Kernos is the only international scientific journal entirely devoted to the study of the religious facts and phenomena in ancient Greece. It aims at providing, not only to the scholars of this field, but also to everyone interested in religious problematics, an instrument of reflexion and working tools to progress in the knowledge of the religious system of the Greeks.
Issues 1 to 17 are currently only available in pdf format [facsimile] and can be freely downloaded.
Latest issue
36 | 2023
Éditorial [Full text]
Better Late Than Never! [Full text]Asklepios’ Arrival(s) in Athens
Ephesian Artemis and Initiation [Full text]
Chroniques des activités scientifiques
Epigraphic Bulletin
Chronique archéologique
Revue des livres
Comptes rendus et notices bibliographiques
Donne e dee nel Mediterraneo antico [Full text]
Reinventing the Amphiareion at Oropos [Full text]
Olympia. A Cultural History [Full text]
Actes de colloques, ouvrages collectifs et anthologies
Revue des revues
Revue des revues [Full text]