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Welcome to the Journal of the TEI

The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative is the official journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium. It publishes the proceedings of the annual TEI Conference and Members' Meeting and special thematic issues: state-of-the-art reports on electronic textual editing, current trends in TEI encoding, and new use cases for TEI. It furthermore provides a forum for articles on the discussion of the interface between the TEI and other communities, and more generally of the role of technological standards in the digital humanities, including digital scholarly editing, linguistic analysis, corpora creation, and newer areas such as mass digitization, semantic web research, and editing within virtual worlds.

Current open issue
Issue 17 | 2024 (Open issue)
Selected Papers from the 2022 TEI Conference

Publication history

Open issue April 26, 2024.

3 latest texts

Latest issue
Issue 16 | 2023
Treinta años de TEI en español: usos y comunidad

Thirty years of TEI in Spanish: uses and community
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