA corpus in order to detect errors in an efficient way. However, this error detection method may only be applied semi-automatically, since each potential error needs to be reviewed and classified as transcription or printing error manually in order to be treated properly.

10. Conclusion

58The project Deutsches Textarchiv aims to create a text corpus of German printed works dating from 1600 to 1900 that is suitable for linguistic research on the development of the (historical) New High German language. In this context, in order to avoid misinterpretations (e.g. concerning questions of spelling variation, lexical variation, or specifics of the print itself), it is necessary to ensure that the transcribed texts are highly accurate representations of the text sources. Since the extent of the text corpus may have an impact on the results of linguistic analyses as well, it is necessary to apply transcription and annotation methods which allow for the digitization of large amounts of text in a justifiable amount of time, while leading to highly accurate results as well.

59The study presented in this paper aimed to measure the correctness of the double-keying transcription method, which is estimated to be highly accurate and therefore generally applied very frequently by text digitization projects. It has been the most important digitization method for the DTA corpus texts as well. In order to measure the accuracy of double-keyed texts, a subcorpus of 7,208 pages chosen from the DTA corpus with respect to different criteria was proofread by 22 different persons using the quality assurance platform DTAQ. The results of this extensive proofreading task confirmed that the transcription accuracy of double-keying is very high, showing that this method can be considered suitable for the digitization of historical printed texts. However, the quality assurance methods applied by the DTA in advance are likely to have a positive effect on the transcription quality. As a result of our study, we were able to gain insights on where transcription problems are still likely to occur and how our quality assurance methods may be improved in order to avoid errors in advance or efficiently eliminate them subsequent to text recognition.

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1 For example, the accuracy level of the digitized dictionary of J. H. Campe has been ascertained to achieve up to 99.996%; cf., p. 16.

2 Deutsches Textarchiv (DTA):

3 For further information about the DTA project, see Geyken et al. (2011).

4 DTA base format:

5 The necessity of using a basic TEI subset for text structuring to ensure the interoperability of TEI texts has been pointed out by Unsworth (2011), among others.

6 For further information on the quality assurance methods applied in the DTA project, see Geyken et al. (2012).

7 DTA transcription guidelines:


9 For example, for orthographic standardization purposes some DTA texts are compared based on string matching with normalized transcriptions of the particular works. As a side effect of this procedure it is possible to extract non-matching strings that contain transcription or printing errors. See Jurish et al. (forthcoming).

10 DTAQ:

11 For example, diacritical characters like the "combining Latin small letter e" (U+0364), or the "Latin small letter r rotunda" (U+A75B) are very frequent in the DTA corpus, but because of the lack of proper Unicode support even in modern browsers they are sometimes rendered into squares or result in scrambled lines, so there is a need to circumvent these inconveniences.

12 Cascaded Analysis Broker; see Jurish (2012).

13 The Perl Programming Language:

14 Catalyst—The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework:

15 PostgreSQL:

16 DBIx::Class:

17 Template Toolkit:

18 jQuery:

19 Highcharts JS:

20 See the Apex Covantage Price Matrix: Prices for data entry are set according to the presence of frequent error sources, e.g. difficult typefaces, broken characters, or physical damage to the source document.

21 Samples consisted of entire pages; therefore slight variation around the 100,000-character limit is possible.

22 DTAE:

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List of illustrations

Caption Figure 1. Structuring examples for a DTA image (Frank Wedekind, Frühlings Erwachen, [Zürich: Groß, 1891], 3)
File image/png, 723k
Caption Figure 2. DTAQ, parallel view (image and rendered HTML)
File image/png, 671k
Caption Figure 3. DTAQ, CAB view (modernized spelling)
File image/png, 754k
Caption Figure 4. Reviewed characters by category
File image/png, 14k
Title Example 1. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (1)
Caption [excerpt from​sailer_selbstmord_1785/​36]
File image/png, 697k
Title Example 2. Misinterpretation of typographical conditions (2)
Caption [excerpt from​dohm_juden02_1783/​16]
File image/png, 147k
Title Example 3. Paragraph containing a block insertion
Caption [excerpt from​anthus_esskunst_1838/​39]
File image/png, 192k
File image/png, 391k
Title Example 4. Transcription problems with printing errors (1)
File image/png, 30k
Title Example 5. Transcription problems with printing errors (2)
Caption [excerpt from​campe_theophron01_1783/​36]
File image/png, 11k
Title Example 6. Uncommon string "cb" due to transcription error
File image/png, 8.2k
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Electronic reference

Susanne Haaf, Frank Wiegand and Alexander Geyken, “Measuring the Correctness of Double-Keying: Error Classification and Quality Control in a Large Corpus of TEI-Annotated Historical Text”Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative [Online], Issue 4 | March 2013, Online since 02 March 2015, connection on 03 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Susanne Haaf

Susanne Haaf works as research assistant/coordinator for the German Text Archive at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

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Frank Wiegand

Frank Wiegand works as research assistant/software developer for the German Text Archive at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

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Alexander Geyken

Alexander Geyken works at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and is head of the project groups of the Digital Dictionary of German language (DWDS, a long-term BBAW-project), and the German Text Archive.

By this author

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The text only may be used under licence TEI Consortium 2013 (Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License) . All other elements (illustrations, imported files) are “All rights reserved”, unless otherwise stated.

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